OMB Control Number History

OMB Control Number:0704-0489

ICR Ref. No. Request Type Date Received By OIRA Conclusion Date Conclusion Action
202208-0704-002 Extension without change of a currently approved collection  10/27/2022  12/14/2022  Approved with change
201909-0704-009 Extension without change of a currently approved collection  09/30/2019  10/31/2019  Approved without change
201609-0704-003 Revision of a currently approved collection  09/23/2016  10/25/2016  Approved without change
201507-0704-001 Emergency extension  04/28/2016  04/28/2016  Approved
201507-0704-001 Revision of a currently approved collection  07/02/2015  10/05/2015  Approved with change
201309-0704-001 Existing collection in use without an OMB Control Number  09/04/2013  11/04/2013  Approved with change
201201-0704-002 Existing collection in use without an OMB Control Number  01/23/2012  04/27/2012  Preapproved