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Blank fields in records indicate information that was not collected or not collected electronically prior to July 2006.

View ICR - OIRA Conclusion

1115-0255 200208-1115-002
Historical Active
Visa Waiver Program Passenger Arrival and Departure Data
New collection (Request for a new OMB Control Number)   No
Emergency 08/26/2002
Approved with change 10/03/2002
Retrieve Notice of Action (NOA) 08/19/2002
Approved. INS originally did not submit the correct documents that indicate what information would be collected under this OMB number. This information collection will expire in January 2003. Prior to January 2003, INS will have submitted an information collection request for all passengers arriving and departing the U.S., as required by Section 402 of the Enhanced Border Security and Visa Reform Act 2002. INS will ensure that proper notice and comment is received for this forthcoming information collection request. INS will inform carriers of the OMB number, expiration date, and burden estimates for this information collection (1115-0255) via the attached talking points and memo. OMB notes that INS failed to submit the information collection request for arrival passenger data, required by the Aviation Security Act 2001 (Section 115). INS will ensure that no future violations of this nature will occur.
  Inventory as of this Action Requested Previously Approved
04/30/2003 04/30/2003
600 0 0
36,500 0 0
0 0 0