View ICR - OIRA Conclusion

0938-0941 200809-0938-015
Historical Active 200511-0938-002
Medicare Demonstration Ambulatory Care Quality Measure Performance Assessment Tool ("PAT")
Revision of a currently approved collection   No
Approved with change 01/08/2009
Retrieve Notice of Action (NOA) 09/26/2008
This ICR is approved consistent with CMS memos of 11/10/08 and 12/30/08 and revised supporting statement. Accordingly, CMS 1) agrees to acknowledge all study limitations when discussing study results; 2) recognizes that the results of these demonstrations will not be generalizable to the general population or the Medicare provider/beneficiary population and that further study is needed before pay-for-performance programs are implemented on a wider scale and will therefore not generalize the results beyond the study sites as such; and 3) acknowledges that these demonstrations were not designed to evaluate changes in quality as a function of varying incentive amounts. Further, CMS acknowledges that pay-for-performance programs can lead to unintended consequences (e.g. cream-skimming, exacerbation of health disparities, coding creep, cost-shifting, impeded knowledge transfer among providers, etc.), particularly in the absence of rigorous risk-adjustment methodologies. While CMS intends to evaluate the degree to which these pay-for-performance demonstration programs may have resulted in any unintended consequences, CMS acknowledges that the design of these demonstration programs may not allow for a robust evaluation of these unintended consequences. For all these reasons, caution should be exercised--and further studies conducted--before rolling these programs out on a wider scale. Future rounds should address these limitations to the maximum extent possible. Finally, CMS shall discontinue 0938-0942 as those burdens are being rolled into this ICR. Previous terms of clearance remain in effect.
  Inventory as of this Action Requested Previously Approved
01/31/2012 36 Months From Approved 01/31/2009
1,060 0 800
25,990 0 19,200
0 0 0