View ICR - OIRA Conclusion

2060-0313 201911-2060-010
Active 201609-2060-002
EPA/OAR 1717.12
NESHAP for Off-Site Waste and Recovery Operations (40 CFR part 63, subpart DD) (Renewal)
Extension without change of a currently approved collection   No
Approved without change 01/29/2020
Retrieve Notice of Action (NOA) 11/27/2019
Upon resubmission, the agency must update the burden estimates to accurately reflect the number of respondents in industry and verify that there are no reporting or recordkeeping requirements for States in 40 CFR part 63, subpart DD. The agency must also ensure that burden is calculated for all of the requirements and that the requirements and burden tables are consistent throughout the supporting statement. The agency must provide screen shots of the electronic mode of collection that is used for this information collection. In addition, the agency must have a burden statement that aligns with the requirements under 5 CFR 1320.8(b)(3) and placement of the OMB control number for on-line submissions on the initial screen per 5 CFR 1320.3(f)(2).
  Inventory as of this Action Requested Previously Approved
01/31/2023 36 Months From Approved 01/31/2020
100 0 90
47,800 0 40,600
892,000 0 874,000