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The Home-Based Child Care Toolkit for Nurturing School-Age Children Pilot Study OPRE

Document Type Form No. Form Name Instrument File URL Available Electronically? Can Be Submitted Electronically? Electronic Capability
Other-Interview Script Instrument 1. Phase one provider telephone script and recruitment information collection_clean_12-2-22 .docx Yes Yes Fillable Printable
Other-Interview Script Instrument 2. Phase two provider telephone script and recruitment information collection_clean_12-2-22 .docx Yes Yes Fillable Printable
Other-Questionnaire Instrument 3. HBCC-NSAC Toolkit Provider Questionnaire_English_clean_12-7-22.docx Yes Yes Fillable Printable
Other-Questionnaire Instrument 4. HBCC-NSAC Toolkit Family Questionnaire_clean_12-2-22.docx Yes Yes Paper Only
Other-Interview Guide Instrument 5. Phase one provider cognitive interview guide_clean_12-2-22.docx Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-Interview Guide Instrument 6. Phase one family cognitive interview guide_clean_12-2-22.docx Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-Logistical Interview Instrument 7. Family data collection logistics call_clean_12-2-22.docx Yes Yes Fillable Fileable

Community and Social Services Social Services


990 0
Individuals or Households
   50 %

  Requested Program Change Due to New Statute Program Change Due to Agency Discretion Change Due to Adjustment in Agency Estimate Change Due to Potential Violation of the PRA Previously Approved
Annual Number of Responses for this IC 990 0 0 0 0 990
Annual IC Time Burden (Hours) 323 0 0 0 0 323
Annual IC Cost Burden (Dollars) 0 0 0 0 0 0

Title Document Date Uploaded
Appendix A: Community organization outreach materials Appendix A Community organization outreach materials_clean_12-2-22.docx 12/14/2022
Appendix A: Community organization outreach materials Spanish Appendix A Community organization outreach materials_Spanish_12-2-22.docx 12/14/2022
Appendix B: Phase one provider and family recruitment materials Appendix B Phase one provider and family recruitment materials_clean_12-2-22.docx 12/14/2022
Appendix B: Phase one provider and family recruitment materials Spanish Appendix B Phase one provider and family recruitment materials_Spanish_12-2-22.docx 12/14/2022
Appendix C: Phase two provider and family recruitment materials Appendix C Phase two provider and family recruitment materials_clean_12-2-22.docx 12/14/2022
Appendix C: Phase two provider and family recruitment materials Spanish Appendix C Phase two provider and family recruitment materials_Spanish_12-2-22.docx 12/14/2022
Appendix D: Supplemental provider and family recruitment materials Appendix D Supplemental provider and family recruitment materials_clean_12-2-22.docx 12/14/2022
Appendix D: Supplemental provider and family recruitment materials Spanish Appendix D Supplemental provider and family recruitment materials_Spanish_12-2-22.docx 12/14/2022
Appendix E: HBCC-NSAC Toolkit provider questionnaire matrix sampling Appendix E HBCC-NSAC Toolkit provider questionnaire matrix sampling_clean_12-2-22.docx 12/14/2022
Appendix F: Consent Appendix F Consent_clean_12-2-22.docx 12/14/2022
Appendix F: Consent Spanish Appendix F Consent_Spanish_12-2-22.docx 12/14/2022
Appendix G: Sources for HBCC-NSAC Toolkit development Appendix G Sources for HBCC-NSAC Toolkit development_clean_12-2-22.docx 12/14/2022
Appendix H: HBCC-NSAC Toolkit English version pre-test summary Appendix H HBCC-NSAC Toolkit English version pre-test summary_clean_12-2-22.docx 12/14/2022
Appendix I: Provider and family invitations Appendix I Provider and family invitations_clean_12-2-22.docx 12/14/2022
Appendix I: Provider and family invitations Spanish Appendix I Provider and family invitations_Spanish_12-2-22.docx 12/14/2022
Appendix J: Family data collection instructions Appendix J Family data collection instructions_clean_12-2-22.docx 12/14/2022
Appendix J: Family data collection instructions Spanish Appendix J Family data collection instructions_Spanish_12-2-22.docx 12/14/2022
Appendix K: Frequently asked questions Appendix K Frequently asked questions_clean_12-2-22.docx 12/14/2022
Appendix K: Frequently asked questions Spanish Appendix K Frequently asked questions_Spanish_12-2-22.docx 12/14/2022
Appendix L: Provider and family thank you letters Appendix L Provider and family thank you letters_clean_12-2-22.docx 12/14/2022
Appendix L: Provider and family thank you letters Spanish Appendix L Provider and family thank you letters_Spanish_12-2-22.docx 12/14/2022
Home-Based Child Care Toolkit for Nurturing School-Age Children Pilot Study SSA HBCCSQ CLIN 7 HBCC-NSAC Toolkit Pilot Study_SSA_clean_12-13-22.docx 12/14/2022
Home-Based Child Care Toolkit for Nurturing School-Age Children Pilot Study SSB HBCCSQ CLIN 7 HBCC-NSAC Toolkit Pilot Study_SSB_clean_12-2-22.docx 12/14/2022
Instrument 1: Phase one provider telephone script and recruitment information collection Spanish Instrument 1. Phase one provider telephone script and recruitment information collection_Spanish_12-2-22.docx 12/14/2022
Instrument 2: Phase two provider telephone script and recruitment information collection Spanish Instrument 2. Phase two provider telephone script and recruitment information collection_Spanish_12-2-22.docx 12/14/2022
Instrument 3: HBCC-NSAC Toolkit provider questionnaire Spanish Instrument 3. HBCC-NSAC Toolkit Provider Questionnaire_Spanish_clean_12-7-22.docx 12/14/2022
Instrument 4: HBCC-NSAC Toolkit family questionnaire Spanish Instrument 4. HBCC-NSAC Toolkit Family Questionnaire_Spanish_clean_12-2-22.docx 12/14/2022
Instrument 5: Phase one provider cognitive interview guide Spanish Instrument 5. Phase one provider cognitive interview guide_Spanish_12-2-22.docx 12/14/2022
Instrument 6: Phase one family cognitive interview guide Spanish Instrument 6. Phase one family cognitive interview guide_Spanish_12-2-22.docx 12/14/2022
Instrument 7: Family data collection logistics call Spanish Instrument 7. Family data collection logistics call_Spanish_12-2-22.docx 12/14/2022
            Blank fields in records indicate information that was not collected or not collected electronically prior to July 2006.