Agency Rule List - Spring 2024

All Agencies

Agency Agenda Stage of Rulemaking Title RIN
USDA/FSA Long-Term Actions Farm Programs; Remove Obsolete Regulations 0560-AI38
USDA/FSA Long-Term Actions Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) 0560-AI41
USDA/FSA Long-Term Actions Biomass Crop Assistance Program (BCAP) 0560-AI54
USDA/FSA Long-Term Actions Environmental Compliance 0560-AI57
USDA/FSA Long-Term Actions Agriculture Priorities and Allocations System (APAS) 0560-AI62
USDA/NRCS Long-Term Actions Miscellaneous Conservation Provisions 0578-AA69
USDA/APHIS Long-Term Actions Importation of Fresh Pomegranate Fruit From Turkey Into the Continental United States 0579-AD88
USDA/APHIS Long-Term Actions Importation of Fresh Citrus Fruit From the Republic of South Africa Into the Continental United States 0579-AD95
USDA/APHIS Long-Term Actions Importation of Fresh Apple and Pear Fruit Into the Continental United States From Certain Countries in the European Union 0579-AE18
USDA/APHIS Long-Term Actions National List of Reportable Animal Diseases 0579-AE39
USDA/APHIS Long-Term Actions Regulation of the Movement of Animals Modified or Produced by Genetic Engineering 0579-AE63
USDA/APHIS Long-Term Actions Establishment of Notice-Based Processes and Removal of Chrysanthemum White Rust-Specific Restrictions 0579-AE66
USDA/APHIS Long-Term Actions Privacy Act Regulations 0579-AE68
USDA/APHIS Long-Term Actions Amendments to Wild and Exotic Animal Handling, Enrichment and Training Regulations 0579-AE69
USDA/APHIS Long-Term Actions Requirements for Importing Dogs For Resale From ASF-Affected Regions 0579-AE72
USDA/AMS Long-Term Actions Organic Aquaculture Standards 0581-AD34
USDA/AMS Long-Term Actions Organic Apiculture Production Standards 0581-AE12
USDA/FNS Long-Term Actions Implementing Provisions From the Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004: Seamless Summer Option for Schools Participating in the National School Lunch Program 0584-AD70
USDA/FNS Long-Term Actions National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs: School Food Service Account Revenue Amendments Related to the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 0584-AE11
USDA/FNS Long-Term Actions Restaurant Meal Program State Agency Annual Plan and Reporting Requirements, and Use of Benefits for Purchase of Community Supported Agriculture Shares 0584-AE32
USDA/FNS Long-Term Actions Technical Changes for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Benefit Redemption Systems 0584-AE37
USDA/FNS Long-Term Actions Providing Regulatory Flexibility for Retailers in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) 0584-AE61
USDA/FNS Long-Term Actions Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP): Reporting Out-of-State Moves 0584-AE70
USDA/FNS Long-Term Actions Strengthening Integrity and Reducing Retailer Fraud in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) 0584-AE71
USDA/FNS Long-Term Actions Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC): Food Delivery Modernization and Streamlining for Customer Service 0584-AE89
USDA/FNS Long-Term Actions Summer Food Service Program: Revisions to Meal Patterns Consistent With Current Nutrition Science 0584-AE90
USDA/FNS Long-Term Actions Final Rule--Implementing Provisions From the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023: Establishing the Summer EBT Program and Non-Congregate Option in the Summer Food Service Program 0584-AE96
USDA/FNS Long-Term Actions Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program: Revisions for Technical Changes to Address Equity 0584-AE97
USDA/FNS Long-Term Actions Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP): Disaster SNAP 0584-AF00
USDA/FS Long-Term Actions Forest and Grassland Climate Resilience 0596-AD59
USDA/FS Long-Term Actions National Environmental Policy Act Compliance 0596-AD62
USDA/OCP Long-Term Actions Agriculture Acquisition Regulation: Internal Policy and Procedural Updates and Technical Changes 0599-AA28
DOC/ADMIN Long-Term Actions Securing the Information and Communications Technology and Services Supply Chain: Licensing Procedures 0605-AA60
DOC/CENSUS Long-Term Actions Foreign Trade Regulations (15 CFR 30): New Filing Requirement & Clarification to Current Requirements 0607-AA59
DOC/EDA Long-Term Actions Elimination of Superfluous Planning Grant Regulation 0610-AA74
DOC/EDA Long-Term Actions Elimination of Regulation Requiring Signage 0610-AA75
DOC/EDA Long-Term Actions Elimination of Superfluous Grantee Occupancy Regulation 0610-AA76
DOC/NOAA Long-Term Actions Magnuson-Stevens Fisheries Conservation and Management Act; Traceability Information Program for Seafood 0648-BH87
DOC/NOAA Long-Term Actions Seafood Import Permitting and Reporting Procedures 0648-BK85
DOC/NOAA Long-Term Actions Pacific Island Pelagic Fisheries; Exemption for Longline Vessels to Fish in Portions of the Large Vessel Prohibited Area in American Samoa 0648-BH62
DOC/NOAA Long-Term Actions Amendment 8 to the Fishery Ecosystem Plan for Pelagic Fisheries of the Western Pacific; Catch and Effort Limits, Including Annual Catch Limit for Striped Marlin 0648-BH64
DOC/NOAA Long-Term Actions Framework Amendment for Fisheries of the Western Pacific; Territorial Specifications 0648-BI24
DOC/NOAA Long-Term Actions Modification of the Temperature-Dependent Component of the Pacific Sardine Harvest Guideline Control Rule to Incorporate New Scientific Information 0648-BE77
DOC/NOAA Long-Term Actions Multi-Year Annual Catch Limits for the Finfish Stocks in the Monitored Stock Category; Coastal Pelagic Species Fishery Management Plan 0648-BH18
DOC/NOAA Long-Term Actions 4(d) Protective Regulations for the Gulf of Maine Distinct Population Segment of Atlantic Sturgeon 0648-AY96
DOC/NOAA Long-Term Actions Taking and Importing Marine Mammals; Taking Marine Mammals Incidental to Training Operations at the Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Cherry Point Range Complex 0648-BK12
DOC/NOAA Long-Term Actions Reduce Mortality of Sea Turtles in Northeast and Mid-Atlantic U.S. Trawl Fisheries 0648-BK91
DOC/NOAA Long-Term Actions Taking Marine Mammals Incidental to the Port Everglades Harbor Deepening and Widening Project, Florida 0648-BL51
DOC/NOAA Long-Term Actions Monitor National Marine Sanctuary Boundary Expansion 0648-BG00
DOC/PTO Long-Term Actions Disclaimer Practice in Patents and Patent Applications 0651-AD46
DOC/PTO Long-Term Actions Changes Under Consideration to Discretionary Institution Practices, Petition Word-Count Limits and Settlement Practices for America Invents Act Trial Proceedings Before the Patent Trial & Appeal Board 0651-AD47
DOC/PTO Long-Term Actions PTAB Rules of Practice for Briefing Discretionary Denial Issues, and Rules for 325(d) Considerations, Instituting Parallel and Serial Petitions, and Termination Due to Settlement Agreement 0651-AD72
DOC/PTO Long-Term Actions Rules Governing Director Review of Patent Trial and Appeal Board Decisions 0651-AD79
DOC/BIS Long-Term Actions Revisions to the Export Administration Regulations to Adopt a Licensing Amendment Process and Other Licensing Process Efficiencies 0694-AE80
DOC/BIS Long-Term Actions Revisions to the Support Document Requirements of the Export Administration Regulations in Response to Executive Order 13563 Retrospective Regulatory Review 0694-AG00
DOC/BIS Long-Term Actions Revisions to Commerce Control List: Impose Controls on Read-Out Integrated Circuits, Seismic Intrusion Detection System, Radar for Helicopter Landing Systems and Specified Nanotechnology 0694-AG08
DOC/BIS Long-Term Actions Addition of Certain Persons to the Entity List 0694-AG18
DOC/BIS Long-Term Actions Commerce Control List: Amendments to Controls Related to Military Vehicles, Vessels of War, Submersible Vessels, Oceanographic Equipment, and Auxiliary and Miscellaneous Military Equipment 0694-AG93
DOC/BIS Long-Term Actions North Korea: Clarification and Update of Prohibitions Under the Export Administration Regulations 0694-AG98
DOC/BIS Long-Term Actions Amendment to the Export Administration Regulations: Removal of Libya Installed Base Provisions 0694-AH17
DOC/BIS Long-Term Actions Revisions to the Export Administration Regulations: Implementation of Sanctions on Russia 0694-AH62
DOC/BIS Long-Term Actions Amendments to Existing Validated End-User Authorizations in the People's Republic of China and India: Samsung China Semiconductor Co. Ltd and GE India Industrial Pvt Ltd. 0694-AH74
DOC/BIS Long-Term Actions Amendments to the Export Administration Regulations: Corrections and Clarifications 0694-AH82
DOC/BIS Long-Term Actions Additional Protocol Regulations: Establishment of a Mandatory Electronic Submission Requirement for Reports 0694-AH95
DOC/BIS Long-Term Actions Amendments to Country Groups for Pakistan Under the Export Administration Regulations 0694-AI01
DOC/BIS Long-Term Actions Termination of 232 Investigations 0694-AI31
DOC/BIS Long-Term Actions Request for Comments Concerning the Imposition of Export Controls on Certain Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) Emerging Technology 0694-AI41
DOC/BIS Long-Term Actions Proposed Additional General Approved Exclusions for Steel Articles 0694-AI50
DOC/BIS Long-Term Actions Revisions to the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) 0694-AI92
DOC/BIS Long-Term Actions Chemical Weapons Convention Regulations: Mandatory Electronic Submission of Declarations, Reports, and Amendments Through the Web-Data Entry System for Industry (Web-DESI) 0694-AJ01
DOC/BIS Long-Term Actions Additions of Entities to the Entity List 0694-AJ03
DOC/BIS Long-Term Actions Additions to the Entity List 0694-AJ10
DOD/COE Long-Term Actions Civil Monetary Penalty Inflation Adjustment Rule (2025) 0710-AB57
DOD/DARC Long-Term Actions Accountability for Department of Defense Contractors Using Military Working Dogs (DFARS Case 2023-D004) 0750-AL77
DOD/OS Long-Term Actions Access to and Conduct on DoD Property 0790-AK10
DOD/OS Long-Term Actions National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM); Second Amendment 0790-AL52
ED/OCR Long-Term Actions Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex in Education Programs or Activities Receiving Federal Financial Assistance: Sex-Related Eligibility Criteria For Male and Female Athletic Teams 1870-AA19
ED/OS Long-Term Actions Debt Collection Practices 1894-AA12
DOE/EE Long-Term Actions Energy Conservation Standards for Commercial Clothes Washers 1904-AE41
DOE/EE Long-Term Actions Energy Conservation Standards for Water-Sourced Commercial Heat Pumps 1904-AE74
DOE/EE Long-Term Actions Energy Conservation Standards for Direct Heating Equipment 1904-AF37
DOE/EE Long-Term Actions Energy Conservation Standards for Evaporatively-Cooled Commercial Unitary Air Conditioners (ECUACs) and Water-Cooled Commercial Unitary Air Conditioners (WCUACs) 1904-AF38
DOE/EE Long-Term Actions Test Procedures for Pool Heaters 1904-AE91
DOE/OGC Long-Term Actions Convention on Supplementary Compensation for Nuclear Damage Contingent Cost Allocation 1990-AA39
DOE/OAM Long-Term Actions Rescission of Obsolete Property Management Regulations 1991-AB73
DOE/DSA Long-Term Actions Medical, Physical Readiness, Training, and Access Authorization Standards for Protective Force Personnel 1992-AA63
HHS/FDA Long-Term Actions Investigational Tobacco Product Applications 0910-AH06
HHS/FDA Long-Term Actions National Standards for the Licensure of Wholesale Drug Distributors and Third-Party Logistics Providers 0910-AH11
HHS/FDA Long-Term Actions Nicotine Toxicity Warnings 0910-AH24
HHS/FDA Long-Term Actions Certain Requirements Regarding Prescription Drug Marketing (203 Amendment) 0910-AH56
HHS/FDA Long-Term Actions Medication Guide; Patient Medication Information 0910-AH68
HHS/FDA Long-Term Actions ENDS Safety Standards, Including Standards for Toxicants and Impurities in Nicotine, Propylene Glycol, and Vegetable Glycerin Used in E-Liquids; Tobacco Product Standards 0910-AI06
HHS/FDA Long-Term Actions Tobacco Product Standard for Characterizing Flavors in Cigars 0910-AI28
HHS/FDA Long-Term Actions Drug Products or Categories of Drug Products That Present Demonstrable Difficulties for Compounding Under Sections 503A or 503B of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act 0910-AI31
HHS/FDA Long-Term Actions Investigational New Drug Application Annual Reporting 0910-AI37
HHS/FDA Long-Term Actions Modified Risk Tobacco Product Applications 0910-AI38
HHS/FDA Long-Term Actions Amendment of Procedural Requirements for Color Additive Petitions 0910-AI53
HHS/FDA Long-Term Actions Abbreviated New Animal Drug Applications 0910-AI54
HHS/FDA Long-Term Actions Amendment of Procedural Requirements for Food Additive Petitions 0910-AI55
HHS/FDA Long-Term Actions Revisions to Regulation for Receiving an Abbreviated New Drug Application 0910-AI56
HHS/FDA Long-Term Actions Tobacco Product Standard for Menthol in Cigarettes 0910-AI60
HHS/FDA Long-Term Actions Postmarketing Safety Reporting Requirements, Pharmacovigilance Plans, and Pharmacovigilance Quality Systems for Human Drug and Biological Products 0910-AI61
HHS/FDA Long-Term Actions Animal Cells, Tissues, and Cell- and Tissue-Based Products 0910-AI63
HHS/FDA Long-Term Actions Revision of Requirements for the Establishment and Maintenance of Records Related to Medicated Animal Feed and Veterinary Feed Directive Drugs 0910-AI67
HHS/FDA Long-Term Actions Requirements for Foreign and Domestic Establishment Registration and Listing for Human Drugs, Including Drugs That Are Regulated Under a Biologics License Application, and Animal Drugs 0910-AI68
HHS/FDA Long-Term Actions Tobacco Product Standard for Nicotine Level of Certain Tobacco Products 0910-AI76
HHS/FDA Long-Term Actions Banned Devices; Electrical Stimulation Devices Intended for Self-Injurious Behavior or Aggressive Behavior 0910-AI84
HHS/CDC Long-Term Actions CDC and ATSDR User Fee Regulation 0920-AA73
HHS/CMS Long-Term Actions Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics and Supplies (DMEPOS) Competitive Bidding Program (CBP) Revisions (CMS-1756) 0938-AU45
HHS/CMS Long-Term Actions Short-Term, Limited-Duration Insurance; And Independent, Noncoordinated Excepted Benefits Coverage Update (CMS-9904) 0938-AU67
HHS/CMS Long-Term Actions Strengthening Oversight of Accrediting Organizations (AO) and Preventing AO Conflict of Interest, and Related Provisions (CMS-3367) 0938-AU88
HHS/CMS Long-Term Actions Appeal Rights for Certain Changes in Patient Status (CMS-4204) 0938-AV16
HHS/CMS Long-Term Actions Episode-Based Payment Model (CMS-5540) 0938-AV19
HHS/CMS Long-Term Actions Clarifying Eligibility of DACA Recipients and Certain Other Noncitizens for a QHP through an Exchange, Advance Payments of the Premium Tax Credit, Cost-Sharing Reductions, and a BHP (CMS-9894) 0938-AV23
HHS/OCR Long-Term Actions HIPAA Privacy: Changes to Support, and Remove Barriers to, Coordinated Care and Individual Engagement 0945-AA00
HHS/OCR Long-Term Actions Rulemaking Implementing Provisions of the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act, as Amended 0945-AA04
HHS/OCR Long-Term Actions Nondiscrimination Provisions for Confidentiality of Substance Use Disorder Patient Records 0945-AA21
HHS/ACF Long-Term Actions Parentage Establishment in the Child Support Services Program 0970-AC96
DHS/OS Long-Term Actions Department of Homeland Security Cybersecurity Talent Management System 1601-AA84
DHS/USCIS Long-Term Actions Application of the Serious Nonpolitical Crime Bar to Asylum and Withholding of Removal for Recruitment or Use of Child Soldiers 1615-AB79
DHS/USCIS Long-Term Actions Temporary Non-Agricultural Employment of H-2B Nonimmigrants in the United States 1615-AC06
DHS/USCIS Long-Term Actions Reform to Enhance the Integrity of the Civil Surgeon Program 1615-AC37
DHS/USCIS Long-Term Actions Implementing Bilateral and Multilateral Cooperative Agreements for Asylum Under the Immigration and Nationality Act 1615-AC49
DHS/USCIS Long-Term Actions Amended Rules Concerning Discretionary Review by the Secretary of Labor 1615-AC63
DHS/USCIS Long-Term Actions Procedures for Asylum and Bars to Asylum Eligibility 1615-AC69
DHS/USCIS Long-Term Actions Petition for Immigrant Worker Reforms 1615-AC85
DHS/USCG Long-Term Actions Safety Zone Regulations 1625-AA00
DHS/USCG Long-Term Actions Special Anchorage Areas and Anchorage Grounds Regulations 1625-AA01
DHS/USCG Long-Term Actions Regatta and Marine Parade Regulations 1625-AA08
DHS/USCG Long-Term Actions Drawbridge Regulations 1625-AA09
DHS/USCG Long-Term Actions Regulated Navigation Areas 1625-AA11
DHS/USCG Long-Term Actions Security Zone Regulations 1625-AA87
DHS/USCG Long-Term Actions Revision to Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC) Requirements for Mariners 1625-AB80
DHS/USCG Long-Term Actions Cruise Vessel Security and Safety Act of 2010 Implementation 1625-AB91
DHS/USCG Long-Term Actions Implementation of the 2015 and 2016 Amendments to the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers 1625-AC44
DHS/USCG Long-Term Actions Fire Safety of Small Passenger Vessels 1625-AC69
DHS/USCG Long-Term Actions Mariner Credentialing Program Transformation 1625-AC86
DHS/USCG Long-Term Actions DUKW Amphibious Passenger Vessel Requirements 1625-AC88
DHS/USCBP Long-Term Actions Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative (WHTI)--Noncompliant Traveler Fee 1651-AB06
DHS/USCBP Long-Term Actions Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA) Operational Fee Change 1651-AB45
DHS/TSA Long-Term Actions Surface Transportation Vulnerability Assessments and Security Plans 1652-AA56
DHS/TSA Long-Term Actions Vetting of Certain Surface Transportation Employees 1652-AA69
DHS/TSA Long-Term Actions Amending Vetting Requirements for Employees With Access to a Security Identification Display Area (SIDA) 1652-AA70
DHS/USICE Long-Term Actions Removing Suspension of Enrollment for Certain F, J and M Nonimmigrant Students From Libya and Third Country Nationals Acting on Behalf of Libyan Entities 1653-AA91
DHS/FEMA Long-Term Actions Cost of Assistance Estimates in the Disaster Declaration Process for the Public Assistance Program 1660-AA99
DHS/FEMA Long-Term Actions National Flood Insurance Program: Standard Flood Insurance Policy, Homeowner Flood Form 1660-AB06
DHS/FEMA Long-Term Actions National Flood Insurance Program's Floodplain Management Standards for Land Management & Use, & an Assessment of the Program's Impact on Threatened and Endangered Species & Their Habitats 1660-AB11
HUD/CPD Long-Term Actions Housing Trust Fund (FR-5246) 2506-AC30
HUD/FHEO Long-Term Actions Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (FR-6250) 2529-AB05
DOI/BLM Long-Term Actions Bonding 1004-AE68
DOI/BLM Long-Term Actions Grazing Administration-Exclusive of Alaska 1004-AE82
DOI/BLM Long-Term Actions Regulations for the Protection, Management, and Control of Wild Horses and Burros 1004-AE83
DOI/BLM Long-Term Actions Revision of Existing Regulations Retaining to Leasing and Operations of Geothermal 1004-AE84
DOI/BLM Long-Term Actions Wildfire Prevention 1004-AE88
DOI/BLM Long-Term Actions Mining Claim Location and Maintenance Fee Update 1004-AE98
DOI/BLM Long-Term Actions Mineral Materials Disposal 1004-AE99
DOI/BLM Long-Term Actions Onshore Oil and Gas Operations-Annual Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustments 1004-AF00
DOI/BOEM Long-Term Actions Oil Spill Financial Responsibility Program Updates 1010-AE12
DOI/BSEE Long-Term Actions Revisions to Decommissioning Requirements on the OCS 1014-AA53
DOI/FWS Long-Term Actions Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Removal of the Gypsum Wild-Buckwheat From the List of Endangered and Threatened Plants 1018-BB87
DOI/FWS Long-Term Actions Possession of Migratory Bird Feathers 1018-BB88
DOI/FWS Long-Term Actions Acquisition and Disposition of Real Property in USFWS Financial Assistance Programs 1018-BC73
DOI/FWS Long-Term Actions Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Removing the Inyo California Towhee From the List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife 1018-BE05
DOI/FWS Long-Term Actions Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Reclassification of American Hart's-Tongue Fern 1018-BE97
DOI/FWS Long-Term Actions Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Listing the Siberian Sturgeon 1018-BF41
DOI/FWS Long-Term Actions Change of Address; Technical Amendment 1018-BF75
DOI/FWS Long-Term Actions Migratory Bird Permits; Commercial Use of Feathers 1018-BG03
DOI/FWS Long-Term Actions Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Listing Determination and Critical Habitat Designation for the Little Brown Bat 1018-BG13
DOI/FWS Long-Term Actions Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Reclassification of Large-Flowered Skullcap 1018-BG48
DOI/FWS Long-Term Actions Regulations Implementing the Marine Mammal Protection Act; General Authorization for Scientific Research and Transfer of Marine Mammal Parts 1018-BG86
DOI/FWS Long-Term Actions Revision of the Regulations Implementing the Wild Bird Conservation Act of 1992 1018-BG88
DOI/FWS Long-Term Actions Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Reclassification of Southern Clubshell 1018-BH04
DOI/FWS Long-Term Actions Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Listing Determination and Critical Habitat Designation for Hardin Crayfish 1018-BH54
DOI/FWS Long-Term Actions Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Reclassification of Northern Red-bellied Cooter (Massachusetts Population) 1018-BH62
DOI/FWS Long-Term Actions Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Listing Determination for Bornean Earless Monitor 1018-BH99
DOI/FWS Long-Term Actions Subsistence Management Regulations for Public Lands in Alaska, 2026–27 and 2027–28; Subsistence Taking of Wildlife Regulations 1018-BI03
DOI/FWS Long-Term Actions Migratory Bird Permits; Implementation of a Registration System for Existing Depredation, Control, and Conservation Orders 1018-BI05
DOI/OSMRE Long-Term Actions Emergency Preparedness for Impoundments 1029-AC82
DOI/ASPMB Long-Term Actions Implementation of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969 1090-AB18
DOJ/PARCOM Long-Term Actions Establishing Guidelines for Making Mandatory Parole Decisions 1104-AA00
DOJ/PARCOM Long-Term Actions Revising the Paroling Policy Guidelines; Offense Severity Ratings for Criminal Entry and Assault Offenses 1104-AA04
DOJ/PARCOM Long-Term Actions Revocation Hearing Procedure 1104-AA12
DOJ/LA Long-Term Actions Ensuring Fairness and Consistency in the Administration of Sentences in Federal Capital Cases 1105-AB65
DOJ/LA Long-Term Actions OVW Special Tribal Criminal Jurisdiction Reimbursement 1105-AB69
DOJ/LA Long-Term Actions Asset Forfeiture Program Victim, Owner, and Lienholder Remission and Mitigation 1105-AB74
DOJ/DEA Long-Term Actions Principal Place of Business or Professional Practice 1117-AB52
DOJ/DEA Long-Term Actions Implementation of the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 1117-AB53
DOJ/DEA Long-Term Actions Providing Controlled Substances to Ocean Vessels 1117-AB60
DOJ/DEA Long-Term Actions Technical Amendment to Number Each Definition 1117-AB62
DOJ/DEA Long-Term Actions Termination of Registration Upon Discontinuation of Business or Change of Ownership 1117-AB63
DOJ/DEA Long-Term Actions Disaster Registration Emergency Authorities 1117-AB65
DOJ/DEA Long-Term Actions Campus Registration 1117-AB67
DOJ/DEA Long-Term Actions Employment Bar and New Employment Waivers 1117-AB68
DOJ/DEA Long-Term Actions Operation of Automated Dispensing Systems at Long Term Care Facilities by Hospital/Clinic Pharmacies 1117-AB69
DOJ/DEA Long-Term Actions Medical Missions 1117-AB71
DOJ/DEA Long-Term Actions Federal Regulations on Telepharmacy 1117-AB74
DOJ/DEA Long-Term Actions Schedules of Controlled Substances; Exempted Prescription Products 1117-AB75
DOJ/DEA Long-Term Actions Analytical Labs and Hemp 1117-AB77
DOJ/DEA Long-Term Actions Medical Marijuana and Cannabidiol Research Expansion 1117-AB83
DOJ/DEA Long-Term Actions Controlled Substance Destruction and Alternatives to Incineration 1117-AB84
DOJ/BOP Long-Term Actions Administrative Remedy Program: Exception to Initial Filing Procedures 1120-AB59
DOJ/EOIR Long-Term Actions Background and Security Investigation Checks in Proceedings Before Immigration Judges and the Board of Immigration Appeals 1125-AA44
DOJ/EOIR Long-Term Actions International Marriage Brokers 1125-AA45
DOJ/EOIR Long-Term Actions Jurisdiction and Venue in Removal Proceedings 1125-AA52
DOJ/EOIR Long-Term Actions Application of the Serious Nonpolitical Crime Bar to Asylum and Withholding of Removal for Recruitment or Use of Child Soldiers 1125-AA63
DOJ/EOIR Long-Term Actions Implementation of Section 235 of the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008; Treatment of Unaccompanied Children 1125-AA70
DOJ/EOIR Long-Term Actions Retrospective Regulatory Review Under Executive Order 13563 1125-AA71
DOJ/EOIR Long-Term Actions Civil Enforcement Actions for Document Fraud Under Section 274C of the Immigration and Nationality Act; Authority of EOIR's Anti-Fraud Officer 1125-AA82
DOJ/EOIR Long-Term Actions Implementing Bilateral and Multilateral Cooperative Agreements for Asylum Under the Immigration and Nationality Act 1125-AA98
DOJ/EOIR Long-Term Actions Civil Money Penalty for Actions in Contempt of an Immigration Judge's Proper Exercise of Authority 1125-AB02
DOJ/EOIR Long-Term Actions Procedures to Commence Proceedings Before the Immigration Court 1125-AB05
DOJ/EOIR Long-Term Actions Procedures for Asylum and Bars to Asylum Eligibility 1125-AB12
DOJ/EOIR Long-Term Actions Executive Office for Immigration Review; Office of Legal Access Programs 1125-AB16
DOJ/EOIR Long-Term Actions EOIR Organization; EOIR Director's Authority 1125-AB17
DOJ/ATF Long-Term Actions Commerce in Firearms and Ammunition (Omnibus Consolidated Appropriations Act of 1997) 1140-AA04
DOJ/ATF Long-Term Actions Public Law 105-277, Making Omnibus Consolidated and Emergency Supplemental Appropriations for FY 1999 Relating to Firearms Disabilities for Certain Noncitizens 1140-AA08
DOJ/ATF Long-Term Actions Amended Definition of "Adjudicated as a Mental Defective" and "Committed to a Mental Institution" 1140-AA47
DOJ/CRT Long-Term Actions Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability by State and Local Governments and Places of Public Accommodation; Equipment and Furniture 1190-AA76
DOL/EBSA Long-Term Actions Pension Benefit Statements-Lifetime Income Illustrations 1210-AB20
DOL/EBSA Long-Term Actions Improved Fee Disclosure for Welfare Plans 1210-AB37
DOL/EBSA Long-Term Actions Short-Term, Limited-Duration Insurance; and Independent, Noncoordinated Excepted Benefits Coverage 1210-AC12
DOL/OSHA Long-Term Actions Occupational Injury and Illness Recording and Reporting Requirements--Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSD) Column 1218-AC45
DOL/OSHA Long-Term Actions Mechanical Power Presses Update 1218-AC98
DOL/OSHA Long-Term Actions Powered Industrial Trucks 1218-AC99
DOL/OSHA Long-Term Actions Occupational Exposure to Crystalline Silica; Revisions to Table 1 in the Standard for Construction 1218-AD18
DOL/OSHA Long-Term Actions COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing Emergency Temporary Standard Rulemaking 1218-AD42
DOL/MSHA Long-Term Actions Retrospective Study of Respirable Coal Mine Dust Rule 1219-AB90
DOL/MSHA Long-Term Actions Notification, Investigation, Reports, and Records of Accidents, Injuries, Illnesses, Employment, and Coal Production in Mines 1219-AB94
DOL/MSHA Long-Term Actions Alternatives to Petitions for Modification: Oil and Gas Wells 1219-AB96
DOL/MSHA Long-Term Actions Radon Progeny 1219-AB97
DOL/MSHA Long-Term Actions Requirements for the Design, Construction, Operation, Maintenance, and Inspection of Mine Impoundments and Dams 1219-AB98
DOL/WHD Long-Term Actions Modernizing the McNamara-O'Hara Service Contract Act Regulations 1235-AA38
DOL/OWCP Long-Term Actions Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act: Electronic Filing and Settlement Procedures 1240-AA13
DOL/OWCP Long-Term Actions Performance of Functions; Claims for Compensation Under the Federal Employees' Compensation Act; Compensation for Death and Disability of Noncitizen Federal Employees Outside the United States 1240-AA14
DOL/OS Long-Term Actions Amended Rules Concerning Discretionary Review by the Secretary of Labor 1290-AA43
STATE Long-Term Actions International Traffic in Arms Regulations: Consolidation of Licensing and Exemptions and Restructuring of Part 123, 124, and 125 1400-AE29
STATE Long-Term Actions International Traffic in Arms Regulations: Revision to Personal Protective Equipment Exemption 1400-AF25
DOT/OST Long-Term Actions Protection of Sensitive Security Information 2105-AD59
DOT/OST Long-Term Actions Carrier-Supplied Medical Oxygen, Service Request Reporting, and Seating Accommodations with Extra Legroom 2105-AE12
DOT/OST Long-Term Actions Use of Mobile Wireless Devices for Voice Calls on Aircraft 2105-AE30
DOT/OST Long-Term Actions Accessible In-Flight Entertainment 2105-AE32
DOT/OST Long-Term Actions Air Transportation Consumer Protection Requirements for Ticket Agents 2105-AE57
DOT/OST Long-Term Actions Modernizing Payment of Denied Boarding Compensation 2105-AE67
DOT/OST Long-Term Actions Improving Accuracy of Flight Cancellation Reporting 2105-AE68
DOT/OST Long-Term Actions Streamlined Customer Service Commitments 2105-AE74
DOT/OST Long-Term Actions Reporting of Data for Mishandled Baggage and Wheelchairs and Scooters Transported in Aircraft Cargo Compartments II 2105-AE77
DOT/OST Long-Term Actions One-Page Document on Passenger Rights 2105-AE82
DOT/OST Long-Term Actions Notifying Air Travelers of DOT's Aviation Consumer Hotline 2105-AE83
DOT/OST Long-Term Actions Organization and Delegation of Powers and Duties 2105-AF23
DOT/OST Long-Term Actions Procedures for Transportation Workplace Drug and Alcohol Testing Programs 2105-AF25
DOT/OST Long-Term Actions Procedures for Transportation Workplace Drug and Alcohol Testing Programs: Adding and Removing of Certain Schedule II Drugs to the Department of Transportation's Drug Testing Panel 2105-AF26
DOT/FAA Long-Term Actions Regulation Of Flight Operations Conducted By Alaska Guide Pilots 2120-AJ78
DOT/FAA Long-Term Actions Applying the Flight, Duty, and Rest requirements to Ferry Flights that Follow Domestic, Flag, or Supplemental All-Cargo Operations (Reauthorization) 2120-AK22
DOT/FAA Long-Term Actions Applying the Flight, Duty, and Rest Requirements to Ferry Flights that Follow Commuter or On-Demand Operations (FAA Reauthorization) 2120-AK26
DOT/FAA Long-Term Actions Pilot Biometric Certificates (FAA Reauthorization) 2120-AK33
DOT/FAA Long-Term Actions Permanent Requirement for Helicopters to use the New York North Shore Helicopter Route 2120-AK39
DOT/FAA Long-Term Actions Helicopter Air Ambulance Pilot Training and Operational Requirements (HAA II) (FAA Reauthorization) 2120-AK57
DOT/FAA Long-Term Actions Registration and Marking Requirements for Small Unmanned Aircraft 2120-AK82
DOT/FAA Long-Term Actions Removal of Check Pilot Medical Certificate Requirement 2120-AL12
DOT/FAA Long-Term Actions Revision of ADS-B Out Requirements 2120-AL16
DOT/FAA Long-Term Actions Training Center Harmonization Rulemaking 2120-AL24
DOT/FAA Long-Term Actions Safe and Secure Operations of Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems 2120-AL26
DOT/FAA Long-Term Actions Domestic Noise Certification of Supersonic Aircraft 2120-AL29
DOT/FAA Long-Term Actions External Marking Requirement for Small Unmanned Aircraft 2120-AL32
DOT/FAA Long-Term Actions Transport Airplane and Propulsion Certification Streamlining 2120-AL42
DOT/FAA Long-Term Actions Changed Product Rule 2120-AL88
DOT/FMCSA Long-Term Actions Application by Certain Mexico-Domiciled Motor Carriers to Operate Beyond U.S. Municipalities and Commercial Zones on the U.S.-Mexico Border 2126-AA34
DOT/FMCSA Long-Term Actions Safety Monitoring System and Compliance Initiative for Mexico-Domiciled Motor Carriers Operating in the United States 2126-AA35
DOT/FMCSA Long-Term Actions Consumer Complaint Information 2126-AB01
DOT/FMCSA Long-Term Actions Definition of Tank Vehicle Used for Determining the Commercial Driver's License Endorsement Requirement 2126-AB61
DOT/FMCSA Long-Term Actions Application for Employment 2126-AC13
DOT/FMCSA Long-Term Actions Hours of Service of Drivers of Commercial Motor Vehicles; Transportation of Agricultural Commodities 2126-AC24
DOT/FMCSA Long-Term Actions Passenger and Hazardous Materials Vehicles and Railroad Highway Grade Crossings 2126-AC39
DOT/FMCSA Long-Term Actions Wearing of Face Masks While on Conveyances and at Transportation Hubs 2126-AC45
DOT/FMCSA Long-Term Actions Unique Electronic Identification of Commercial Motor Vehicles 2126-AC54
DOT/FMCSA Long-Term Actions Emergency Egress Requirements for Buses; Amendments to Determination of Seating Capacity and Designated Seating Positions 2126-AC55
DOT/NHTSA Long-Term Actions Amending FMVSS No. 119, New Pneumatic Tires for Heavy Vehicles 2127-AK17
DOT/NHTSA Long-Term Actions Alternative Fuel Vehicle Badging and Fuel Compartment Labels on Alternative Fuel Usage 2127-AK75
DOT/NHTSA Long-Term Actions Heavy Vehicle Speed Limiters 2127-AK92
DOT/NHTSA Long-Term Actions FMVSS No. 218 and Enforcement Policy Concerning Novelty Helmets 2127-AL01
DOT/NHTSA Long-Term Actions Consumer Information on Fuel Economy, Emissions, and Alternative Fuel Usage 2127-AL12
DOT/NHTSA Long-Term Actions Retroreflective Tape and Underride Guards for Single Unit Trucks 2127-AL57
DOT/NHTSA Long-Term Actions Rear Visibility and Part 585 Phase-In Reporting Requirements Reconsideration 2127-AL75
DOT/NHTSA Long-Term Actions Assessment of Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards for Lighting 2127-AL95
DOT/NHTSA Long-Term Actions Assessment of Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards for Tires 2127-AL96
DOT/NHTSA Long-Term Actions Pilot Program for Collaborative Research on Motor Vehicles with High or Full Driving Automation 2127-AL99
DOT/FRA Long-Term Actions Amendments to Locomotive and Passenger Equipment Safety Standards 2130-AC74
DOT/FRA Long-Term Actions Amendments to Brake System Safety Standards Governing Operations Using Electronic Air Brake Slip System 2130-AC82
DOT/PHMSA Long-Term Actions Hazardous Materials: PIPES Act Requirements for Identification Numbers on Cargo Tanks Containing Petroleum Based Fuel 2137-AF25
TREAS/DO Long-Term Actions RESTORE Act Program 1505-AC52
TREAS/FINCEN Long-Term Actions Imposition of Special Measure Against the Islamic Republic of Iran as a Jurisdiction of Primary Money Laundering Concern 1506-AB16
TREAS/FINCEN Long-Term Actions FinCEN Found the Halawi Exchange Co. (Halawi Exchange) is a Financial Institution of Primary Money Laundering Concern 1506-AB21
TREAS/FINCEN Long-Term Actions Imposition of Special Measures Against Kassem Rmeiti & Co. Exchange as a Financial Institution of Primary Money Laundering Concern 1506-AB22
TREAS/FINCEN Long-Term Actions Financial Crimes Enforcement Network: Amendment to the Bank Secrecy Act Regulations--Reports of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts 1506-AB26
TREAS/FINCEN Long-Term Actions Amendments to the Definition of Broker or Dealer in Securities (Crowd Funding) 1506-AB36
TREAS/FINCEN Long-Term Actions Special Measure Against ABLV Bank, as a Financial Institution of Primary Money Laundering Concern 1506-AB39
TREAS/FINCEN Long-Term Actions Clarification of the Requirement to Collect, Retain, and Transmit Information on Transactions Involving Convertible Virtual Currencies and Digital Assets With Legal Tender Status 1506-AB41
TREAS/FINCEN Long-Term Actions Withdraw Obsolete Civil Money Penalty Provisions for BSA Violations 1506-AB45
TREAS/FINCEN Long-Term Actions Section 6110. Bank Secrecy Act Application to Dealers in Antiquities and Assessment of Bank Secrecy Act Application to Dealers in Arts 1506-AB50
TREAS/FINCEN Long-Term Actions Section 6212. Pilot Program on Sharing of Information Related to Suspicious Activity Reports Within a Financial Group 1506-AB51
TREAS/FINCEN Long-Term Actions Section 6305. No Action Letter Program 1506-AB55
TREAS/FINCEN Long-Term Actions Commercial Real Estate Transaction Reports and Records 1506-AB61
TREAS/TTB Long-Term Actions Streamlining of Tax Return and Report Requirements 1513-AC68
TREAS/CUSTOMS Long-Term Actions Dog and Cat Protection Act 1515-AD49
TREAS/CUSTOMS Long-Term Actions Prior Disclosure and Lost Duty or Revenue Demands When Penalty Claim Not Issued 1515-AD64
TREAS/CUSTOMS Long-Term Actions North American Free Trade Agreement Preference Override 1515-AD78
TREAS/CUSTOMS Long-Term Actions Administrative Exemptions on Value of Articles Increased 1515-AE09
TREAS/CUSTOMS Long-Term Actions Updates to (a)(1)(A) List 1515-AE30
TREAS/CUSTOMS Long-Term Actions Disclosure of Information Regarding Abandoned Merchandise 1515-AE35
TREAS/CUSTOMS Long-Term Actions Implementation of the Agreement Between the United States of America, the United Mexican States, and Canada (USMCA) Uniform Regulations Regarding the Rules of Origin 1515-AE55
TREAS/CUSTOMS Long-Term Actions Agreement Between the United States of America, the United Mexican States, and Canada (USMCA) Implementing Regulations Related to the Marking Rules, Tariff-Rate Quotas, and Other USMCA Provisions 1515-AE56
TREAS/CUSTOMS Long-Term Actions Agreement Between the United States of America, the United Mexican States, and Canada (USMCA) Implementing Regulations Related to Textile and Apparel Goods, Automotive Goods, and Other USMCA Provision 1515-AE65
TREAS/FISCAL Long-Term Actions Payments by Banks and Other Financial Institutions of United States Savings Bonds and United States Savings Notes 1530-AA19
TREAS/FISCAL Long-Term Actions Regulations Governing Securities Held in myTreasury 1530-AA24
TREAS/FISCAL Long-Term Actions Amendment to Offering of United States Savings Bonds, Series EE and Series I 1530-AA30
TREAS/IRS Long-Term Actions Foreign Corporations 1545-AK74
TREAS/IRS Long-Term Actions Disallowance of Partnership Loss Transfers and Basis Reduction in Stock of a Corporate Partner 1545-BE98
TREAS/IRS Long-Term Actions Section 751(b) Update for Certain Distributions Treated as Sales or Exchanges 1545-BG21
TREAS/IRS Long-Term Actions Notice to Participants of Consequences of Failing to Defer Receipt of Qualified Retirement Plan Distributions; Expansions of Applicable Election Period and Period for Notices 1545-BH75
TREAS/IRS Long-Term Actions Look-Back Interest and Tax-Exempt Entities 1545-BH92
TREAS/IRS Long-Term Actions Indian Tribal Governmental Plans 1545-BI19
TREAS/IRS Long-Term Actions Amendments to the Regulations Regarding Questions and Answers Relating to Church Tax Inquiries and Examinations 1545-BI60
TREAS/IRS Long-Term Actions Combining Dollar-Value Last-In, First Out Inventory Pools 1545-BI68
TREAS/IRS Long-Term Actions Relief From Joint and Several Liabilities 1545-BI82
TREAS/IRS Long-Term Actions Modification of Basis Allocation Rules Under Section 755 1545-BJ35
TREAS/IRS Long-Term Actions Nonrecognition of Gain or Loss on Disposition of Installment Obligations 1545-BK15
TREAS/IRS Long-Term Actions Relief From Joint and Several Tax Liabilities 1545-BK51
TREAS/IRS Long-Term Actions Amendments of Information Reporting for Payments Made in Settlement of Payment Card and Third Party Network Transactions 1545-BL34
TREAS/IRS Long-Term Actions Collectively Bargained Welfare Benefit Funds 1545-BL40
TREAS/IRS Long-Term Actions Section 267--Transactions Between Related Persons and Partnerships 1545-BL51
TREAS/IRS Long-Term Actions Net Investment Income Tax 1545-BL74
TREAS/IRS Long-Term Actions Guidance on Rules Applicable to IRAs Under Sections 408 and 408A 1545-BL98
TREAS/IRS Long-Term Actions Requirements for Employee Stock Ownership Plans 1545-BM32
TREAS/IRS Long-Term Actions Disclosure of Returns and Return Information in Connection With Written Contracts or Agreements for the Acquisition of Property or Services for Tax Administration Purposes 1545-BN96
TREAS/IRS Long-Term Actions Rules Relating to Employer-Provided Meals and Employer-Operated Eating Facilities 1545-BO29
TREAS/IRS Long-Term Actions Definition of Church Plan 1545-BO31
TREAS/IRS Long-Term Actions Section 414(m) Affiliated Service Group Rules 1545-BO34
TREAS/IRS Long-Term Actions Application of Nondiscrimination Requirements, Backloading Limitations, Certain Plan Termination Rules, Benefit Limitations, and Top Heavy Rules to Statutory Hybrid Plans 1545-BO37
TREAS/IRS Long-Term Actions Guidance on the Timing of the Use or Allocation of Forfeitures in Qualified Retirement Plans 1545-BO98
TREAS/IRS Long-Term Actions Application of the Employer Shared Responsibility & Certain Nondiscrimination Rules to HRAs and Other Account-Based Group Health Plans Integrated With Individual Health Insurance Coverage or Medicare 1545-BP17
TREAS/IRS Long-Term Actions Definition of Medical Care 1545-BP31
TREAS/IRS Long-Term Actions Guidance Under Section 954(b)(4) (Rules for High-Taxed Subpart F Income) and Section 964 (Rules for Determining the Earnings and Profits of a Foreign Corporation) 1545-BP62
TREAS/IRS Long-Term Actions Taxes on Prohibited Benefits Under Section 4967 1545-BP99
TREAS/IRS Long-Term Actions Taxes on Excess Benefit Transactions Under Section 4958 Involving Donor Advised Funds 1545-BQ00
TREAS/IRS Long-Term Actions Short-Term, Limited-Duration Insurance and Independent, Non-Coordinated Excepted Benefits Coverage 1545-BQ28
TREAS/IRS Long-Term Actions Offer in Compromise User Fee Update 1545-BQ38
TREAS/IRS Long-Term Actions Reimbursement and Expense Allowance Arrangements under RRTA 1545-BQ41
TREAS/IRS Long-Term Actions Guidance on Net Operating Loss Deduction 1545-BQ68
TREAS/IRS Long-Term Actions Substantiation Requirements and Qualified Non personal Use Vehicles 1545-BQ83
TREAS/IRS Long-Term Actions Information Returns Required Under Section 6041 and 6050W 1545-BR01
TREAS/IRS Long-Term Actions Suspension of the Statute of Limitations for Financial Disability 1545-BR04
TREAS/IRS Long-Term Actions Election to Treat Nonresident Alien Individual as Resident of the United States 1545-BR05
TREAS/OCC Long-Term Actions Source of Strength 1557-AD65
TREAS/OCC Long-Term Actions Regulatory Capital Rule: Amendments Applicable to Large Banking Organizations and to Banking Organizations With Significant Trading Activity 1557-AE78
TREAS/OCC Long-Term Actions Tax Allocation Agreements 1557-AF03
TREAS/OCC Long-Term Actions Appraisal Independence 1557-AF20
VA Long-Term Actions Loan Guaranty: Revisions to VA-Guaranteed or Insured Cash-Out Home Refinance Loans 2900-AQ42
VA Long-Term Actions Post-9/11 Improvements, Fry Scholarship, and Interval Payments Amendments 2900-AQ88
VA Long-Term Actions Updating VA Adjudication Regulations for Disability or Death Benefit Claims Related to Exposure to Certain Herbicide Agents 2900-AR10
VA Long-Term Actions Loan Guaranty: Servicer Tier Ranking Procedures 2900-AR42
VA Long-Term Actions Update VA Adjudication Regulations to Authorize the Use of Electronic Notification for VA Benefit Claims and Appeals 2900-AR77
VA Long-Term Actions Loan Guaranty: Loss-Mitigation Options for Guaranteed Loans 2900-AR78
VA Long-Term Actions Loan Guaranty: Minimum Property Requirements for VA-Guaranteed and Direct Loans 2900-AS02
VA Long-Term Actions Modifying Copayments for Veterans at High Risk for Suicide 2900-AQ30
VA Long-Term Actions Automobile Adaptive Equipment Quality and Safety Standards 2900-AQ32
VA Long-Term Actions Access to State-Based Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs 2900-AQ57
VA Long-Term Actions Health Care Professionals Practicing Via Telehealth 2900-AQ59
VA Long-Term Actions Authority of VA Professionals to Practice Health Care 2900-AQ94
VA Long-Term Actions Home Visits in Program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers During COVID-19 National Emergency 2900-AQ96
VA Long-Term Actions Extension of Program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers Eligibility for Legacy Participants and Legacy Applicants 2900-AR28
VA Long-Term Actions Removal of Exclusion of Gender Alterations From the Medical Benefits Package 2900-AR34
VA Long-Term Actions Determining Eligibility for Domiciliary Care 2900-AR61
VA Long-Term Actions Beneficiary travel 2900-AR63
VA Long-Term Actions Technical Revisions to Expand Health Care for Certain Toxic Exposure and Overseas Contingency Service 2900-AR73
EPA/RODENVER Long-Term Actions Federal Implementation Plan to Establish a Market for Ozone-Precursor Emissions Reduction Credits from Existing Sources on Indian Country Lands within the Uinta Basin Ozone Nonattainment Area 2008-AA04
EPA/RODENVER Long-Term Actions Amendments to Federal Implementation Plan for Oil and Natural Gas Well Productions Facilities, Fort Berthold Indian Reservation (Mandan, Hidatsa and Arikara Nation), North Dakota 2008-AA05
EPA/OW Long-Term Actions Peak Flows Management 2040-AF81
EPA/OW Long-Term Actions Federal Water Quality Standards for Certain States or Tribes 2040-AF97
EPA/OW Long-Term Actions Clean Water Act Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Meat and Poultry Products Point Source Category 2040-AG22
EPA/OW Long-Term Actions Revisions to the Metal Finishing Effluent Guidelines to Address PFAS discharges in Chromium Electroplating Wastewater 2040-AG24
EPA/OW Long-Term Actions Mercury Criterion to Protect Aquatic Life in Idaho 2040-AG35
EPA/OW Long-Term Actions Underground Injection Control: Update of State Programs 2040-AD40
EPA/OW Long-Term Actions Revisions to Select Microbial and Disinfection Byproducts (MDBP) Rules 2040-AG26
EPA/OW Long-Term Actions Revisions to Establish the Sixth Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule (UCMR 6) for Public Water Systems 2040-AG33
EPA/OW Long-Term Actions National Primary Drinking Water Regulation for Perchlorate 2040-AG36
EPA/OLEM Long-Term Actions Management of Cement Kiln Dust (CKD) 2050-AE34
EPA/OLEM Long-Term Actions Hazardous and Solid Waste Management System: Disposal of Coal Combustion Residuals From Electric Utilities; Enhancing Public Access to Information; Reconsideration of Beneficial Use Criteria and Piles 2050-AG98
EPA/OLEM Long-Term Actions Facilitating Safe Management of Recalled Airbags 2050-AH02
EPA/OLEM Long-Term Actions Hazardous and Solid Waste Management System: Disposal of CCR; A Holistic Approach to Closure Part B: Implementation of Closure 2050-AH18
EPA/OLEM Long-Term Actions Revisions to Standards for the Open Burning/Open Detonation of Waste Explosives 2050-AH24
EPA/OLEM Long-Term Actions Listing of Specific PFAS as Hazardous Constituents 2050-AH26
EPA/OLEM Long-Term Actions Used Drum Management and Reconditioning Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking 2050-AH29
EPA/OLEM Long-Term Actions Updates to the RCRA Hazardous Waste Regulations and Related Technical Corrections - Permitting Updates Rule 2050-AH30
EPA/OLEM Long-Term Actions Addressing PFAS in the Environment 2050-AH25
EPA/OAR Long-Term Actions Protection of Stratospheric Ozone: Process for Exempting Emergency Uses of Methyl Bromide 2060-AL94
EPA/OAR Long-Term Actions Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) and Nonattainment New Source Review (NNSR): Reconsideration of Fugitive Emissions Rule 2060-AQ47
EPA/OAR Long-Term Actions Ozone and Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) Significant Impact Levels (SILs) for Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) Program 2060-AR28
EPA/OAR Long-Term Actions National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants: Polyvinyl Chloride and Copolymers Production Reconsideration 2060-AR73
EPA/OAR Long-Term Actions National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants From Secondary Lead Smelting 2060-AS32
EPA/OAR Long-Term Actions Revisions to Method 202: Dry Impinger Method for Determining Condensable Particulate Emissions from Stationary Sources 2060-AS91
EPA/OAR Long-Term Actions Vehicle Test Procedure Adjustments for Tier 3 Test Fuel 2060-AT21
EPA/OAR Long-Term Actions Protection of Visibility: Amendments to Requirements for State Plans 2060-AU01
EPA/OAR Long-Term Actions Standards of Performance for New Residential Wood Heaters and New Residential Hydronic Heaters and Forced-Air Furnaces 2060-AU07
EPA/OAR Long-Term Actions Protection of Stratospheric Ozone: Updates to the Significant New Alternatives Policy Program 2060-AU11
EPA/OAR Long-Term Actions Reconsideration of Standards of Performance and Emission Guidelines for Municipal Solid Waste Landfills 2060-AU24
EPA/OAR Long-Term Actions National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants: Primary Magnesium Refining Residual Risk and Technology Review 2060-AU65
EPA/OAR Long-Term Actions Review of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Lead 2060-AU86
EPA/OAR Long-Term Actions E15 Fuel Dispenser Labeling and Compatibility with Underground Storage Tanks 2060-AU92
EPA/OAR Long-Term Actions Amendments to the General Conformity Regulations 2060-AV28
EPA/OAR Long-Term Actions National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants: Plywood and Composite Wood Products 2060-AV56
EPA/OAR Long-Term Actions Reconsideration of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Ozone 2060-AV64
EPA/OAR Long-Term Actions State Implementation Plans: Restatement of SSM Policy; Findings of Inadequacy; and Amendment Provisions Applying to Excess Emissions During SSM Periods 2060-AV79
EPA/OAR Long-Term Actions National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP): Hospital Ethylene Oxide Sterilizers Risk and Technology Review 2060-AV95
EPA/OAR Long-Term Actions National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants from Hazardous Waste Combustors Risk and Technology Review 2060-AV96
EPA/OAR Long-Term Actions Review of the Primary National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Oxides of Nitrogen 2060-AW08
EPA/OAR Long-Term Actions Reclassification of Major Sources as Area Sources Under Section 112 of the Clean Air Act: Requirements for Sources that Reclassify 2060-AW28
EPA/OCSPP Long-Term Actions Pesticides; Expansion of Crop Grouping Program 2070-AJ28
EPA/OCSPP Long-Term Actions Pesticides; Review of Requirements Applicable to Treated Seed and Treated Paint Products 2070-AL13
EPA/OCSPP Long-Term Actions Lead; Renovation, Repair, and Painting Program for Public and Commercial Buildings 2070-AJ56
EPA/OCSPP Long-Term Actions 1,4-Dioxane; Regulation Under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) 2070-AK88
EPA/OCSPP Long-Term Actions Flame Retardants; Significant New Use Rules for Certain Non-ongoing Uses 2070-AL07
EPA/OCSPP Long-Term Actions Reconsideration of the Definition of Lead-Based Paint 2070-AL11
EPA/OCSPP Long-Term Actions Reconsideration of the Soil-Lead Hazard Standards 2070-AL12
EPA/OCSPP Long-Term Actions Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Risk Management Rules and Critical Uses for Federal Agencies 2070-AL17
EPA/OCSPP Long-Term Actions Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) Articles Exemption Clarification Rule 2025-AA24
EPA/AdmO Long-Term Actions Revisions to the EPA's Procedures for Implementing the National Environmental Policy Act and Assessing the Environmental Effects Abroad of EPA Actions 2010-AA16
ATBCB Long-Term Actions Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) Accessibility Guidelines for Passenger Vessels 3014-AA11
CFPB Long-Term Actions Regulation DD 3170-AB21
CFPB Long-Term Actions Fair Credit Reporting Act Rulemaking (Disputes) 3170-AB24
CFPB Long-Term Actions Personal Financial Data Rights Supplemental Rulemaking 3170-AB25
CFPB Long-Term Actions Credit Card Penalty Fees 3170-AB26
CPSC Long-Term Actions Recreational Off-Road Vehicles 3041-AC78
CSOSA Long-Term Actions Community Supervision Administrative Sanctions 3225-AA13
CSOSA Long-Term Actions Organization and Functions 3225-AA16
CSOSA Long-Term Actions District of Columbia Sex Offender Registration 3225-AA17
CSOSA Long-Term Actions Collection and Use of DNA Information 3225-AA19
FAR Long-Term Actions Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR); FAR Case 2018-013, Exemption of Commercial and COTS Item Contracts From Certain Laws and Regulations 9000-AN72
FAR Long-Term Actions Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR); FAR Case 2019-018, Federal Acquisition Supply Chain Security Act of 2018 9000-AO01
FAR Long-Term Actions Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR); FAR Case 2020-011, Implementation of Federal Acquisition Supply Chain Security Act (FASCSA) Orders 9000-AO13
FAR Long-Term Actions Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR); FAR Case 2021-014, Increasing the Minimum Wage for Contractors 9000-AO31
FCC Long-Term Actions Rules and Regulations Implementing the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) of 1991 (CG Docket No. 02-278) 3060-AI14
FCC Long-Term Actions Rules and Regulations Implementing Section 225 of the Communications Act (Telecommunications Relay Service) (CG Docket No. 03-123) 3060-AI15
FCC Long-Term Actions Structure and Practices of the Video Relay Service (VRS) Program (CG Docket No. 10-51) 3060-AJ42
FCC Long-Term Actions Implementation of the Middle-Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012/Establishment of a Public Safety Answering Point Do-Not-Call Registry (CG Docket No. 12-129) 3060-AJ84
FCC Long-Term Actions Implementation of Sections 716 and 717 of the Communications Act of 1934, as Enacted by the Twenty-First Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act of 2010 (CG Docket No. 10-213) 3060-AK00
FCC Long-Term Actions Misuse of Internet Protocol (IP) Captioned Telephone Service; Telecommunications Relay Services and Speech-to-Speech Services; CG Docket No. 13-24 3060-AK01
FCC Long-Term Actions Advanced Methods to Target and Eliminate Unlawful Robocalls (CG Docket No. 17-59) 3060-AK62
FCC Long-Term Actions Empowering Broadband Consumers Through Transparency (CG Docket No 22-2) 3060-AL33
FCC Long-Term Actions Targeting and Eliminating Unlawful Text Messages, CG Docket 21-403, Notice of Proposed Rulemaking 3060-AL49
FCC Long-Term Actions Misuse of Internet Protocol (IP) Relay Service; CG Docket No. 12-38 3060-AL58
FCC Long-Term Actions Compensation for Internet Protocol Captioned Telephone Service, (CG Docket No. 22-408) 3060-AL59
FCC Long-Term Actions Access to Video Conferencing, (CG Docket No. 23-161) 3060-AL66
FCC Long-Term Actions Development of Nationwide Broadband Data to Evaluate Reasonable and Timely Deployment of Advanced Services to All Americans 3060-AJ15
FCC Long-Term Actions Expanding the Economic and Innovation Opportunities of Spectrum Through Incentive Auctions (GN Docket No. 12-268) 3060-AJ82
FCC Long-Term Actions Connect America Fund High-Cost Universal Service Support; WC Docket No. 10-90, WC Docket No. 05-337 3060-AJ90
FCC Long-Term Actions Broadband Data Collection 3060-AL42
FCC Long-Term Actions Amendment of Civil Monetary Penalties to Reflect Inflation 3060-AK49
FCC Long-Term Actions Revision of EEO Rules and Policies (MB Docket No. 98-204) 3060-AH95
FCC Long-Term Actions Establishment of Rules for Digital Low-Power Television, Television Translator, and Television Booster Stations (MB Docket No. 03-185) 3060-AI38
FCC Long-Term Actions Authorizing Permissive Use of the "Next Generation" Broadcast Television Standard (GN Docket No. 16-142) 3060-AK56
FCC Long-Term Actions 2018 Quadrennial Regulatory Review of the Commission's Broadcast Ownership Rules (MB Docket 18-349) 3060-AK77
FCC Long-Term Actions Equal Employment Opportunity Enforcement (MB Docket 19-177) 3060-AK86
FCC Long-Term Actions Duplication of Programming on Commonly Owned Radio Stations (MB Docket No. 19-310) 3060-AL19
FCC Long-Term Actions Sponsorship Identification Requirements for Foreign Government-Provided Programming (MB Docket No. 20-299) 3060-AL20
FCC Long-Term Actions FM Broadcast Booster Stations (MB Docket 20-401) 3060-AL21
FCC Long-Term Actions Amendment of Part 73 Rules to Update Television and Class A Television Broadcast Station Rules, and Rules Applicable to All Broadcast Stations (MB Docket No. 22-227) 3060-AL50
FCC Long-Term Actions Implementation of the Low Power Protection Act, MB Docket No. 23-126 3060-AL63
FCC Long-Term Actions Video Description, MB Docket No. 11-43 3060-AL64
FCC Long-Term Actions 2022 Quadrennial Review of Media Ownership Rules, MB Docket No. 22-459 3060-AL65
FCC Long-Term Actions Modifying Rules for FM Terrestrial Digital Audio Broadcasting Systems, MB Docket No. 22-405 3060-AL70
FCC Long-Term Actions Customer Rebates for Undelivered Video Programming During Blackouts, MB Docket No 24-20 3060-AL71
FCC Long-Term Actions Priority Application Review for Broadcast Stations That Provide Local Journalism or Other Locally Originated Programming, MB Docket No 24-14 3060-AL72
FCC Long-Term Actions Cable Operator and DBS Provider Billing Practices, MB Docket No 23-405 3060-AL73
FCC Long-Term Actions Reporting Requirements for Commercial Television Broadcast Station Blackouts, MB Docket No 23-427 3060-AL74
FCC Long-Term Actions All-In Pricing for Cable and Satellite Television Service, MB Docket No 23-203 3060-AL75
FCC Long-Term Actions Unlicensed Operation in the TV Broadcast Bands (ET Docket No. 04-186) 3060-AI52
FCC Long-Term Actions Unlicensed Use of TV Band and 600 MHz Band Spectrum (ET Docket No. 14-165) 3060-AK31
FCC Long-Term Actions Use of the 5.850-5.925 GHz Band; (ET Docket No. 19-138), FCC 19-129 3060-AK96
FCC Long-Term Actions Unlicensed Use of the 6 GHz Band, ET Docket No. 18-295 and GN Docket No. 17-183 3060-AL06
FCC Long-Term Actions Unlicensed White Space Device Operations in the Television Bands, ET Docket No. 20-36 3060-AL22
FCC Long-Term Actions Protecting Against National Security Threats to the Communications Supply Chain Through the Equipment Authorization and Competitive Bidding Programs; ET Docket No. 21-232, EA Docket No. 21-233 3060-AL23
FCC Long-Term Actions Wireless Microphones in the TV Bands (ET Docket No. 21-115), 600 MHz Guard Band, 600 MHz Duplex Gap, and the 941.5-944 MHz, 944-952 MHz, 952.850-956.250 MHz, 956.45-959.85 MHz, 1435-1525 MHz 3060-AL27
FCC Long-Term Actions FCC Seeks to Enable State-of-the-Art Radar Sensors in 60 GHz Band (ET Docket No. 21-264) 3060-AL36
FCC Long-Term Actions FCC Proposes to Update Equipment Authorization Rules to Incorporate New and Revised Industry Standards, (ET Docket No. 21-363) 3060-AL39
FCC Long-Term Actions Allocation of Spectrum for Non-Federal Space Launch Operations (ET Docket No. 13-115) 3060-AL44
FCC Long-Term Actions Promoting Efficient Use of Spectrum Through Improved Receiver Interference Immunity Performance (ET Docket No. 22-137) 3060-AL47
FCC Long-Term Actions FCC Implements and Proposes Final Acts of the WRC-19 and WRC-15, ET Docket No. 21-120 & 21-121, and RM-11785 3060-AL77
FCC Long-Term Actions Process Reform for Executive Branch Review of Certain FCC Applications and Petitions Involving Foreign Ownership, IB Docket No. 16-155 3060-AL12
FCC Long-Term Actions Mandatory Electronic Filing of Section 325(c) Applications International Broadcast Applications, and Dominant Carrier Section 65.10(c) Quarterly Reports (IB Docket No. 21-265) 3060-AL61
FCC Long-Term Actions Review of International Section 214 Authorizations to Assess Evolving National Security, Law Enforcement, Foreign Policy, and Trade Policy Risks, IB Docket No 23-119, MD Docket No 23-134 3060-AL76
FCC Long-Term Actions Assessment and Collection of Regulatory Fees 3060-AK64
FCC Long-Term Actions Amendment of Part 11 of the Commission's Rules Regarding the Emergency Alert System (PS Docket 15-94; EB Docket No. 04-296) 3060-AI49
FCC Long-Term Actions Wireless E911 Location Accuracy Requirements: PS Docket No. 07-114 3060-AJ52
FCC Long-Term Actions Improving 911 Reliability (PS Docket No. 13-75); Reliability and Continuity of Communications Networks, Including Broadband Technologies (PS Docket No. 11-60) 3060-AJ95
FCC Long-Term Actions Improving Outage Reporting for Submarine Cables and Enhancing Submarine Cable Outage Data; GN Docket No. 15-206 3060-AK39
FCC Long-Term Actions Amendments to Part 4 of the Commission's Rules Concerning Disruptions to Communications: (PS Docket No. 15-80, 18-336, 23-5) 3060-AK40
FCC Long-Term Actions New Part 4 of the Commission's Rules Concerning Disruptions to Communications; ET Docket No. 04-35 3060-AK41
FCC Long-Term Actions Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA): PS Docket No. 15-91, 15-94, 22-329 3060-AK54
FCC Long-Term Actions 911 Fee Diversion Rulemaking: PS Docket Nos. 20-291, 09-14 3060-AL31
FCC Long-Term Actions Resilient Networks, Amendments to Part 4 of the Commission's Rules Concerning Disruptions to Communications; PS Docket No 21-346 3060-AL43
FCC Long-Term Actions Location - Based Routing for Wireless 911 Calls (P.S. Docket 18-64) 3060-AL52
FCC Long-Term Actions Review of Rules and Requirements for Priority Services 3060-AL53
FCC Long-Term Actions Next Generation 9-1-1, PS Docket No. 21-479, FCC 23-47 3060-AL67
FCC Long-Term Actions Update to Parts 2 and 25 Concerning NonGeostationary, Fixed-Satellite Service Systems, and Related Matters: IB Docket No. I6-408 3060-AK59
FCC Long-Term Actions Amendment of Parts 2 and 25 of the FCC Rules to Facilitate the Use of Earth Stations in Motion Communicating With Geostationary Orbit Space Stations in FSS Bands: IB Docket No. 17-95 3060-AK84
FCC Long-Term Actions Facilitating the Communications of Earth Stations in Motion With Non-Geostationary Orbit Space Stations: IB Docket No. 18-315 3060-AK89
FCC Long-Term Actions Space Innovation; Mitigation of Orbital Debris in the New Space Age: IB Docket Nos. 18-313, 22-271 3060-AK90
FCC Long-Term Actions Parts 2 and 25 to Enable GSO FSS in the 17.3-17.8 GHz Band, Modernize Rules for 17/24 GHz BSS Space Stations, and Establish Off-Axis Uplink Power Limits for Extended Ka-Band FSS (IB Doc. No. 20-330) 3060-AL28
FCC Long-Term Actions Revising Spectrum Sharing Rules for Non-Geostationary Orbit, Fixed-Satellite Service Systems: IB Docket No. 21-456 3060-AL41
FCC Long-Term Actions Expediting Initial Processing of Satellite and Earth Station Applications; Space Innovation, IB Docket Nos. 22-411 and 22-271 3060-AL51
FCC Long-Term Actions Space Innovation; Facilitating Capabilities for In-Space Servicing, Assembly, and Manufacturing, IB Docket Nos. 22-271 and 22-272 3060-AL78
FCC Long-Term Actions Amendment of Parts 2 and 25 of the Commission's Rules to Enable NGSO Fixed-Satellite Service (Space-to-Earth) Operations in the 17.3-17.8 GHz Band 3060-AL79
FCC Long-Term Actions Amendment of Parts 1, 2, 22, 24, 27, 90, and 95 of the Commission's Rules to Improve Wireless Coverage Through the Use of Signal Boosters (WT Docket No. 10-4) 3060-AJ87
FCC Long-Term Actions Promoting Technological Solutions to Combat Wireless Contraband Device Use in Correctional Facilities; GN Docket No. 13-111 3060-AK06
FCC Long-Term Actions Promoting Investment in the 3550-3700 MHz Band; GN Docket No. 17-258 3060-AK12
FCC Long-Term Actions Updating Part 1 Competitive Bidding Rules (WT Docket No. 14-170) 3060-AK28
FCC Long-Term Actions Use of Spectrum Bands Above 24 GHz for Mobile Services--Spectrum Frontiers: WT Docket 10-112 3060-AK44
FCC Long-Term Actions Accelerating Wireless Broadband Deployment by Removing Barriers to Infrastructure Investment (WT Docket No. 17-79) 3060-AK65
FCC Long-Term Actions Expanding Flexible Use of the 3.7 to 4.2 GHz Band: GN Docket No. 18-122 3060-AK76
FCC Long-Term Actions Amendment of the Commission's Rules to Promote Aviation Safety: WT Docket No. 19–140 3060-AK92
FCC Long-Term Actions Modernizing and Expanding Access to the 70/80/90 GHz Bands, WT Docket No. 20-133 3060-AL11
FCC Long-Term Actions Implementation of State and Local Governments' Obligation to Approve Certain Wireless Facility Modification Requests Under Section 6409(a) of the Spectrum Act of 2012 (WT Docket No.19-250) 3060-AL29
FCC Long-Term Actions Expanding Flexible Use of the 12.2-12.7 GHz Band, et al., WT Docket No. 20-443, et al 3060-AL40
FCC Long-Term Actions Facilitating Shared Use in the 3100-3550 MHz Band 3060-AL57
FCC Long-Term Actions Shared Use of the 42-.42.5 GHz Band (WT Docket No. 23-158, GN Docket No. 14-177) 3060-AL68
FCC Long-Term Actions Single Network Future: Supplemental Coverage from Space, GN Docket No. 23-65 3060-AL69
FCC Long-Term Actions Modifying Emissions Limits for the 24.25-24.45 GHz and 24.75-25.25 GHz Bands (ET Docket No. 21-186) 3060-AL80
FCC Long-Term Actions Alaska Connect Fund Notice of Proposed Rulemaking 3060-AL81
FCC Long-Term Actions Indian Peak Properties LLC Petitions for Declaratory Ruling Seeking Preemption Under The Rule Governing Over-the-Air Reception Devices 3060-AL82
FCC Long-Term Actions Telecommunications Carriers' Use of Customer Proprietary Network Information and Other Customer Information (CC Docket No. 96-115), Data Breach Reporting Requirements (WC Docket No. 22-21) 3060-AG43
FCC Long-Term Actions Access Charge Reform, WC Docket No. 18-155 3060-AG49
FCC Long-Term Actions Local Telephone Networks That LECs Must Make Available to Competitors 3060-AH44
FCC Long-Term Actions Rural Health Care Support Mechanism; FCC 06-144 (WC Docket No. 02-60) 3060-AI85
FCC Long-Term Actions Jurisdictional Separations 3060-AJ06
FCC Long-Term Actions Business Data Services in an Internet Protocol Environment, WC Docket No. 05-25 3060-AJ80
FCC Long-Term Actions Rates for Inmate Calling Services; WC Docket No. 12-375; Incarcerated People's Communications Services; Implementation of the Martha Wright-Reed Act, WC Docket No. 23-62 3060-AK08
FCC Long-Term Actions Comprehensive Review of the Part 32 Uniform System of Accounts (WC Docket No. 14-130) 3060-AK20
FCC Long-Term Actions Restoring Internet Freedom, WC Docket No. 17-108; Protecting and Promoting the Open Internet, GN Docket No. 14–28; Safeguarding and Securing the Open Internet, WC Docket No. 23-320 3060-AK21
FCC Long-Term Actions Technology Transitions; GN Docket No 13-5, WC Docket No. 05-25; Accelerating Wireline Broadband Deployment by Removing Barriers to Infrastructure Investment; WC Docket No. 17-84 3060-AK32
FCC Long-Term Actions Numbering Policies for Modern Communications, WC Docket No. 13-97 3060-AK36
FCC Long-Term Actions Implementation of the Universal Service Portions of the 1996 Telecommunications Act 3060-AK57
FCC Long-Term Actions Toll Free Assignment Modernization and Toll-Free Service Access Codes: WC Docket No. 17-192, CC Docket No. 95-155 3060-AK91
FCC Long-Term Actions Establishing the Digital Opportunity Data Collection; WC Docket Nos. 19-195 and 11-10 3060-AK93
FCC Long-Term Actions In the Matter of Protecting Against National Security Threats to the Communications Supply Chain Through FCC Programs; (WC Docket No. 18-89) 3060-AK95
FCC Long-Term Actions Call Authentication Trust Anchor 3060-AL00
FCC Long-Term Actions Implementation of the National Suicide Improvement Act of 2018, 988 Suicide Prevention Hotline (WC Docket 18-336, PS Docket No. 23.5, PS Docket No. 15-80) 3060-AL01
FCC Long-Term Actions Modernizing Unbundling and Resale Requirements in an Era of Next-Generation Networks and Services 3060-AL02
FCC Long-Term Actions Establishing a 5G Fund for Rural America; GN Docket No. 20-32 3060-AL15
FCC Long-Term Actions Emergency Broadband Benefit Program; WC Docket No. 20-445 3060-AL16
FCC Long-Term Actions Protecting Consumers From SIM Swap and Port-Out Fraud, WC Docket No. 21-341 3060-AL34
FCC Long-Term Actions Supporting Survivors of Domestic and Sexual Violence (WC Docket No. 22-238,11-42, 21-450) 3060-AL48
FCC Long-Term Actions Order RE Minnesota Equal Access Corporation Petition for Forbearance; WC Docket No. 22-407 3060-AL54
FCC Long-Term Actions Implementing the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act: Prevention and Elimination of Digital Discrimination 3060-AL56
FDIC Long-Term Actions Source of Strength 3064-AE61
FDIC Long-Term Actions Appraisal Independence 3064-AE95
FDIC Long-Term Actions Permissible Activities of Insured State Banks and Insured Savings Associations 3064-AF58
FDIC Long-Term Actions Tax Allocation Agreements 3064-AF62
FDIC Long-Term Actions Limits on Extensions of Credit to Executive Officer, Directors, and Principal Shareholders of Insured Nonmember Banks 3064-AF74
FHFA Long-Term Actions Incentive-Based Compensation Arrangements 2590-AA42
FHFA Long-Term Actions Proprietary and Private Information Protection in Enterprise and Federal Home Loan Bank Public Use Databases, Enterprise Annual Housing Activity Reports, and Enterprise Duty to Serve Reports and Plans 2590-AA55
FHFA Long-Term Actions Enterprise Liquidity Requirements 2590-AB09
FHFA Long-Term Actions Federal Home Loan Bank Community Investment Cash Advance Programs 2590-AB36
FHFA Long-Term Actions Federal Home Loan Bank Affordable Housing Program Regulation Amendments 2590-AB37
FHFA Long-Term Actions Federal Home Loan Bank Community Support Amendments 2590-AB44
FMC Long-Term Actions Ocean Common Carrier and Marine Terminal Operator Agreements 3072-AC91
FPISC Long-Term Actions Revising Scope of the Mining Sector of Projects That are Eligible for Coverage Under Title 41 of the Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act 3121-AA04
FRS Long-Term Actions Regulation D--Reserve Requirements of Depository Institutions (Docket No: R-1652) 7100-AF40
FRS Long-Term Actions Regulations Q and Y--Risk-Based Capital and Other Regulatory Requirements for Activities of Financial Holding Companies Related to Physical Commodities (Docket No: R-1547) 7100-AE58
FRS Long-Term Actions Regulation Q and Y--Small Bank Holding Company and Savings and Loan Holding Company Policy Statement and Related Regulations; Changes to Reporting Requirements (Docket No: R-1619) 7100-AF13
FRS Long-Term Actions Regulation H, Q, and YY--Regulatory Capital Rules: Regulatory Capital, Enhanced Supplementary Leverage Ratio Standards for U.S. Global Systemically Important Bank Holding Companies (Docket No: R-1604) 7100-AF03
FRS Long-Term Actions Regulation S--Proposed Rulemaking BSA Recordkeeping (Docket No: R-1726) 7100-AF97
FRS Long-Term Actions Amendment to the Capital Rule to Facilitate the Emergency Capital Investment Program (Docket No: R-1741) 7100-AG11
FRS Long-Term Actions Incentive-Based Compensation Arrangements (Docket No: R-1536) 7100-AE50
FRS Long-Term Actions Long-term Debt Requirements for Large Bank Holding Companies, Certain Intermediate Holding Companies of Foreign Banking Organizations, and Large Insured Depository Institutions (Docket No: R-1815) 7100-AG66
FRS Long-Term Actions Regulatory Capital Rule: Amendments Applicable to Large Banking Organizations and to Banking Organizations with Significant Trading Activity (Docket No: R-1813) 7100-AG64
FRS Long-Term Actions Regulatory Capital Rule Risk-Based Capital Surcharges for Global Systemically Important Bank Holding Companies (Docket No: R-1814) 7100-AG65
FRS Long-Term Actions Resolution-Related Resource Requirements for Large Banking Organizations (Docket No: R-1786) 7100-AG44
FRS Long-Term Actions Source of Strength 7100-AE73
FRS Long-Term Actions R-1834 Joint Rulemaking Financial Data Transparency Act 7100-AG77
GSA Long-Term Actions General Services Administration Acquisition Regulation (GSAR); GSAR 2021-G527, Immediate and Highest-Level Owner for High-Security Leased Space 3090-AK44
GSA Long-Term Actions General Services Administration Acquisition Regulation (GSAR): GSAR Case 2023-G507, Additional Transactional Data Reporting Elements for Non-Federal Supply Schedule contracts. 3090-AK71
IAF Long-Term Actions Availability of Records 0417-AA00
IAF Long-Term Actions Rules Safeguarding Personal Information in IAF Records 0417-AA01
NCUA Long-Term Actions Compensation in Connection With Loans to Members and Lines of Credit to Members 3133-AE97
NCUA Long-Term Actions Golden Parachute and Indemnification Payments 3133-AE99
NCUA Long-Term Actions Combination Transactions With Non-Credit Unions; Credit Union Asset Acquisitions 3133-AF10
NCUA Long-Term Actions Bank Secrecy Act 3133-AF25
NCUA Long-Term Actions Request for Information and Comment on Model Risk Management Support Compliance With BSA/AML and OFAC Requirements 3133-AF33
NCUA Long-Term Actions Solar Loans and Home Improvement Loans 3133-AF48
NCUA Long-Term Actions Climate-Related Financial Risk 3133-AF52
NEA Long-Term Actions Implementing the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 3135-AA29
NEH Long-Term Actions Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex in Education Programs or Activities Receiving Federal Financial Assistance 3136-AA34
NIGC Long-Term Actions Class II Minimum Technical Standards 3141-AA69
NIGC Long-Term Actions Class II Minimum Internal Control Standards 3141-AA70
NLRB Long-Term Actions Videoconference Rule 3142-AA20
NSF Long-Term Actions Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship (Noyce) Program 3145-AA65
NTSB Long-Term Actions Authority of the NTSB in Pipeline Investigations 3147-AA29
NRC Long-Term Actions U.S. Advanced Pressurized Water Reactor (US-APWR) Design Certification [NRC-2010-0133] 3150-AI83
NRC Long-Term Actions Drug and Alcohol Testing: Technical Issues and Editorial Changes [NRC-2012-0079] 3150-AJ15
NRC Long-Term Actions Enhanced Security for Special Nuclear Material [NRC-2014-0118] 3150-AJ41
NRC Long-Term Actions Items Containing Byproduct Material Incidental to Production [NRC-2015-0017] 3150-AJ54
NRC Long-Term Actions 2023 Edition of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code [NRC-2020-0029] 3150-AK42
NRC Long-Term Actions Approval of American Society of Mechanical Engineers Code Cases, Revision 41 [NRC-2021-0023] 3150-AK61
NRC Long-Term Actions 2024 Edition of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Operations and Maintenance Code [NRC-2021-0022] 3150-AK62
NRC Long-Term Actions 2025 Edition of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code [NRC-2022-0019] 3150-AK77
NRC Long-Term Actions Increased Enrichment of Conventional and Accident Tolerant Fuel Designs for Light-Water Reactors [NRC-2020-0034] 3150-AK79
NRC Long-Term Actions Rubidium-82 Generators, Emerging Medical Technologies, and Other Uses of Byproduct Material [NRC-2018-0297] 3150-AK80
NRC Long-Term Actions Physical Protection of Radioactive Materials [NRC-2015-0094] 3150-AK82
NRC Long-Term Actions Approval of American Society of Mechanical Engineers Code Cases, Revision 42 [NRC-2023-0073] 3150-AK97
NRC Long-Term Actions Incorporation by Reference of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Standard-603-2018 [NRC-2024-0045] 3150-AL06
NRC Long-Term Actions Approval of American Society of Mechanical Engineers Code Cases, Revision 43 [NRC-2024-0088] 3150-AL10
NRC Long-Term Actions 2026 Edition of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code [NRC-2024-0089] 3150-AL11
NRC Long-Term Actions Revision of Fee Schedules: Fee Recovery for FY 2026 [NRC-2023-0212] 3150-AL12
NRC Long-Term Actions Adjustment of Civil Penalties for Inflation for Fiscal Year 2026 [NRC-2023-0211] 3150-AL13
NRC Long-Term Actions Miscellaneous Corrections Rule [NRC-2024-0091] 3150-AL15
NRC Long-Term Actions Price Anderson Adjustment of Deferred Premiums for Inflation [NRC-2024-0090] 3150-AL16
OPM Long-Term Actions Compensation During an Evacuation or Authorized Departure 3206-AO35
PEACE Long-Term Actions Eligibility and Standards for Peace Corps Volunteer Service 0420-AA32
PRC Long-Term Actions Rate Incentives for Market Dominant Postal Products 3211-AA27
PRC Long-Term Actions Updates to Market Dominant and Competitive Product Lists 3211-AA28
PRC Long-Term Actions Postal Service Inspector General Oversight of the Postal Regulatory Commission 3211-AA33
PRC Long-Term Actions Competitive Negotiated Service Agreement Review Procedures 3211-AA34
PRC Long-Term Actions Review of Postal Service Cost Attribution Regulations 3211-AA36
PRC Long-Term Actions Amendments to Freedom of Information Act Regulations 3211-AA38
SEC Long-Term Actions Credit Rating Agencies -- Conflicts of Interest and Transparency 3235-AL54
SEC Long-Term Actions Conflict Minerals Amendments 3235-AM14
SEC Long-Term Actions Proxy Process Amendments 3235-AM16
SEC Long-Term Actions Certain Information Providers Acting as Investment Advisers 3235-AM95
SEC Long-Term Actions Transfer Agents 3235-AL55
SEC Long-Term Actions Amendments to Rules 17a-25 and 13h-1 Following Creation of the Consolidated Audit Trail 3235-AM22
SEC Long-Term Actions Portfolio Margining of Uncleared Swaps and Non-Cleared Security Based Swaps 3235-AM64
SSA Long-Term Actions Allowing Individuals to Rebut Exclusion of Evidence in Redeterminations When There is a Reason to Believe Fraud or Similar Fault Was Involved in an Individual's Application for Benefits 0960-AI10
SSA Long-Term Actions Civil Monetary Penalties, Assessments, and Recommended Exclusions 0960-AI49
SSA Long-Term Actions Notice of Intended Action Affecting Recipient's Payment Status 0960-AI70
SSA Long-Term Actions Penalty Inflation Adjustments for Civil Monetary Penalties 0960-AI72
SSA Long-Term Actions Reopening and Revising Determinations and Decisions 0960-AI74
SSA Long-Term Actions Disclosure of Records With the Written Consent of the Subject of Record 0960-AI77
SSA Long-Term Actions Expansion of Benefits Continuation Election Period 0960-AI79
SSA Long-Term Actions Changes to our Temporary Institutionalization Benefits Policy 0960-AI84
SSA Long-Term Actions Dismissals as Final Decisions Subject to Judicial Review 0960-AI88
SSA Long-Term Actions Increases to the Maximum Fee Amount a Representative Can Receive Under the Fee Agreement Process 0960-AI89
STB Long-Term Actions Railroad Revenue Adequacy, EP 722 2140-AB19
STB Long-Term Actions Review of Commodity, Boxcar, and TOFC/COFC Exemptions, EP 704 (Sub-No. 1) 2140-AB29
STB Long-Term Actions Joint Petition for Rulemaking--Annual Revenue Adequacy Determinations, EP 766 2140-AB52
STB Long-Term Actions First-Mile / Last-Mile Service, EP 767 2140-AB55
STB Long-Term Actions Petition For Rulemaking To Adopt Rules Governing Private Railcar Use By Railroads, EP 768 2140-AB56
USAGM Long-Term Actions Re-issuance of Statutory Firewall and Highest Standards of Professional Journalism 3112-AA04
CSB Long-Term Actions Revisions to the Accidental Release Reporting Rule 3301-AA02