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DOL/OSHA | RIN: 1218-AC81 | Publication ID: Fall 2013 |
Title: Amendments to the Cranes and Derricks in Construction Standard | |
Abstract: OSHA is proposing corrections and amendments to the final standard for cranes and derricks published in August, 2010. The standard has a large number of provisions designed to improve crane safety and reduce worker injury and fatality. The proposed amendments: correct references to power line voltage for direct current (DC) voltages as well as alternating current (AC) voltages; broadens the exclusion for forklifts carrying loads under the forks from "winch or hook" to "with a boom or jib, winch, wire rope, and hook or other means of attachment"; clarifies an exclusion for work activities by articulating cranes; provides four definitions inadvertently omitted in the final standard; replaces "minimum approach distance" with "minimum clearance distance" throughout to remove ambiguity; clarifies the use of demarcated boundaries for work near power lines; corrects an error permitting body belts to be used as a personal fall arrest system rather than a personal fall restraint system; replaces the verb "must" with "may" used in error in several provisions; corrects an error in a caption on standard hand signals; and resolves an issue of "NRTL-approved" safety equipment (e.g., proximity alarms and insulating devices) that is required by the final standard, but is not yet available. | |
Agency: Department of Labor(DOL) | Priority: Other Significant |
RIN Status: Previously published in the Unified Agenda | Agenda Stage of Rulemaking: Proposed Rule Stage |
Major: No | Unfunded Mandates: No |
CFR Citation: 29 CFR 1926 | |
Legal Authority: 29 USC 655(b) |
Legal Deadline:
None |
Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No | Government Levels Affected: None |
Small Entities Affected: Businesses | Federalism: No |
Included in the Regulatory Plan: No | |
RIN Data Printed in the FR: No | |
Agency Contact: Dean McKenzie Director, Directorate of Construction Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration 200 Constitution Avenue NW., FP Building, Room N-3468, Washington, DC 20210 Phone:202 693-2020 Fax:202 693-1689 Email: |