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EPA/OCSPP | RIN: 2070-AK11 | Publication ID: Fall 2018 |
Title: Trichloroethylene (TCE); Rulemaking Under TSCA Section 6(a); Vapor Degreasing | |
Section 6(a) of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) provides authority for EPA to ban or restrict the manufacture (including import), processing, distribution in commerce, and use of chemical substances, as well as any manner or method of disposal. Section 26(l)(4) of TSCA authorizes EPA to issue rules under TSCA section 6 for chemicals listed in the 2014 update to the TSCA Work Plan for Chemical Assessments for which EPA published completed risk assessments prior to June 22, 2016, consistent with the scope of the completed risk assessment. In the June 2014 TSCA Work Plan Chemical Risk Assessment for TCE, EPA characterized risks from the use of TCE in commercial degreasing and in some consumer uses. EPA has preliminarily determined that these risks are unreasonable risks. On January 19, 2017, EPA proposed to prohibit the manufacture, processing, distribution in commerce, or commercial use of TCE in vapor degreasing. A separate action (RIN 2070-AK03), published on December 16, 2016, proposed to address the unreasonable risks from TCE when used as a spotting agent in dry cleaning and in commercial and consumer aerosol spray degreasers. |
Agency: Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) | Priority: Economically Significant |
RIN Status: Previously published in the Unified Agenda | Agenda Stage of Rulemaking: Long-Term Actions |
Major: Undetermined | Unfunded Mandates: No |
EO 13771 Designation: Regulatory | |
CFR Citation: 40 CFR NYD (To search for a specific CFR, visit the Code of Federal Regulations.) | |
Legal Authority: 15 U.S.C. 2605, Toxic Substances Control Act |
Legal Deadline:
None |
Additional Information: Docket #:EPA-HQ-OPPT-2016-0387. Split from RIN 2070-AK03. | |
Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Yes | Government Levels Affected: State |
Small Entities Affected: Businesses | Federalism: Yes |
Included in the Regulatory Plan: No | |
RIN Information URL: | Public Comment URL: |
Sectors Affected: 311812 Commercial Bakeries; 323111 Commercial Printing (except Screen and Books); 325199 All Other Basic Organic Chemical Manufacturing; 325220 Artificial and Synthetic Fibers and Filaments Manufacturing; 325611 Soap and Other Detergent Manufacturing; 325612 Polish and Other Sanitation Good Manufacturing; 325998 All Other Miscellaneous Chemical Product and Preparation Manufacturing; 326299 All Other Rubber Product Manufacturing; 32799 All Other Nonmetallic Mineral Product Manufacturing; 331210 Iron and Steel Pipe and Tube Manufacturing from Purchased Steel; 331410 Nonferrous Metal (except Aluminum) Smelting and Refining; 331512 Steel Investment Foundries; 332111 Iron and Steel Forging; 332119 Metal Crown, Closure, and Other Metal Stamping (except Automotive); 332215 Metal Kitchen Cookware, Utensil, Cutlery, and Flatware (except Precious) Manufacturing; 332216 Saw Blade and Handtool Manufacturing; 332313 Plate Work Manufacturing; 332431 Metal Can Manufacturing; 332618 Other Fabricated Wire Product Manufacturing; 332721 Precision Turned Product Manufacturing; 332722 Bolt, Nut, Screw, Rivet, and Washer Manufacturing; 332811 Metal Heat Treating; 332812 Metal Coating, Engraving (except Jewelry and Silverware), and Allied Services to Manufacturers; 332813 Electroplating, Plating, Polishing, Anodizing, and Coloring; 332912 Fluid Power Valve and Hose Fitting Manufacturing; 332913 Plumbing Fixture Fitting and Trim Manufacturing; 33299 All Other Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing; 332994 Small Arms, Ordnance, and Ordnance Accessories Manufacturing; 332999 All Other Miscellaneous Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing; 333249 Other Industrial Machinery Manufacturing; 333318 Other Commercial and Service Industry Machinery Manufacturing; 333413 Industrial and Commercial Fan and Blower and Air Purification Equipment Manufacturing; 333511 Industrial Mold Manufacturing; 333999 All Other Miscellaneous General Purpose Machinery Manufacturing; 334416 Capacitor, Resistor, Coil, Transformer, and Other Inductor Manufacturing; 334419 Other Electronic Component Manufacturing; 334511 Search, Detection, Navigation, Guidance, Aeronautical, and Nautical System and Instrument Manufacturing; 334512 Automatic Environmental Control Manufacturing for Residential, Commercial, and Appliance Use; 334515 Instrument Manufacturing for Measuring and Testing Electricity and Electrical Signals; 334519 Other Measuring and Controlling Device Manufacturing; 335312 Motor and Generator Manufacturing; 336310 Motor Vehicle Gasoline Engine and Engine Parts Manufacturing; 33634 Motor Vehicle Brake System Manufacturing; 33641 Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing; 336411 Aircraft Manufacturing; 336413 Other Aircraft Parts and Auxiliary Equipment Manufacturing; 337127 Institutional Furniture Manufacturing; 339 Miscellaneous Manufacturing; 339112 Surgical and Medical Instrument Manufacturing; 339114 Dental Equipment and Supplies Manufacturing; 3399 Other Miscellaneous Manufacturing; 339910 Jewelry and Silverware Manufacturing; 33999 All Other Miscellaneous Manufacturing; 339999 All Other Miscellaneous Manufacturing; 424690 Other Chemical and Allied Products Merchant Wholesalers; 81131 Commercial and Industrial Machinery and Equipment (except Automotive and Electronic) Repair and Maintenance; 811310 Commercial and Industrial Machinery and Equipment (except Automotive and Electronic) Repair and Maintenance; 928110 National Security | |
RIN Data Printed in the FR: Yes | |
Agency Contact: Toni Krasnic Environmental Protection Agency Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Mail Code 7405M, Washington, DC 20460 Phone:202 564-0984 Email: Joel Wolf Environmental Protection Agency Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Mail Code 7404M, Washington, DC 20460 Phone:202 564-0432 Email: |