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USDA/FSIS RIN: 0583-AD79 Publication ID: Fall 2024 
Title: Movement of Adulterated and Misbranded Product 

FSIS is proposing to amend the Federal meat, poultry, and egg product inspection regulations to make them more consistent and clarify that official establishments that transport adulterated or misbranded product under establishment or FSIS controls to another official establishment for appropriate disposition are not required to notify or obtain permission from FSIS prior to transporting the product.

Agency: Department of Agriculture(USDA)  Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant 
RIN Status: Previously published in the Unified Agenda Agenda Stage of Rulemaking: Proposed Rule Stage 
Major: No  Unfunded Mandates: No 
CFR Citation: 9 CFR 320.7    9 CFR 325.11    9 CFR 381.193    9 CFR 418.2   
Legal Authority: 21 U.S.C. 601 et seq.    21 U.S.C. 451 et seq.    21 U.S.C. 1031 et seq.   
Legal Deadline:  None
Action Date FR Cite
NPRM  06/00/2025 
Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No  Government Levels Affected: None 
Small Entities Affected: Businesses  Federalism: No 
Included in the Regulatory Plan: No 
RIN Data Printed in the FR: No 
Agency Contact:
Melissa Hammar
Director, Regulations Development Staff
Department of Agriculture
Food Safety and Inspection Service
1400 Independence Avenue SW,
Washington, DC 20250-3700
Phone:202 286-2255