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SSA RIN: 0960-AI80 Publication ID: Fall 2024 
Title: Social Security Number Use in Government Records 

The Social Security Administration (SSA) collects and maintains information regarding Social Security Number (SSN) applicants to administer the Social Security, Supplemental Security Income, and Special Veterans Benefits programs. SSA discloses to other Federal agencies certain SSN information as authorized pursuant to a framework of Federal statutes, including the Privacy Act and the Social Security Act, and related regulations. This regulation clarifies the circumstances under which SSA may disclose SSN information to other Federal agencies.  

Agency: Social Security Administration(SSA)  Priority: Other Significant 
RIN Status: Previously published in the Unified Agenda Agenda Stage of Rulemaking: Proposed Rule Stage 
Major: No  Unfunded Mandates: No 
CFR Citation: 20 CFR 401    20 CFR 422   
Legal Authority: 5 U.S.C. 552a   
Legal Deadline:  None
Action Date FR Cite
NPRM  05/00/2025 
Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No  Government Levels Affected: None 
Small Entities Affected: No  Federalism: No 
Included in the Regulatory Plan: No 
RIN Data Printed in the FR: No 
Agency Contact:
Keisha Mahoney-Jones
Division Director
Social Security Administration
Office of the General Counsel, 6401 Security Boulevard,
Baltimore, MD 21235-6401
Phone:410 966-9048