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DHS/OS RIN: 1601-AB17 Publication ID: Fall 2024 
Title: ●Protection of Federal Property 

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS), in consultation with the General Services Administration (GSA), proposes to promulgate regulations for the protection of Federal property.  Within DHS, Federal Protective Service (FPS) maintains responsibility for the protection of buildings, grounds, and property owned, occupied, or secured by the Federal government.  The proposed rule would adopt and revise the language of related GSA regulations, consistent with DHS’s statutory authority. Specifically, the proposed rule would provide charging options for violations occurring on and adjacent to Federal property, update prohibited conduct to incorporate advancing technology, clarify the publicly posted notice, and apply the regulations uniformly to all Federal property.    

Agency: Department of Homeland Security(DHS)  Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant 
RIN Status: First time published in the Unified Agenda Agenda Stage of Rulemaking: Proposed Rule Stage 
Major: No  Unfunded Mandates: No 
CFR Citation: 6 CFR 139   
Legal Authority: Pub. L. 107-296, 116 Stat. 2315 (2002)    6 U.S.C. 203(3) and 232(a)    40 U.S.C. 586(c) and 1315   
Legal Deadline:  None
Action Date FR Cite
NPRM  12/00/2024 
NPRM Comment Period End  02/00/2025 
Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No  Government Levels Affected: Federal 
Small Entities Affected: No  Federalism: No 
Included in the Regulatory Plan: No 
RIN Data Printed in the FR: No 
Agency Contact:
David Hess
Deputy Director, FPS Policy, Communications and Engagement
Department of Homeland Security
Federal Protective Service, 301 7th Street SW , #G217,
Washington, DC 20407
Phone:202 447-0800