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FTC | RIN: 3084-AB15 | Publication ID: Fall 2024 |
Title: Rule Concerning Energy and Water Use Labeling for Consumer Products | |
On October 25, 2022, the Commission issued an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPRM) that seeks public comment on potential amendments to the Rule, including energy labels for several new consumer product categories, and other possible amendments to improve the Rule’s effectiveness, and reduce unnecessary burdens. 87 FR 64399 (Oct. 25, 2022). The comment period as extended closed on January 31, 2023. 88 FR 4796 (Jan. 25, 2023). On February 2, 2024, the Commission published an NPRM seeking public comments on potential changes to the Rule, including: (1) labels for air cleaners, clothes dryers, miscellaneous refrigeration products, and portable electric spas; (2) modifications to existing labels for clothes washers, televisions, and several heating products; (3) revisions to the current requirements for affixing labels on showroom models; and (4) several minor amendments to improve the Rule. 89 FR 7566 (Feb. 2, 2024). The comment period as extended ended on April 19, 2024. Staff are reviewing the public comments. One commenter requested an opportunity to present oral comments on proposed air cleaner labeling. On August 20, 2024, the Commission announced a virtual oral hearing for the requester to provide its comments on September 19, 2024. 89 FR 67335 (Aug. 20, 2024). |
Agency: Federal Trade Commission(FTC) | Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant |
RIN Status: Previously published in the Unified Agenda | Agenda Stage of Rulemaking: Proposed Rule Stage |
Major: No | Unfunded Mandates: No |
CFR Citation: 16 CFR 305 | |
Legal Authority: secs. 321 and 325 of the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA) |
Legal Deadline:
None |
Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No | Government Levels Affected: None |
Small Entities Affected: Businesses, Governmental Jurisdictions, Organizations | Federalism: No |
Included in the Regulatory Plan: No | |
RIN Data Printed in the FR: No | |
Related RINs: Related to 3084-AB11 | |
Agency Contact: Hong Park Attorney Federal Trade Commission 600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, CC-9528, Washington, DC 20580 Phone:202 326-2158 Email: |