View EO 12866 Meeting 0648-BG11

  Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated Fishing; Fisheries Enforcement; High Seas Driftnet Fishing Moratorium Protection Act


  Proposed Rule Stage

  07/10/2024 02:00 PM

  International Corporate Accountability Roundtable   Noor Hamadeh

List of Documents
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List of Attendees Participation
•   Noah Fritzhand  - The Stimson Center Teleconference 
•   Elizabeth Fay  - Verite Teleconference 
•   Isabella Jaramillo  - Azul Teleconference 
•   Penelope Kyritsis   - US IUU Fishing and Forced Labor Coalition Teleconference 
•   Johanna Lee  - GLJ-ILRF Teleconference 
•   Carolyn Gruber  - The Stimson Center Teleconference 
•   Ben Freitas  - World Wildlife Fund Teleconference 
•   Ame Sagiv  - NONE Teleconference 
•   Ashley Aarons  - Oxfam USA Teleconference 
•   Madelyn MacMurray  - The Stimson Center Teleconference 
•   Charli Fritzner  - Greenpeace Teleconference 
•   Colleen Sullivan  - World Wildlife Fund Teleconference 
•   Steph Taylor  - Greenpeace Teleconference 
•   Emily Risko  - Humanity United Teleconference 
•   Sally Yozell  - The Stimson Center Teleconference 
•   Nahla Achi  - Fishwise Teleconference 
•   Noor Hamaddh  - International Corperate Accountability Roundtable Teleconference 
•   Elizabeth Fay  - Verite Teleconference 
•   Penelope Kyritsis  - US IUU Fishing and Forced Labor Coalition Teleconference 
•   Amanda Mayhew  - OMB Teleconference 
•   Alexa Cole  - NOAA Teleconference 
•   Stacey Nathanson  - NOAA Teleconference 
•   Carden Barkely  - NOAA Teleconference 
•   Monica Goldberg  - DOC OGC Teleconference 
•   Niki Agarwal  - CEQ Teleconference 
•   Miriam Goldstein  - CEQ Teleconference 
•   Kate Hadley  - OMB Teleconference 
•   Alex Anderson  - OIRA In Person