View EO 12866 Meeting 1004-AE52

  Rescission of the 2015 BLM Hydraulic Fracturing Rule


  Final Rule Stage

  12/08/2017 03:00 PM


List of Documents
List of Attendees Participation
•   Jessica Ennis  - Earthjustice In Person 
•   Mike Freeman  - Earthjustice In Person 
•   James Laity  - OMB/OIRA In Person 
•   Stuart Levenbach  - OMB/OIRA In Person 
•   Joel Minor  - Earthjustice In Person 
•   Michael Freeman  - Earthjustice In Person 
•   Kerry Rodgers  - DOI In Person 
•   Justin Abernathy  - BLM In Person 
•   Bruce Pendery  - The Wilderness Society In Person 
•   Aaron Mintzes  - Earthworks In Person 
•   Justin Ruggiero  - OMB In Person