View EO 12866 Meeting 2050-AE87

  Revisions to the National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan; Subpart J Product Schedule Listing Requirements


  Proposed Rule Stage

  10/23/2014 10:00 AM


List of Documents
List of Attendees Participation
•   Reed Super  - Waterkeeper Alliance In Person 
•   Jessica Ennis  - Earthjustice In Person 
•   Bob Shavelson  - Cook Inletkeeper In Person 
•   Gregory Wilson  - EPA In Person 
•   Jonathan Smith  - Earthjustice In Person 
•   Marianne Engelman-Lado  - Earthjustice In Person 
•   Leigh Dehaven  - EPA In Person 
•   Carol Adams Davis  - Sierra Club In Person 
•   Hannah Chang  - Earthjustice In Person 
•   Mary Lee Orr  - Lower Mississippi Riverkeeper In Person 
•   Cyn Sarthou  - Gulf Restoration Network In Person 
•   Greg Wannier  - Sierra Club In Person 
•   Nathan Frey  - OMB/OIRA In Person 
•   Kacee Deener  - CEQ In Person 
•   Jody Barringer  - OMB/Environmental Branch In Person 
•   Jim Laity  - OMB/OIRA In Person 
•   Athan Manuel  - Sierra Club In Person 
•   Vanessa Principe  - EPA In Person 
•   Patricia Gioffre  - EPA In Person