OMB Control Number History

OMB Control Number:0917-0009

ICR Ref. No. Request Type Date Received By OIRA Conclusion Date Conclusion Action
202307-0917-001 Revision of a currently approved collection  08/01/2023  07/12/2024  Approved with change
202002-0917-002 Revision of a currently approved collection  02/27/2020  08/25/2020  Approved with change
201607-0917-001 Revision of a currently approved collection  08/11/2016  02/17/2017  Approved with change
201306-0917-001 Revision of a currently approved collection  06/18/2013  08/16/2013  Approved without change
201004-0917-003 Extension without change of a currently approved collection  04/30/2010  06/03/2010  Approved without change
200611-0917-002 Emergency extension  01/27/2010  01/29/2010  Approved
200611-0917-002 Extension without change of a currently approved collection  11/30/2006  01/26/2007  Approved without change
200306-0917-001 Emergency extension  08/28/2006  08/31/2006  Approved
200306-0917-001 Reinstatement without change of a previously approved collection  06/16/2003  08/06/2003  Approved without change
200211-0917-002 Extension without change of a currently approved collection  11/27/2002  01/24/2003  Approved without change
199906-0917-001 Emergency extension  07/30/2002  07/30/2002  Approved
199906-0917-001 Reinstatement with change of a previously approved collection  06/09/1999  08/13/1999  Approved without change
199507-0917-001 Emergency extension  04/27/1998  04/27/1998  Approved
199507-0917-001 Reinstatement with change of a previously approved collection  07/20/1995  07/25/1995  Approved without change
199108-0917-001 Extension without change of a currently approved collection  08/16/1991  11/04/1991  Approved without change
198904-0917-004 Emergency extension  06/14/1991  06/14/1991  Approved
198904-0917-004 No material or nonsubstantive change to a currently approved collection  04/18/1989  04/18/1989  Approved with change
198904-0917-001 No material or nonsubstantive change to a currently approved collection  04/04/1989  04/04/1989  Approved with change
198806-0917-001 New collection (Request for a new OMB Control Number)  06/15/1988  07/05/1988  Approved without change