This listing includes all collections of information from the public for which a Federal agency has received prior approval from OMB, as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act. An ongoing collection must be approved by OMB at least once every three years.
Select Agency Department of AgricultureDepartment of CommerceDepartment of DefenseDepartment of EducationDepartment of EnergyDepartment of Health and Human ServicesDepartment of Homeland SecurityDepartment of Housing and Urban DevelopmentDepartment of the InteriorDepartment of JusticeDepartment of LaborDepartment of StateDepartment of TransportationDepartment of the TreasuryDepartment of Veterans AffairsEnvironmental Protection AgencyLibrary of CongressNational Aeronautics and Space AdministrationNational Gallery of ArtAgency for International DevelopmentAmerican Battle Monuments CommissionAppraisal Subcommittee of the FFIECArchitectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance BoardCommodity Futures Trading CommissionConsumer Financial Protection BureauConsumer Product Safety CommissionCorporation for National and Community ServiceCouncil of the Inspectors General on Integrity and EfficiencyCouncil on Environmental QualityDOD/GSA/NASA (FAR)Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety BoardEqual Employment Opportunity CommissionExport-Import Bank of the United StatesFederal Communications CommissionFederal Deposit Insurance CorporationFederal Energy Regulatory CommissionFederal Housing Finance AgencyFederal Maritime CommissionFederal Mediation and Conciliation ServiceFederal Mine Safety and Health Review CommissionFederal Permitting Improvement Steering CouncilFederal Reserve SystemFederal Trade CommissionGeneral Services AdministrationGrants.govInstitute of Museum and Library ServicesInter-American FoundationInternational Trade CommissionMerit Systems Protection BoardMillennium Challenge CorporationMorris K. Udall and Stewart L. Udall FoundationNational Archives and Records AdministrationNational Credit Union AdministrationNational Endowment for the ArtsNational Endowment for the HumanitiesNational Indian Gaming CommissionNational Labor Relations BoardNational Science FoundationNational Transportation Safety BoardNuclear Regulatory CommissionOffice of Director of National IntelligenceOffice of Government EthicsOffice of Management and BudgetOffice of National Drug Control PolicyOffice of Navajo and Hopi Indian RelocationOffice of Personnel ManagementOffice of Special CounselOffice of the United States Trade RepresentativePeace CorpsPension Benefit Guaranty CorporationRailroad Retirement BoardSecurities and Exchange CommissionSelective Service SystemSmall Business AdministrationSocial Security AdministrationSurface Transportation BoardTennessee Valley AuthorityU.S. Agency for Global MediaU.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation BoardU.S. Election Assistance CommissionU.S. Trade and Development AgencyUnited States International Development Finance CorporationFederal Retirement Thrift Investment Board (Only agencies with information relevant to this report appear in the list.)
Select Agency ALLDepartment of AgricultureDepartment of CommerceDepartment of DefenseDepartment of EducationDepartment of EnergyDepartment of Health and Human ServicesDepartment of Homeland SecurityDepartment of Housing and Urban DevelopmentDepartment of the InteriorDepartment of JusticeDepartment of LaborDepartment of StateDepartment of TransportationDepartment of the TreasuryDepartment of Veterans AffairsEnvironmental Protection AgencyNational Aeronautics and Space AdministrationAgency for International DevelopmentCommittee for Purchase From People Who Are Blind or Severely DisabledCommodity Futures Trading CommissionConsumer Financial Protection BureauConsumer Product Safety CommissionCorporation for National and Community ServiceEqual Employment Opportunity CommissionExport-Import Bank of the United StatesFederal Communications CommissionFederal Deposit Insurance CorporationFederal Energy Regulatory CommissionFederal Permitting Improvement Steering CouncilFederal Trade CommissionGeneral Services AdministrationNational Archives and Records AdministrationNational Credit Union AdministrationNational Indian Gaming CommissionNational Science FoundationNuclear Regulatory CommissionOffice of Personnel ManagementPeace CorpsRailroad Retirement BoardSecurities and Exchange CommissionSelective Service SystemSocial Security AdministrationSurface Transportation BoardTennessee Valley AuthorityUnited States International Development Finance Corporation (Only agencies with information relevant to this report appear in the list.)
Select Agency ALLDepartment of AgricultureDepartment of CommerceDepartment of DefenseDepartment of EducationDepartment of EnergyDepartment of Health and Human ServicesDepartment of Homeland SecurityDepartment of Housing and Urban DevelopmentDepartment of the InteriorDepartment of JusticeDepartment of LaborDepartment of StateDepartment of TransportationDepartment of the TreasuryDepartment of Veterans AffairsEnvironmental Protection AgencyAppraisal Subcommittee of the FFIECCommodity Futures Trading CommissionConsumer Financial Protection BureauEqual Employment Opportunity CommissionFederal Communications CommissionFederal Deposit Insurance CorporationFederal Energy Regulatory CommissionFederal Housing Finance AgencyFederal Reserve SystemFederal Trade CommissionGeneral Services AdministrationInstitute of Museum and Library ServicesMerit Systems Protection BoardNational Credit Union AdministrationNational Science FoundationNational Transportation Safety BoardNuclear Regulatory CommissionPension Benefit Guaranty CorporationSecurities and Exchange CommissionSmall Business AdministrationSocial Security AdministrationUnited States International Development Finance Corporation (Only agencies with information relevant to this report appear in the list.)
Select Agency ALLDepartment of AgricultureDepartment of CommerceDepartment of EducationDepartment of Health and Human ServicesDepartment of Homeland SecurityDepartment of Housing and Urban DevelopmentDepartment of StateEnvironmental Protection AgencyAgency for International Development (Only agencies with information relevant to this report appear in the list.)
Select Agency ALLDepartment of AgricultureDepartment of CommerceDepartment of DefenseDepartment of EnergyDepartment of Health and Human ServicesDepartment of Homeland SecurityDepartment of Housing and Urban DevelopmentDepartment of the InteriorDepartment of JusticeDepartment of LaborDepartment of StateDepartment of TransportationDepartment of the TreasuryDepartment of Veterans AffairsAgency for International DevelopmentArchitectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance BoardDOD/GSA/NASA (FAR)Equal Employment Opportunity CommissionGeneral Services AdministrationGrants.govNational Archives and Records AdministrationNational Credit Union AdministrationNational Science FoundationNuclear Regulatory CommissionOffice of Personnel ManagementPeace Corps (Only agencies with information relevant to this report appear in the list.)