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ACS Methods Panel
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Document Type Form No. Form Name Instrument File URL Available Electronically? Can Be Submitted Electronically? Electronic Capability
Other-Letter from the Director Attachment A1 - ACS-13(L)(2015) (5-2015).pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-Internet Response Instruction Card Attachment A2 -- ACS-34IM(08-08-2013), Internet Response Instruction Card.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-ACS FAQ Brochure Attachment A3 -- ACS-10SM(2015)(6-2014), ACS Frequently Asked Question Brochure.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-Multilingual Brochure Attachment A4 -- ACS-9(2014)(8-2013), Multilingual Brochure.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-ACS Stateside Outgoing Envelope Attachment A5 -- ACS-46IM(2013)(12-2012), ACS Stateside Outgoing Envelope.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Instruction Attachment C1 - ACS-20(L)(2015) (5-2015) Reminder Letter.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-ACS Reminder Envelope Attachment C2 - ACS-40(2012) (6-2011) - ACS Reminder Envelope.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Form and Instruction ACS-2 (2015) The American Community Survey Attachment D1 -- ACS-1(2015)(06-17-2014), ACS Stateside Questionnaire.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Instruction Attachment D2 -- ACS-14(L)SM(2013)(6-2013), ACS Follow-up Letter.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Form and Instruction ACS-34RM (04/04/2013) American Community Survey Attachment D3 -- ACS-34RM(04-04-2014), ACS Instruction Card.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-ACS Return Envelope Attachment D4 -- 6385_47(2014)(10-2013), ACS Return Envelope.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-ACS FAQ Brochure Attachment D5 -- ACS-10SM(2015)(6-2014), ACS FAQ Brochure.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Instruction Attachment D6 -- ACS-30(2015)(5-2014), ACS Instruction Guide Booklet.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-ACS Stateside Outgoing Envelope Attachment D7 -- ACS-46(2012)(5-2011), ACS Stateside Outgoing Envelope.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-Reminder Postcard Attachment E -- ACS-29(2013)(5-2012), Reminder Postcard.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-Second Reminder Postcard Attachment F -- ACS-23(2013)(5-2012), Second Reminder Postcard.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-Official Internet Invitation Letter Attachment H1 -- A3_Official Internet Invitation Letter.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-A1 Official Main Envelope Attachment H2 -- A1_Official Main Envelope.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Instruction Attachment H3 -- Rem2_Official Reminder Letter.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-Official Choice Letter Attachment H4-- C6_Official Choice Letter.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-Official Main Envelope Attachment H5 -- C1_Official Main Envelope.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Instruction Attachment H6 -- D1_Official Second Reminder Card.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Instruction Attachment H7 -- E1_Official Final Reminder Card.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-Official FAQ Attachment H8 -- C4_Official FAQ.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-Minimal Design Treatment Letter Attachment J - - Minimal Design Treatment Initial Letter.docx Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Form ACS-8(X) How Your Responses Help America Attachment K -- ACS-8(X)(8-2015)HowYourResponsesHelpAmerica.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Form and Instruction ACS -1(X) CTC (06-09-2015) The American Community Survey Content Test Control Questionnaire Attachment L1 -- ACS-1(X)CTC, Content Test Control Questionnaire.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Form and Instruction ACS -1- (X)CTT The American Community Survey Content Test Test Questionnaire Attachment L2 -- ACS-1(X)CTT, Content Test Test Questionnaire.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-ACS Internet Screen Capture Guide Attachment B -- American Community Survey Internet Screen Capture Guide (2015).docx Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-First Mailing Attachments Attachments A - ACS First Mailing (Initial Package).pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-Second Mailing Reminder Attachments C - ACS Second Mailing (Reminder Letter).pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-Third Mailing Attachments D - ACS Third Mailing (Questionnaire Package).pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-Summer Mail Messaging Attachments H - Summer 2015 Mail Messaging Design Treatment Materials.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-Softened Mandatory Messaging Treatment Attachment G -- Softened Mandatory Messaging Treatment.docx Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-2015 Summer Mail Messaging Test Attachment I -- Design Treatments Materials.docx Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Other-2016 Content Test Question Wording Attachment L3 -- Content Test Question Wording.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable

General Government Central Records & Statistical Mgt


576,000 0
Individuals or Households
   68 %

  Approved Program Change Due to New Statute Program Change Due to Agency Discretion Change Due to Adjustment in Agency Estimate Change Due to Potential Violation of the PRA Previously Approved
Annual Number of Responses for this IC 576,000 0 0 0 0 576,000
Annual IC Time Burden (Hours) 348,167 0 0 0 0 348,167
Annual IC Cost Burden (Dollars) 0 0 0 0 0 0

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            Blank fields in records indicate information that was not collected or not collected electronically prior to July 2006.