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Please note that the OMB number and expiration date may not have been determined when this Information Collection Request and associated Information Collection forms were submitted to OMB. The approved OMB number and expiration date may be found by clicking on the Notice of Action link below.
View ICR - OIRA Conclusion
OMB Control No:
ICR Reference No:
Historical Inactive
Previous ICR Reference No:
Agency Tracking No:
Homeownership Counseling Amendments to the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (Regulation X)
Type of Information Collection:
New collection (Request for a new OMB Control Number)
Common Form ICR:
Type of Review Request:
OIRA Conclusion Action:
Comment filed on proposed rule
Conclusion Date:
Retrieve Notice of Action (NOA)
Date Received in OIRA:
Terms of Clearance:
Pursuant to 5 CFR 1320.11(c), OMB files this comment on this information collection request (ICR). In accordance with 5 CFR 1320, OMB is withholding approval at this time. The agency shall examine public comment in response to the NPRM and will include in the supporting statement of the next ICR--to be submitted to OMB at the final rule stage--a description of how the agency has responded to any public comments on the ICR, including comments on maximizing the practical utility of the collection and minimizing the burden.
Inventory as of this Action
Previously Approved
Expiration Date
36 Months From Approved
Time Burden (Hours)
Cost Burden (Dollars)
Certain disclosures are required by the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA) of 1974, as amended by Section 461 of the Housing and Urban-Rural Recovery Act of 1983 (HURRA), and other various amendments. The statute is found at 12 U.S.C. 2601 et seq. The implementing regulations were historically published by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) at 24 CFR 3500. In light of the transfer of HUD's rulemaking authority for RESPA to the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection (CFPB), the CFPB adopted an interim final rule (Interim Final Rule) recodifying HUD's Regulation X at 12 CFR 1024 to reflect the transfer of authority and to help facilitate compliance with RESPA and its implementing regulations to help prevent confusion regarding regulatory and supervisory authority. Required disclosures include: the Good Faith Estimate (GFE), the HUD-1/HUD-1A Settlement Statements, the Servicing Disclosure Statement, and, as applicable, the Servicing Transfer Disclosure. Other disclosures may be required under certain circumstances and include: the Initial Escrow Account Statement, the Annual Escrow Account Statement, and the Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure. This collection helps to protect consumers in several respects. The GFE and HUD-1/HUD-1A Settlement Statements enable consumers to compare estimated settlement costs with actual settlement costs. The Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure helps to protect borrowers from unnecessarily high settlement service charges due to the settlement service provider's use of an affiliated provider. Disclosures related to the servicing of the mortgage loan help to protect consumers if the servicing of the loan could be or is transferred. Disclosures related to consumers' escrow accounts help to protect them from unnecessarily high escrow charges. The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-Frank Act), Pub. L. 111-203, amended RESPA to mandate that lenders provide to potential borrowers of federally related mortgage loans a "reasonably complete or updated list of homeownership counselors who are certified pursuant to section 106(e) of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968 (12 U.S.C. 1701x(e)) and located in the area of the lender." Accordingly, through a proposed rule published in the Federal Register in August 2012, the CFPB is proposing to revise Regulation X to require lenders to provide a list of homeownership counselors or counseling organizations to applicants for federally related mortgage loans.
Authorizing Statute(s):
US Code:
12 USC 1601
Name of Law: Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act
Citations for New Statutory Requirements:
US Code: 12 USC 2601 Name of Law: Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA) of 1974
Associated Rulemaking Information
Stage of Rulemaking:
Federal Register Citation:
Proposed rulemaking
77 FR 49090
Federal Register Notices & Comments
Did the Agency receive public comments on this ICR?
Number of Information Collection (IC) in this ICR:
IC Title
Form No.
Form Name
Provision of List of Homeownership Counselors or Counseling Organizations to Applicants for Federally Related Mortgage Loans
Burden increases because of Program Change due to Agency Discretion:
Burden Increase Due to:
Changing Regulations
Burden decreases because of Program Change due to Agency Discretion:
Burden Reduction Due to:
Short Statement:
The Burden for HOEPA has been transferred out of 3170-0016 (Regulation X), while Regulation X is amended multiple times in several months as a result of the Dodd-Frank Act. At some point in the future, this ICR, along with the associated burden, may be consolidated back into 3170-0016.
Annual Cost to Federal Government:
Does this IC contain surveys, censuses, or employ statistical methods?
Is the Supporting Statement intended to be a Privacy Impact Assessment required by the E-Government Act of 2002?
Is this ICR related to the Affordable Care Act [Pub. L. 111-148 & 111-152]?
Is this ICR related to the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, [Pub. L. 111-203]?
Is this ICR related to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA)?
Is this ICR related to the Pandemic Response?
Agency Contact:
Stacy Kane 202 754-0135
Common Form ICR:
On behalf of this Federal agency, I certify that the collection of information encompassed by this request complies with 5 CFR 1320.9 and the related provisions of 5 CFR 1320.8(b)(3).
The following is a summary of the topics, regarding the proposed collection of information, that the certification covers:
(a) It is necessary for the proper performance of agency functions;
(b) It avoids unnecessary duplication;
(c) It reduces burden on small entities;
(d) It uses plain, coherent, and unambiguous language that is understandable to respondents;
(e) Its implementation will be consistent and compatible with current reporting and recordkeeping practices;
(f) It indicates the retention periods for recordkeeping requirements;
(g) It informs respondents of the information called for under 5 CFR 1320.8 (b)(3) about:
(i) Why the information is being collected;
(ii) Use of information;
(iii) Burden estimate;
(iv) Nature of response (voluntary, required for a benefit, or mandatory);
(v) Nature and extent of confidentiality; and
(vi) Need to display currently valid OMB control number;
(h) It was developed by an office that has planned and allocated resources for the efficient and effective management and use of the information to be collected.
(i) It uses effective and efficient statistical survey methodology (if applicable); and
(j) It makes appropriate use of information technology.
If you are unable to certify compliance with any of these provisions, identify the item by leaving the box unchecked and explain the reason in the Supporting Statement.
Certification Date: