View ICR - OIRA Conclusion

3060-1197 201311-3060-001
Historical Active
Comprehensive Market Data Collection for Interstate Special Access Services, FCC 12-153
New collection (Request for a new OMB Control Number)   No
Approved with change 08/15/2014
Retrieve Notice of Action (NOA) 12/09/2013
This information collection has been approved with the following changes: 1. Where data sought for 2010 and/or 2012, only require the reporting of data for a single year, and use the most recent year (i.e., calendar year 2013). 2. Revise definition of Purchasers to exclude entities from the collection that purchased less than $5 million in Dedicated Services in 2013 (in areas where the ILEC is subject to price cap regulation). 3. Do not require Purchasers to answer Questions II.E.4-8, II.E.14, II.F.3-7, and II.F.13. Purchasers can provide information in response to such questions on a voluntary basis. 4. Require the reporting of revenues and expenditures broken down by bandwidth as set forth in Questions II.A.16, II.B.9, II.E.7-8, and II.F.6-7, only if respondent keeps such information in the normal course of business. Otherwise, respondent can provide information on a voluntary basis. 5. Only require the reporting of CLLI code for ILEC wire center in response to Question II.E.2.d if kept in the normal course of business. Otherwise, respondent can provide information on a voluntary basis. 6. In Question II.A.11 directed at Competitive Providers, only require responses where the respondent was selected as the winning bidder on a Request for Proposal (RFP). Respondents can provide information on unsuccessful RFP bids and business rules relied upon to submit bids on a voluntary basis. 7. In Questions II.A.4.c and II.B.3.c regarding the reporting of Locations with Connections, Providers are only required to provide the geocode for the Location if the respondent keeps such information in the normal course of business. Respondent can, however, provide such information on a voluntary basis. 8. In Question II.A.5 directed at Competitive Providers regarding fiber maps and the reporting of Nodes used to interconnect with third party networks, do not require cable companies to show the feeder links to locations, only their interoffice transport fiber network. In addition, cable companies are only required to report their headends (i.e., Nodes) that they have upgraded to provide metro Ethernet service, or its functional equivalent. Additionally the design of the methodology for this information collection is not sufficiently specific at this time to assess the degree to which the results will be generalizable. It is therefore not possible to determine in advance whether the results drawn from this effort would meet the standards of OMB’s Government-wide Information Quality Guidelines.
  Inventory as of this Action Requested Previously Approved
08/31/2017 36 Months From Approved
4,000 0 0
536,000 0 0
10,000,000 0 0