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USDA/FNS RIN: 0584-AB88 Publication ID: Fall 1997 
Title: Food Stamp Program: Food Stamp Recipient Claim Establishment and Collection Standards 
Abstract: The Food and Consumer Service is revising Food Stamp Program regulations which cover the establishment and collection of recipient claims. This action is the result of the enactment of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA) and is consistent with the President's regulatory reform effort. In addition, this rule revises existing discretionary areas to improve claim establishment and effective management. The inability of State agencies to establish and collect claims has continuously been cited as a deficiency by the Department's Office of Inspector General. The last significant revision to these regulations was in 1983. Subsequent activities, such as technological advances and general debt management regulations, have rendered many portions of the current rule obsolete. In addition, the current rule has been found to place unnecessary burdens on State agencies. State agencies are responsible for establishing and collecting recipient claims. (94-005) 
Agency: Department of Agriculture(USDA)  Priority: Other Significant 
RIN Status: Previously published in the Unified Agenda Agenda Stage of Rulemaking: Proposed Rule Stage 
Major: Undetermined  Unfunded Mandates: No 
CFR Citation: 7 CFR 272    7 CFR 273   
Legal Authority: 7 USC 2011 to 2032   

Statement of Need: In addition to implementing PRWORA, this rule is necessary to improve the establishment and collection of recipient claims. The last significant revision to these regulations was in 1983. Subsequent activities, such as technological advances and general debt management regulations, have rendered many portions of the current rule obsolete. The current rule has also been found to place unnecessary burdens on State agencies. State agencies are responsible for establishing and collecting recipient claims. This rule will address two dimensions of the overissuance problem: establishing claims on excess allowances, and recovering overages where possible. Data from the food stamp quality control system for 1993 show that overissuances to recipients totaled over $1.8 billion, 8.3 percent of the $22.0 billion in total food stamp issuances that year. These errors were concentrated in just 18 percent of food stamp households, which received an average of almost 50 percent more than they should have. Claims against recipients are a direct means to recover overissuances and, to the extent that recipients know that recovery of overissuances will be sought, represent a deterrent to households who quietly accept the extra food benefits.

Alternatives: The alternative is not to revise the current rule governing this aspect of the Program. In addition, the existing regulations must be changed to conform with the new legislative requirement. The current rule is not adequate to facilitate effective and efficient debt management. The inability of State agencies to establish and collect claims has continuously been cited as a deficiency by the Department's Office of Inspector General.

Anticipated Costs and Benefits: Nationwide, as of October 1, 1996, there was over $1.1 billion in uncollected recipient claims. Inspector General reports have also noted that, in addition to large accounts receivable for established, uncollected claims, there are backlogs of hundreds of millions of claims that have not yet been established. These unestablished claims represent the most current, and typically the most collectable losses to the program. Updated regulations that incorporate recent debt management rules and technological advances, as well as practical suggestions and feedback received from State agencies, should improve the establishment and collection of recipient claims in the Food Stamp Program. In addition, efforts will be made to increase the degree of conformity with claims-related issues and procedures currently used in other social programs.

Risks: The tolerance of program abuse or even the perception of such undermines the fundamental mission of the Food Stamp Program. The efficient and effective establishment and collection of recipient claims, which this rulemaking addresses, is essential in ensuring that this does not occur.

Action Date FR Cite
NPRM  12/00/1997    
NPRM Comment Period End  02/00/1998    
Final Action  09/00/1998    
Final Action Effective  12/00/1998    
Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No  Government Levels Affected: Local, State 
Included in the Regulatory Plan: Yes 
Agency Contact:
Sharon Ackerman
Agency Regulatory Officer
Department of Agriculture
Food and Nutrition Service
Room 918, 3101 Park Center Drive,
Alexandria, VA 22302
Phone:703 305-2246