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DOJ/INS RIN: 1115-AE26 Publication ID: Spring 1998 
Title: Regulations Relating to Temporary Protected Status 
Abstract: Regulations published under this RIN implement provisions of the Immigration and Nationality Act as established by section 302 of the Immigration Act of 1990, Pub. L. 101-649, which allow for the establishment and implementation of Temporary Protected Status (TPS). Currently, nationals of four countries (Liberia, Somalia, Rwanda, and Bosnia-Hercegovina) have been accorded TPS Status. Such designations are accomplished by notice published in the Federal Register. ^PPreviously published TPS regulations were cited by RIN 1115-AC30. ^PCurrent regulatory actions: ^PINS No. 1608 provides for exceptions to deadlines for registering for TPS and updates the application process. ^PINS No. 1612 provides for the removal of obsolete TPS language. 
Agency: Department of Justice(DOJ)  Priority: Other Significant 
RIN Status: Previously published in the Unified Agenda Agenda Stage of Rulemaking: Final Rule Stage 
Major: No  Unfunded Mandates: No 
CFR Citation: 8 CFR 103    8 CFR 240    8 CFR 299   
Legal Authority: 8 USC 1103    8 USC 1254a    8 USC 1254a note    8 USC 1362    8 USC 1324a    8 USC 1101    8 USC 1303    8 CFR 2    5 USC 301    5 USC 552    5 USC 552a    8 USC 1201    28 USC 509    31 USC 9701   
Action Date FR Cite
TPS Final Rule (INS No. 1612) Removal of Obsolete Sections Covering TPS for Salvadorans  09/10/1996  61 FR 47667   
TPS Notice (INS No. 1832-97) Designation of Liberia  04/07/1997  62 FR 16608   
TPS Notice (INS No. 1853-97) Designation of Rwanda Eff. 06/07/97  06/19/1997  62 FR 33442   
TPS Notice (INS No. 1862-97) Designation of Bosnia-Hercegovina  08/01/1997  62 FR 41420   
TPS Notice (INS No. 1863-97) Designation of Somalia  08/01/1997  62 FR 41421   
TPS Notice (INS No. 1878-97) TPS Designation of Montserrat  08/28/1997  62 FR 45685   
TPS Notice (INS No. 1910-98) Termination of Designation of Liberia  03/31/1998  63 FR 15437   
TPS Final Rule (INS No. 1608) Exceptions to Registration  05/00/1998    
Additional Information: The Attorney General may designate other countries for TPS. ^PINS Nos. 1608, 1612, 1832-97, 1853-97 and 1877-97 ^PINS No. 1608 issued as an interim rule on 11/5/93 at 58 FR 58935 ^PCross reference other TPS actions under RIN 1115-AC30.
Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No  Government Levels Affected: None 
Included in the Regulatory Plan: No 
Agency Contact:
Ronald S. Chirlin
Staff Officer, Office of Examinations
Department of Justice
Immigration and Naturalization Service
Room 3214, 425 I Street NW,
Washington, DC 20536
Phone:202 514-5014