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EPA/OCSPP | RIN: 2070-AJ92 | Publication ID: Spring 2015 |
Title: Formaldehyde Emissions Standards for Composite Wood Products | |
The EPA is developing a final rule under the Formaldehyde Standards for Composite Wood Products Act that was enacted in 2010 as title VI of Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), 15 U.S.C. 2697, and requires that the EPA promulgate implementing regulations to establish specific formaldehyde emission limits for hardwood plywood, particleboard, and medium-density fiberboard, which limits are identical to the California emission limits for these products. In 2013, the EPA proposed regulations to implement emissions standards established by TSCA title VI for composite wood products sold, supplied, offered for sale, or manufactured in the United States. Pursuant to TSCA section 3(7), the definition of "manufacture" includes import. As required by title VI, these regulations apply to hardwood plywood, medium-density fiberboard, and particleboard. TSCA title VI also directs EPA to promulgate supplementary provisions to ensure compliance with the emissions standards, including provisions related to labeling; chain of custody requirements; sell-through provisions; ULEF resins; no-added formaldehyde-based resins; finished goods; third-party testing and certification; auditing and reporting of third-party certifiers; recordkeeping; enforcement; laminated products; and exceptions from the requirements of regulations promulgated pursuant to this subsection for products and components containing de minimis amounts of composite wood products. A separate Regulatory Agenda entry (RIN 2070-AJ44) addresses requirements for accrediting bodies and third-party certifiers. EPA may decide to issue a single final rule to promulgate the final requirements related to both proposed rules. |
Agency: Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) | Priority: Other Significant |
RIN Status: Previously published in the Unified Agenda | Agenda Stage of Rulemaking: Final Rule Stage |
Major: Yes | Unfunded Mandates: Private Sector |
CFR Citation: 40 CFR 770 | |
Legal Authority: 15 U.S.C. 2697 Toxic Substances Control Act |
Legal Deadline:
Additional Information: Docket #:EPA-HQ-OPPT-2012-0018. See also RIN 2070-AJ44. | |
Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Yes | Government Levels Affected: None |
Small Entities Affected: Businesses | Federalism: No |
Included in the Regulatory Plan: No | |
International Impacts: This regulatory action will be likely to have international trade and investment effects, or otherwise be of international interest. | |
RIN Information URL: | Public Comment URL:!documentDetail;D=EPA-HQ-OPPT-2012-0018-0001 |
Sectors Affected: 321211 Hardwood Veneer and Plywood Manufacturing; 321212 Softwood Veneer and Plywood Manufacturing; 321213 Engineered Wood Member (except Truss) Manufacturing; 321219 Reconstituted Wood Product Manufacturing; 321991 Manufactured Home (Mobile Home) Manufacturing; 321992 Prefabricated Wood Building Manufacturing; 325199 All Other Basic Organic Chemical Manufacturing; 325211 Plastics Material and Resin Manufacturing; 336213 Motor Home Manufacturing; 336214 Travel Trailer and Camper Manufacturing; 337110 Wood Kitchen Cabinet and Countertop Manufacturing; 337121 Upholstered Household Furniture Manufacturing; 337122 Nonupholstered Wood Household Furniture Manufacturing; 337127 Institutional Furniture Manufacturing; 337129 Wood Television, Radio, and Sewing Machine Cabinet Manufacturing; 337211 Wood Office Furniture Manufacturing; 337212 Custom Architectural Woodwork and Millwork Manufacturing; 337215 Showcase, Partition, Shelving, and Locker Manufacturing; 423210 Furniture Merchant Wholesalers; 423310 Lumber, Plywood, Millwork, and Wood Panel Merchant Wholesalers; 423390 Other Construction Material Merchant Wholesalers; 441210 Recreational Vehicle Dealers; 442110 Furniture Stores; 444110 Home Centers; 444130 Hardware Stores; 444190 Other Building Material Dealers; 453930 Manufactured (Mobile) Home Dealers | |
RIN Data Printed in the FR: Yes | |
Agency Contact: Cindy Wheeler Environmental Protection Agency Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Mail Code 7404M, Washington, DC 20460 Phone:202 566-0484 Email: Lynn Vendinello Environmental Protection Agency Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention 7404T, Washington, DC 20460 Phone:202 566-0514 Fax:202 564-0473 Email: |