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DOT/NHTSA RIN: 2127-AK92 Publication ID: Fall 2016 
Title: Heavy Vehicle Speed Limiters 

This rulemaking would respond to petitions from ATA and Roadsafe America to require the installation of speed limiting devices on heavy trucks. In response to the petitions, NHTSA requested public comment on the subject and received thousands of comments supporting the petitioner´s request. Based on the available safety data and the ancillary benefit of reduced fuel consumption, this rulemaking would consider a new Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard that would require the installation of speed limiting devices on heavy trucks. We believe this rule would have minimal cost, as all heavy trucks already have these devices installed, although some vehicles do not have the limit set. This rule would decrease the estimated 1,115 fatal crashes annually involving vehicles with a GVWR of over 11,793.4 kg (26,000 lbs) on roads with posted speed limits of 55 mph or above.

Agency: Department of Transportation(DOT)  Priority: Economically Significant 
RIN Status: Previously published in the Unified Agenda Agenda Stage of Rulemaking: Proposed Rule Stage 
Major: Yes  Unfunded Mandates: No 
CFR Citation: 49 CFR 571   
Legal Authority: 49 USC 30111    49 USC 30115    49 USC 30116    49 USC 30117    49 USC 322    delegation of authority at 49 CFR 1.95   
Legal Deadline:  None

Statement of Need:

Based on the agencies' review of the available data, limiting the speed of heavy vehicles would reduce the severity of crashes involving these vehicles and reduce the resulting fatalities and injuries. We expect that, as a result of the joint rulemaking, virtually all of these vehicles would be limited to that speed.

Summary of the Legal Basis:

NHTSA's authority is the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act. Motor Vehicle Safety Standards must be practicable and meet the need for motor vehicle safety while stated in objective terms. FMCSA's authority is based on the Motor Carrier Act. They are authorized to prescribe requirements for 1 qualifications and maximum hours of service of employees of, and safety of operation and equipment of, motor carrier; and 2 qualifications and maximum hours of service of employees of, and standards of equipment of, a motor private carrier, when needed to promote safety operations.


Other technologies limiting speed such as GPS, visions systems, vehicle infrastructure communications, or some other autonomous vehicle technology.

Anticipated Costs and Benefits:

Annual net benefit estimates vary with changing assumptions of the speed limit that is set. At a 7% discount rate in millions of 2013 dollars, net benefits range between $1,136 and $4,964 at a speed of 60 mph. At a speed of 65 mph, that range is between $1,039 and $2,757. At 68 mph, that range is between $475 and $1,260.


The agency believes there are no significant risks related to this rulemaking.

Action Date FR Cite
NPRM  09/07/2016  81 FR 61941   
NPRM Comment Period End  11/07/2016 
Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No  Government Levels Affected: None 
Small Entities Affected: No  Federalism: No 
Included in the Regulatory Plan: Yes 
RIN Information URL:   Public Comment URL:  
RIN Data Printed in the FR: No 
Related RINs: Related to 2126-AB63  Related Agencies: Joint: DOT/FMCSA; 
Agency Contact:
Markus Price
Chief, Visibility and Injury Prevention Division
Department of Transportation
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE,
Washington, DC 20590