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CFTC | RIN: 3038-AE57 | Publication ID: Fall 2022 |
Title: Revisions to Freedom of Information Act Regulations | |
The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (Commission) issued an Interim Final Rule (IFR) to revise certain provisions of its regulations for disclosing records under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to comply with the FOIA Improvement Act of 2016. The revised regulations streamline the language of procedural provisions concerning initial determinations and administrative appeals. The regulations were also updated to incorporate changes in the Commission’s administrative structure, remove superfluous verbiage, and correct inaccurate text. The regulations, as revised by the IFR, have been in effect for five years without any issues. Three comments were received in response to the IFR. Staff determined all three comments were outside the scope of the IFR, such that no further rulemaking action was required. In light of this, the rulemaking contemplated by the IFR has been completed. Further technical and conforming updates to the Commission’s FOIA regulations, beyond the scope of the IFR, will be addressed in a separate rulemaking action. |
Agency: Commodity Futures Trading Commission(CFTC) | Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant |
RIN Status: Previously published in the Unified Agenda | Agenda Stage of Rulemaking: Completed Actions |
Major: No | Unfunded Mandates: No |
CFR Citation: 17 CFR 145 | |
Legal Authority: Pub. L. 114-185, 130 Stat. 538 (June 30, 2016) |
Legal Deadline:
Overall Description of Deadline: The FOIA Improvement Act of 2016 required agencies to issue regulations establishing procedures consistent with the amendments made by the Act. |
Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No | Government Levels Affected: None |
Federalism: No | |
Included in the Regulatory Plan: No | |
RIN Data Printed in the FR: No | |
Agency Contact: Rosemary Killoy Assistant General Counsel - FOIA, Office of the General Counsel Commodity Futures Trading Commission Three Lafayette Centre, 1155 21st Street NW, Washington, DC 20581 Phone:202 418-5912 Email: |