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DOI/FWS RIN: 1018-BF19 Publication ID: Fall 2023 
Title: Subsistence Management Regulations for Public Lands in Alaska-2023–24 and 2024–25 Subsistence Taking of Fish and Shellfish Regulations 

Working together, the Department of the Interior (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Land Management, National Park Service, and Bureau of Indian Affairs) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Forest Service biannually revise regulations for seasons, harvest limits, and methods and means related to taking of fish and shellfish for subsistence uses in Alaska on public lands. The regulatory process, which is administered by the Federal Subsistence Board, involves 10 Federal Subsistence Regional Advisory Councils whose periodic meetings provide a forum for input by rural residents with personal knowledge of local conditions and resource requirements. This process allows the public and rural residents to have a meaningful role in the subsistence management of fish and shellfish on public waters in Alaska and submit proposals to change subsistence regulations for Alaska public waters.

Agency: Department of the Interior(DOI)  Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant 
RIN Status: Previously published in the Unified Agenda Agenda Stage of Rulemaking: Final Rule Stage 
Major: No  Unfunded Mandates: No 
CFR Citation: 50 CFR 100   
Legal Authority: 16 U.S.C. 3111 to 3126   
Legal Deadline:  None
Action Date FR Cite
NPRM  03/17/2022  87 FR 15155   
NPRM Comment Period End  05/16/2022 
Final Action  11/00/2023 
Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No  Government Levels Affected: None 
Federalism: No 
Included in the Regulatory Plan: No 
RIN Data Printed in the FR: No 
Agency Contact:
Theo Matuskowitz
Regulations Specialist, Office of Subsistence Management
Department of the Interior
United States Fish and Wildlife Service
1011 East Tudor Road, MS 121,
Anchorage, AK 99503
Phone:907 786-3888
Fax:907 786-3898