EO 12866 Meetings Search Results

EO Meetings Search Criteria: RIN=0581-AE04
Number Of Records Found: 4     Skip past header sorts      
Meeting Date/Time AGENCY Rule Title Stage of Rulemaking Meeting Type
04/03/2024 01:00 PM 0581-USDA/AMS Unfair Practices, Undue Preferences, and Harm to Competition Under the Packers and Stockyards Act (AMS-FTPP-21-0046) Proposed Rule Stage Completed
02/06/2024 02:00 PM 0581-USDA/AMS Unfair Practices, Undue Preferences, and Harm to Competition Under the Packers and Stockyards Act (AMS-FTPP-21-0046) Proposed Rule Stage Completed
02/05/2024 01:30 PM 0581-USDA/AMS Unfair Practices, Undue Preferences, and Harm to Competition Under the Packers and Stockyards Act (AMS-FTPP-21-0046) Proposed Rule Stage Completed
01/31/2024 01:00 PM 0581-USDA/AMS Unfair Practices, Undue Preferences, and Harm to Competition Under the Packers and Stockyards Act (AMS-FTPP-21-0046) Proposed Rule Stage Completed