View EO 12866 Meeting 0581-AD82

  Establishment of a Domestic Hemp Production Program


  Interim Final Rule Stage

  09/09/2019 11:30 AM

  Canopy Growth USA   David Culver

List of Documents
2019.09.03 OIRA Testimony Hemp Testing and Seed Certification Final 9.9.19 (1)
List of Attendees Participation
•   Elizabeth Ashley  - OMB/OIRA Teleconference 
•   Christine Kourtides  - ONDCP Teleconference 
•   Brenda Aguilar  - OMB/OIRA In Person 
•   Karyn Gorman  - OMB/OIRA Teleconference 
•   Jordan Bonfitto  - WHO/NEC Teleconference 
•   Elyse Greenwald  - OMB/OIRA In Person 
•   Mrs. Kelly Fair, Esq.  - Canopy Growth USA In Person 
•   Mr. David Culver  - Canopy Growth USA In Person