View EO 12866 Meeting 0651-AD72

  PTAB Rules of Practice for Briefing Discretionary Denial Issues, and Rules for 325(d) Considerations, Instituting Parallel and Serial Petitions, and Termination Due to Settlement Agreement


  Proposed Rule Stage

  02/16/2024 10:30 AM

  Computer & Communications Industry Association   Joshua Landau

List of Documents
PTAB AIA Trial Numbers per year
Changes Reducing IPR Institution Rate Have Increased Litigation Frequency and Cost - Patent Progress
snippet from AIPLA Report of the Economic Survey 2023
List of Attendees Participation
•   Mr. Joshua Landau  - SELF Teleconference 
•   Nicholas Fraser  - OMB Teleconference 
•   Joseph Anderson  - OMB Teleconference 
•   Steve Aitken  - IPEC Teleconference 
•   Tricia Choe  - USPTO Teleconference 
•   Kyu Lee  - USPTO Teleconference 
•   Nicolas Oettinger  - USPTO Teleconference 
•   Michael Tierney  - USPTO Teleconference 
•   Monica Goldberg  - DOC Teleconference 
•   Jack Fleming  - USPTO Teleconference