View EO 12866 Meeting 0938-AU99

  Medicaid Managed Care (CMS-2439)


  Proposed Rule Stage

  03/27/2023 10:00 AM

  Foley Hoag LLP   Ross Margulies   National Association for Behavioral Healthcare

List of Documents
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List of Attendees Participation
•   Mr. Shawn Coughlin  - National Association for Behavioral Healthcare Teleconference 
•   Mr. Ross Margulies  - Foley Hoag LLP Teleconference 
•   Mr. Gary Gilberti  - Universal Health Services, Inc. Teleconference 
•   Mr. Thomas R. Barker  - Foley Hoag LLP Teleconference 
•   Mr. Haider Andazola  - Foley Hoag LLP Teleconference 
•   Kevin Patton  - Universal Health Services Teleconference 
•   Amy Gentile  - HHS/CMS Teleconference 
•   John Giles  - HHS/CMS Teleconference 
•   Aaron Fischbach  - HHS/OS Teleconference 
•   Anna Arroyo  - OMB Teleconference 
•   Douglas Cheung  - OMB Teleconference 
•   Henry Wolgast  - OMB Teleconference 
•   Melany Yeung  - OMB Teleconference 
•   Libby Ashley  - OMB/OIRA Teleconference 
•   Kelsi Feltz  - OMB/OIRA Teleconference