View EO 12866 Meeting 0945-AA10

  Protecting Statutory Conscience Rights in Health Care; Delegations of Authority


  Final Rule Stage

  04/23/2019 03:00 PM

  NYC Mayor's Office of Federal Affairs   Kimberly Conway   City of New York

List of Documents
Statutory Conscience Rights Proposed Rule- OIRA mtg- NYC submission- 4-23
List of Attendees Participation
•   Josh Brammer  - OMB/OIRA In Person 
•   Libby Ashley  - OMB/OIRA In Person 
•   Luis Perez  - HHS/OCR Teleconference 
•   Ms. Kimberly Conway  - NYC Mayor's Office of Federal Affairs In Person 
•   Mrs. Rebecca Kagan Sternhell  - NYC Mayor's Office of Federal Affairs In Person 
•   Will Estrada  - HHS/OCR Teleconference 
•   Justin Butterfield  - HHS/OCR Teleconference 
•   Mandi Ancalle  - HHS/OCR Teleconference