View EO 12866 Meeting 1205-AB89

  Temporary Agricultural Employment of H-2A Nonimmigrants in the United States


  Final Rule Stage

  08/11/2022 03:30 PM

  National Council of Agricultural Employers   Michael Marsh

List of Documents
No documents found.
List of Attendees Participation
•   Rita Young  - OMB/OIRA Teleconference 
•   Leticia Sierra  - OMB Teleconference 
•   Anthony Nerino  - OMB/OIRA Teleconference 
•   Mary Fitzpatrick  - OMB/OIRA Teleconference 
•   Nora Stein  - OMB Teleconference 
•   Alex Brant  - OMB Teleconference 
•   Brian Smith  - DOL Teleconference 
•   Michael Marsh  - National Council of Agricultural Employers In Person 
•   Shawn Packer  - National Council of Agricultural Employers Teleconference