View EO 12866 Meeting 1205-AC05

  Adverse Effect Wage Rate Methodology for the Temporary Employment of H-2A Nonimmigrants in Non-Range Occupations in the United States


  Final Rule Stage

  12/12/2022 11:00 AM

  Alston & Bird LLP   Kristi Boswell   U.S. Custom Harvesters Inc.

List of Documents
USCHI AEWR OMB Comments 12-8-22 FINAL Submitted
List of Attendees Participation
•   Rita Young  - OMB Teleconference 
•   Claire Monteiro  - OMB Teleconference 
•   Aubree Thouvenel  - USCHI Member Teleconference 
•   Kristi Boswell  - Alston & Bird on behalf of USCHI Teleconference 
•   Ryan Haffner  - USCHI Board Member Teleconference 
•   Jaime (JC) Schemper  - USCHI Board Member Teleconference 
•   Leticia Sierra  - OMB Teleconference 
•   Courtney Mallon  - OMB Teleconference 
•   Clinton Hourigan  - OMB Teleconference 
•   Anthony Nerino  - OMB Teleconference 
•   Ashley Higgins  - DOL Teleconference 
•   Edward Waldman  - DOL Teleconference 
•   Katherine Zhao  - DOL Teleconference 
•   Janet Banos  - DOL Teleconference 
•   Brian Testa  - DOL Teleconference