View EO 12866 Meeting 2529-AB02

  Reinstatement of HUD's Discriminatory Effects Standard (FR-6251)


  Proposed Rule Stage

  04/30/2021 01:00 PM

  Lawyers for Civil Rights   Lauren Sampson   Massachusetts Fair Housing Center and Housing Works

List of Documents
List of Attendees Participation
•   Jeffery Zhang  - Counsel of Economic Advisers Teleconference 
•   Lauren Samson   - Lawyers for Civil Rights Teleconference 
•   Sam Begenstos  - OMB Teleconference 
•   Tia Patterson   - OMB Teleconference 
•   Aaron Santa Anna  - HUD Teleconference 
•   Sasha Samberg-Champion   - HUD Teleconference 
•   Jeanine Worden   - HUD Teleconference 
•   Kyle Helmick   - HUD Teleconference 
•   Danny Hankes  - HUD Teleconference 
•   Larry SChwartzol  - White House Counsel Teleconference 
•   Mina Makarious  - Anderson & Kreiger Did Not Attend 
•   Scott Lewis  - Anderson & Kreiger Teleconference 
•   Annie Lee  - Anderson & Kreiger Teleconference 
•   Oren Sellstrom  - Lawyers for Civil Rights Did Not Attend 
•   Ivan Espinoza-Madrigal  - Lawyers for Civil Rights Did Not Attend 
•   Megan Kruse  - OMB Teleconference