View EO 12866 Meeting 1004-AE79

  Waste Prevention, Production Subject to Royalties, and Resource Conservation


  Final Rule Stage

  01/24/2024 02:00 PM

  Western Organization of Resource Councils   Sarah Hunkins

List of Documents
Lisa DeVille Testimony 1-24-24
To protect the health of our children, we must cut methane now – New Mexico Voices for Children
As Enforcement Falls Short, Many Worry That Companies Are Flouting New Mexico’s Landmark Gas Flaring Rules - Inside Climate News
Attendees for BLM Waste OMB Meeting (1)
List of Attendees Participation
•   Sarah Hunkins, Jr.  - Western Organization of Resource Councils Teleconference 
•   Karen Anderson  - CPO Teleconference 
•   Mike Ciccarone  - OMB Teleconference 
•   Clayton Elbel  - OMB Teleconference 
•   Mark Purdy  - DOI Teleconference 
•   Clif Horton  - DOI Teleconference 
•   Amanda Fox  - BLM Teleconference 
•   Faith Bremner  - BLM Teleconference 
•   Kyle Moorman  - BLM Teleconference 
•   Mike Hagan  - OMB Teleconference 
•   Dr. Peter LeVon  - Western Colorado Alliance Teleconference 
•   Kayley Shoup  - Citizens Caring for the Future (CCFF) Teleconference 
•   Wendy Atcitty  - Naeva Teleconference 
•   Kati Kovacs  - DOI Teleconference 
•   Sr. Joan Brown  - NM & El Paso Interfaith Power and Light Teleconference 
•   Scott Skotos  - Dakota Resource Council Teleconference 
•   Lisa Finley-DeVille (State Rep)  - Dakota Resource Council Teleconference