Agency Rule List - Fall 2024

Commodity Futures Trading Commission

Agency Agenda Stage of Rulemaking Title RIN
CFTC Prerule Stage Reducing Regulatory Burden: Retrospective Review Under Executive Order 13563 3038-AE28
CFTC Prerule Stage Definition of "Small Entity" for Purposes of the Regulatory Flexibility Act 3038-AF20
CFTC Proposed Rule Stage Risk Management for Swap Dealers and Futures Commission Merchants; Amendments 3038-AE59
CFTC Proposed Rule Stage Revisions to Supplemental Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission 3038-AF11
CFTC Proposed Rule Stage Amendment to the Made Available to Trade Process 3038-AF13
CFTC Proposed Rule Stage Ownership and Control Reports 3038-AF35
CFTC Proposed Rule Stage Revisions to Business Conduct and Swap Documentation Requirements for Swap Dealers and Major Swap Participants 3038-AF38
CFTC Proposed Rule Stage Affiliations Requirements 3038-AF42
CFTC Final Rule Stage Event Contracts Rulemaking 3038-AF14
CFTC Final Rule Stage Recovery and Wind-down Plans for Derivative Clearing Organizations; Information Necessary for Resolution Planning 3038-AF16
CFTC Final Rule Stage Treatment of Separate Accounts by Futures Commission Merchants 3038-AF21
CFTC Final Rule Stage Operational Resilience Framework for Certain Commission Registrants 3038-AF23
CFTC Final Rule Stage Investment of Customer Funds, Cleared Swap Customer Funds, and 30.7 Customer Funds 3038-AF24
CFTC Final Rule Stage Amendments to Appendices to Parts 43 and 45 Adding Supplemental Reporting Fields 3038-AF26
CFTC Final Rule Stage Part 40 - Provisions Common to Registered Entities 3038-AF28
CFTC Final Rule Stage Conflicts of Interest and Governance Requirements for Swap Execution Facilities 3038-AF29
CFTC Final Rule Stage Protection of Clearing Member Funds Held by Derivatives Clearing Organizations 3038-AF39
CFTC Final Rule Stage Annual Adjustment of Civil Monetary Penalties for Inflation--2025 3038-AF41
CFTC Final Rule Stage Financial Data Transparency Act Joint Data Standards Rulemaking 3038-AF43
CFTC Final Rule Stage Amendments to Parts 10 and 11 to Revise the Procedures for Commission Consideration of Enforcement Matters 3038-AF44