Agency Rule List - Fall 2024

Department of Transportation

Agency Agenda Stage of Rulemaking Title RIN
DOT/OST Prerule Stage Airline Passenger Rights 2105-AF20
DOT/OST Prerule Stage Revisions to Cause of Airline Delay Categories 2105-AF29
DOT/OST Proposed Rule Stage Processing Buy America and Buy American Waivers Based on Nonavailability 2105-AE79
DOT/OST Proposed Rule Stage Revisions to Department of Transportation Employee Testimony Regulations 2105-AE85
DOT/OST Proposed Rule Stage Updates to the Privacy Act 2105-AE87
DOT/OST Proposed Rule Stage Appeal Process for Employer-Decided Refusals 2105-AE93
DOT/OST Proposed Rule Stage Procedures for Considering Environmental Impacts 2105-AE97
DOT/OST Proposed Rule Stage Electronic Signatures, Forms and Records Storage for Drug and Alcohol Testing Records 2105-AF01
DOT/OST Proposed Rule Stage Reporting of Data on Number of Passengers Transported and/or Enplaned on Branded Codeshare Flights of U.S. Air Carriers 2105-AF02
DOT/OST Proposed Rule Stage Transportation for Individuals With Disabilities; Adoption of Accessibility Standards for Pedestrian Facilities in the Public Right-of-Way 2105-AF05
DOT/OST Proposed Rule Stage Equitable Access to Transit Facilities 2105-AF07
DOT/OST Proposed Rule Stage Transportation for Individuals With Disabilities: Service Animals and Other Amendments 2105-AF08
DOT/OST Proposed Rule Stage Transportation for Individuals With Disabilities; Adoption of Accessibility Standards for Buses and Vans 2105-AF09
DOT/OST Proposed Rule Stage Periodic Reviews of Basic Essential Air Service Levels 2105-AF13
DOT/OST Proposed Rule Stage Family Seating in Air Transportation 2105-AF15
DOT/OST Proposed Rule Stage Floodplains Management and Protection 2105-AF17
DOT/OST Proposed Rule Stage Transportation Priorities and Allocations System 2105-AF21
DOT/OST Proposed Rule Stage Procedures for Transportation Workplace Drug and Alcohol Testing Programs 2105-AF25
DOT/OST Proposed Rule Stage Creating User Accounts and Submitting Information Electronically Via the Aviation Complaint, Enforcement, and Reporting System 2105-AF27
DOT/OST Final Rule Stage Modernizing Payment of Denied Boarding Compensation 2105-AE67
DOT/OST Final Rule Stage Organization and Delegation of Powers and Duties 2105-AE75
DOT/OST Final Rule Stage Ensuring Safe Accommodations for Air Travelers With Disabilities Using Wheelchairs 2105-AF14
DOT/OST Final Rule Stage Standard Time Zone Boundaries Technical Corrections 2105-AF19
DOT/OST Final Rule Stage Organization and Delegation of Powers and Duties 2105-AF23
DOT/OST Final Rule Stage Revisions to Civil Monetary Penalty Amounts, 2025 2105-AF24
DOT/OST Final Rule Stage Procedures for Transportation Workplace Drug and Alcohol Testing Programs 2105-AF28
DOT/OST Final Rule Stage Periodic Revisions to Denied Boarding Compensation and Domestic Baggage Liability 2105-AF30
DOT/OST Final Rule Stage Transportation Acquisition Regulation: Technical Amendments to Align With the FAR 2105-AF31
DOT/FAA Prerule Stage Aircraft Registration, Airman Certification, and Airman Medical Certificate Fees 2120-AK37
DOT/FAA Proposed Rule Stage Requirements to File Notice of Construction of Meteorological Evaluation Towers and Other Renewable Energy Projects 2120-AK77
DOT/FAA Proposed Rule Stage Orbital Debris Mitigation Methods for Launch Vehicle Upper Stages 2120-AK81
DOT/FAA Proposed Rule Stage Flight Simulation Training Device Usage in Training Programs 2120-AL14
DOT/FAA Proposed Rule Stage Inspection Programs for Single-Engine Turbine-Powered Airplanes and Unmanned Aircraft; Miscellaneous Maintenance-Related Updates 2120-AL20
DOT/FAA Proposed Rule Stage Designation - Restrict the Operation of an Unmanned Aircraft in Close Proximity to a Fixed Site Facility 2120-AL33
DOT/FAA Proposed Rule Stage Transport Airplane and Propulsion Certification Streamlining 2120-AL42
DOT/FAA Proposed Rule Stage Normalizing Unmanned Aircraft Systems Beyond Visual Line of Sight Operations 2120-AL82
DOT/FAA Proposed Rule Stage Falsification, Reproduction, Alteration, Omission, or Incorrect Statements 2120-AL84
DOT/FAA Proposed Rule Stage Update and Clarification of the Passenger Facility Charge Regulations 2120-AL86
DOT/FAA Proposed Rule Stage Disclosure of Safety-Critical Information 2120-AL87
DOT/FAA Proposed Rule Stage Equipment, Systems, and Network Information Security Protection 2120-AL94
DOT/FAA Proposed Rule Stage Update to Bid Protest and Contract Dispute Regulations 2120-AM02
DOT/FAA Proposed Rule Stage Mechanic Certification: Inspection Rating and Currency Requirements 2120-AM04
DOT/FAA Proposed Rule Stage Operating Requirements: Definition Changes for On-Demand Operation, Scheduled Operation, and Supplemental Operation 2120-AM05
DOT/FAA Final Rule Stage Part 95 Instrument Flight Rules 2120-AA63
DOT/FAA Final Rule Stage Airworthiness Directives 2120-AA64
DOT/FAA Final Rule Stage Standard Instrument Approach Procedures 2120-AA65
DOT/FAA Final Rule Stage Airspace Actions 2120-AA66
DOT/FAA Final Rule Stage Drug and Alcohol Testing of Certificated Repair Station Employees Located Outside of the United States 2120-AK09
DOT/FAA Final Rule Stage Interior Parts and Components Fire Protection for Transport Category Airplanes 2120-AK34
DOT/FAA Final Rule Stage Registration and Marking Requirements for Small Unmanned Aircraft 2120-AK82
DOT/FAA Final Rule Stage Removal of the Expiration Date on a Flight Instructor Certificate; Additional Qualification Requirements to Train Initial Flight Instructor Applicants; and Other Provisions 2120-AL25
DOT/FAA Final Rule Stage External Marking Requirement for Small Unmanned Aircraft 2120-AL32
DOT/FAA Final Rule Stage Modernization of Special Airworthiness Certification 2120-AL50
DOT/FAA Final Rule Stage Public Aircraft Logging of Flight Time, Training in Certain Aircraft Holding Special Airworthiness Certificates, and Flight Instructor Privileges 2120-AL61
DOT/FAA Final Rule Stage Integration of Powered-Lift: Pilot Certification and Operations; Miscellaneous Amendments Related to Rotorcraft and Airplanes 2120-AL72
DOT/FAA Final Rule Stage U.S. Agents for Service on Individuals With Foreign Addresses Who Hold or Apply for Certain Certificates, Ratings, or Authorizations 2120-AL85
DOT/FAA Final Rule Stage 25 Hour Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR) Requirement, New Aircraft Production 2120-AL92
DOT/FAA Final Rule Stage Foreign Air Operator Certificates Issued by a Regional Safety Oversight Organization 2120-AL93
DOT/FAA Final Rule Stage Extension of the Prohibition Against Certain Flights in the Sanaa Flight Information Region (FIR) (OYSC) 2120-AL96
DOT/FAA Final Rule Stage Extension of the Prohibition Against Certain Flights in the Tehran Flight Information Region (FIR) (OIIX) 2120-AL98
DOT/FAA Final Rule Stage Modernization of Passenger Information Requirements Relating to "No Smoking" Sign Illumination 2120-AM00
DOT/FAA Final Rule Stage Extension of the Prohibition Against Certain Flights in the Territory and Airspace of Libya 2120-AM03
DOT/FAA Final Rule Stage Regulatory Updates to BasicMed 2120-AM06
DOT/FHWA Proposed Rule Stage Noise Abatement 2125-AF78
DOT/FHWA Proposed Rule Stage Categorical Exclusions and Environmental Procedure 2125-AF80
DOT/FHWA Proposed Rule Stage Vehicle Size and Weight 2125-AF94
DOT/FHWA Proposed Rule Stage National Performance Management Measures for Assessing Bridge Condition 2125-AF95
DOT/FHWA Proposed Rule Stage Pavement Design 2125-AF96
DOT/FHWA Proposed Rule Stage Statewide and Nonmetropolitan and Metropolitan Transportation Planning 2125-AF98
DOT/FHWA Proposed Rule Stage Risk-Based Asset Management Plans 2125-AG00
DOT/FHWA Proposed Rule Stage Emergency Relief Program 2125-AG01
DOT/FHWA Proposed Rule Stage Update of 23 CFR Part 630, Subparts A and G 2125-AG03
DOT/FHWA Proposed Rule Stage National Performance Management Measures 2125-AG06
DOT/FHWA Proposed Rule Stage Incorporating Safety Into Federal-Aid Programs and Projects 2125-AG08
DOT/FHWA Proposed Rule Stage Update to 23 CFR Part 633, Subpart B--Federal-Aid Contracts (Appalachian Contracts) 2125-AG11
DOT/FHWA Proposed Rule Stage Update to National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Standards and Requirements 2125-AG14
DOT/FHWA Proposed Rule Stage MUTCD 11th Edition, Technical Correction 2125-AG15
DOT/FHWA Final Rule Stage State Highway Agency Internal Equal Employment Opportunity Program 2125-AF87
DOT/FHWA Final Rule Stage Interstate System Access 2125-AF89
DOT/FHWA Final Rule Stage Work Zones 2125-AG05
DOT/FHWA Final Rule Stage Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) 2125-AG07
DOT/FHWA Final Rule Stage Consultant Services 2125-AG12
DOT/FHWA Final Rule Stage Application of Buy America to Manufactured Products 2125-AG13
DOT/FMCSA Prerule Stage New Entrant Safety Assurance Process: Implementation of Section 210(b) of the Motor Carrier Safety Improvement Act of 1999 2126-AB17
DOT/FMCSA Prerule Stage Minimum Training Requirements for Entry-Level Commercial Motor Vehicle Operators; Additional Curriculum and Training Provider Requirements 2126-AC71
DOT/FMCSA Proposed Rule Stage MAP-21 Enhancements and Other Updates to the Unified Registration System 2126-AB56
DOT/FMCSA Proposed Rule Stage Heavy Vehicle Speed Limiters 2126-AB63
DOT/FMCSA Proposed Rule Stage Amendment to Agency Rules of Practice 2126-AB82
DOT/FMCSA Proposed Rule Stage Preservation of Records 2126-AC16
DOT/FMCSA Proposed Rule Stage Motor Carrier Operation of Automated Driving Systems (ADS)-Equipped Commercial Motor Vehicles 2126-AC17
DOT/FMCSA Proposed Rule Stage Clearinghouse Implementation Revisions; Controlled Substances and Alcohol Use and Testing 2126-AC43
DOT/FMCSA Proposed Rule Stage Electronic Logging Device (ELD) Revisions 2126-AC50
DOT/FMCSA Proposed Rule Stage Safety Fitness Procedures 2126-AC52
DOT/FMCSA Proposed Rule Stage Parts and Accessories Necessary for Safe Operation; General Amendments 2126-AC56
DOT/FMCSA Proposed Rule Stage Self-Insurance Program Cost Recovery 2126-AC58
DOT/FMCSA Proposed Rule Stage Transportation of Fuel for Agricultural Aircraft Operations 2126-AC59
DOT/FMCSA Proposed Rule Stage Transparency in Property Broker Transactions 2126-AC63
DOT/FMCSA Proposed Rule Stage Registration of Household Goods (HHG) Motor Carriers; Methods to Demonstrate Qualifications and Knowledge of Federal Regulations 2126-AC64
DOT/FMCSA Proposed Rule Stage Commercial Motor Vehicle Drivers Qualifications; Seizure Standard 2126-AC69
DOT/FMCSA Proposed Rule Stage National Registry of Certified Medical Examiners; Administrative Removal of Medical Examiners 2126-AC70
DOT/FMCSA Proposed Rule Stage Fees for the Unified Carrier Registration Plan and Agreement 2126-AC72
DOT/FMCSA Proposed Rule Stage Incorporation by Reference; North American Standard Out-of-Service Criteria; Hazardous Materials Safety Permits (2025) 2126-AC74
DOT/FMCSA Final Rule Stage Amendments to the Commercial Driver's License (CDL) Requirements; Increased Flexibility for Testing and for Drivers After Passing the Skills Test 2126-AC46
DOT/FMCSA Final Rule Stage Heavy Vehicle Automatic Emergency Braking 2126-AC49
DOT/FMCSA Final Rule Stage General Technical Amendments 2126-AC66
DOT/FMCSA Final Rule Stage General Technical Amendments (2025) 2126-AC75
DOT/NHTSA Prerule Stage Facilitating New Automated Driving System Vehicle Designs for Crash Avoidance Testing 2127-AM00
DOT/NHTSA Prerule Stage Alternative Options for Rearview Mirrors 2127-AM02
DOT/NHTSA Prerule Stage Assessment of FMVSS Test Procedures 2127-AM04
DOT/NHTSA Prerule Stage Considerations for Telltales, Indicators and Warnings in Vehicles Equipped With Automated Driving Systems 2127-AM07
DOT/NHTSA Prerule Stage Framework for Automated Driving Systems Safety 2127-AM15
DOT/NHTSA Prerule Stage Assessment of Nonpneumatic Tires on New Motor Vehicles 2127-AM30
DOT/NHTSA Prerule Stage Advanced Impaired Driving Technology 2127-AM50
DOT/NHTSA Prerule Stage Seatback Safety Standards 2127-AM53
DOT/NHTSA Prerule Stage Side Underride Guards on Trailers and Semitrailers 2127-AM54
DOT/NHTSA Prerule Stage Modernizing Part 563, 'Event Data Recorders,' for Emerging Technologies. 2127-AM67
DOT/NHTSA Proposed Rule Stage Tire Fuel Efficiency Consumer Information--Part 2 2127-AK76
DOT/NHTSA Proposed Rule Stage Automatic Shutoff and Keyless Ignition Systems 2127-AK88
DOT/NHTSA Proposed Rule Stage Pedestrian Safety Global Technical Regulation 2127-AK98
DOT/NHTSA Proposed Rule Stage Part 575 Vehicle Defect Reporting Requirements 2127-AL33
DOT/NHTSA Proposed Rule Stage Requirements for Importing Motor Vehicles and Motor Vehicle Equipment 2127-AL61
DOT/NHTSA Proposed Rule Stage Part 595, Remove the Sunset Date for Retrofit Air Bag On-Off Switches 2127-AL64
DOT/NHTSA Proposed Rule Stage 49 CFR Part 577 Defect and Noncompliance Notification 2127-AL66
DOT/NHTSA Proposed Rule Stage 49 CFR Part 510 Information Gathering Powers 2127-AL69
DOT/NHTSA Proposed Rule Stage 49 CFR Part 573, Defect and Noncompliance Responsibility and Reports 2127-AL80
DOT/NHTSA Proposed Rule Stage 23 CFR 1327, Code Appendix Update 2127-AL89
DOT/NHTSA Proposed Rule Stage Tire Fuel Efficiency and Wet Traction Minimum Performance Standards 2127-AM08
DOT/NHTSA Proposed Rule Stage Expansion of Temporary Exemption Program to Domestic Manufacturers for Research, Demonstrations, and Other Purposes 2127-AM14
DOT/NHTSA Proposed Rule Stage FMVSS No. 208 THOR-50M Compliance Option 2127-AM21
DOT/NHTSA Proposed Rule Stage Part 572 WorldSlD-50M Crash Test Dummy 2127-AM22
DOT/NHTSA Proposed Rule Stage FMVSS No. 214 WorldSlD-50M Compliance Option 2127-AM23
DOT/NHTSA Proposed Rule Stage Procedures for Considering Environmental Impacts 2127-AM35
DOT/NHTSA Proposed Rule Stage Fuel Efficiency Standards for Medium- and Heavy-Duty Vehicles 2127-AM39
DOT/NHTSA Proposed Rule Stage Upgrade FMVSS No. 218, Motorcycle Helmets 2127-AM42
DOT/NHTSA Proposed Rule Stage Update to FMVSS No. 209, Seat Belt Assemblies 2127-AM44
DOT/NHTSA Proposed Rule Stage Registered Importer Regulation Modernization 2127-AM47
DOT/NHTSA Proposed Rule Stage Seat Belts in Limousines 2127-AM48
DOT/NHTSA Proposed Rule Stage Rear Designated Seating Position Alert 2127-AM49
DOT/NHTSA Proposed Rule Stage Amend FMVSS No. 108 For On-Vehicle Headlamp Testing 2127-AM51
DOT/NHTSA Proposed Rule Stage Minimum Performance Standards for Lane Departure Warning and Lane-Keeping Assist Systems 2127-AM52
DOT/NHTSA Proposed Rule Stage Part 572 THOR 5th Female Crash Test Dummy 2127-AM56
DOT/NHTSA Proposed Rule Stage Temporary Exemption from Motor Vehicle Safety and Bumper Standards 2127-AM57
DOT/NHTSA Proposed Rule Stage Exemption and Demonstration Framework for Automated Driving Systems 2127-AM60
DOT/NHTSA Proposed Rule Stage Early Warning Reporting Regulations 2127-AM61
DOT/NHTSA Proposed Rule Stage Update to the Procedures for Securing Child Restraints Under FMVSS No. 213 and Qualification Tests for the Hybrid III 3-Year-Old Test Dummy Under Part 572 2127-AM62
DOT/NHTSA Proposed Rule Stage Incident Reporting Requirements for Automated Driving Systems and Level 2 Advanced Driver Assistance Systems 2127-AM63
DOT/NHTSA Proposed Rule Stage Exemptions From Average Fuel Economy Standards for Low Volume Manufacturers for MYs 2024-2026 2127-AM68
DOT/NHTSA Final Rule Stage Upgrade of LATCH Usability Requirements (MAP-21) 2127-AL20
DOT/NHTSA Final Rule Stage Advanced Glazing and Anti-Ejection Countermeasures 2127-AL36
DOT/NHTSA Final Rule Stage Rear Seat Belt Reminder System 2127-AL37
DOT/NHTSA Final Rule Stage 49 CFR Part 512 Confidential Business Information 2127-AL62
DOT/NHTSA Final Rule Stage Part 594-Schedule of Fees Authorized by 49 U.S.C. 30141 2127-AL74
DOT/NHTSA Final Rule Stage Whistleblower Program 2127-AL85
DOT/NHTSA Final Rule Stage Updating Event Data Recorder Standard for Time Capture 2127-AM12
DOT/NHTSA Final Rule Stage Amendments to Hybrid III 5th Percentile Female Test Dummy 2127-AM13
DOT/NHTSA Final Rule Stage Part 572 THOR-50M Crash Test Dummy 2127-AM20
DOT/NHTSA Final Rule Stage Heavy Vehicle Automatic Emergency Braking 2127-AM36
DOT/NHTSA Final Rule Stage Federal Safety Standards for Hydrogen Fuel Used In Vehicles 2127-AM40
DOT/NHTSA Final Rule Stage Updates to FMVSS No. 305, Electric-powered Vehicles; Electrolyte Spillage and Electrical Shock Protection 2127-AM43
DOT/NHTSA Final Rule Stage Regulatory Update to Transfer Programs 2127-AM46
DOT/NHTSA Final Rule Stage Reconsideration of Motorcoach Rollover Structural Integrity Final Rule 2127-AM58
DOT/NHTSA Final Rule Stage Federal Motor Vehicle Theft Prevention Standard, MY 2022 High-Theft Light-Duty Truck and Exempted Vehicle Line Listing. 2127-AM66
DOT/FRA Proposed Rule Stage Railroad Noise Emission Compliance Regulations 2130-AC83
DOT/FRA Proposed Rule Stage Risk Reduction Program 2130-AC89
DOT/FRA Proposed Rule Stage Positive Train Control Systems 2130-AC95
DOT/FRA Proposed Rule Stage Automated Track Inspection 2130-AC96
DOT/FRA Proposed Rule Stage Federal Railroad Administration's Procedures for Waivers and Safety-Related Proceedings 2130-AC97
DOT/FRA Proposed Rule Stage Update to the Federal Railroad Administration's Accident/Incident Reporting Requirements 2130-AC99
DOT/FRA Final Rule Stage Amendments to the Freight Car Safety and Reflectorization Standards 2130-AC77
DOT/FRA Final Rule Stage Training, Qualification, and Oversight for Safety-Related Railroad Employees 2130-AC87
DOT/FRA Final Rule Stage Passenger Equipment Safety Standards; Standards for High-Speed Trainsets 2130-AC90
DOT/FRA Final Rule Stage Amendments to FRA's Procedures for Service of Documents in Railroad Safety Enforcement Proceedings and Other Administrative Updates 2130-AC93
DOT/FRA Final Rule Stage Freight Car Safety Standards Implementing the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act 2130-AC94
DOT/FTA Proposed Rule Stage Buy America 2132-AB16
DOT/FTA Proposed Rule Stage Charter Service 2132-AB38
DOT/FTA Proposed Rule Stage Bus Testing 2132-AB40
DOT/FTA Proposed Rule Stage Statewide and Nonmetropolitan and Metropolitan Transportation Planning 2132-AB45
DOT/FTA Proposed Rule Stage Transit Worker Hours of Service and Fatigue Risk Management 2132-AB46
DOT/FTA Proposed Rule Stage Transit Worker and Public Safety 2132-AB47
DOT/FTA Proposed Rule Stage Prevention of Alcohol Misuse and Prohibited Drug Use in Transit Operations 2132-AB48
DOT/FTA Proposed Rule Stage Public Transportation Safety Program 2132-AB49
DOT/FTA Final Rule Stage Rail Transit Roadway Worker Protection 2132-AB41
DOT/FTA Final Rule Stage State Safety Oversight 2132-AB42
DOT/MARAD Proposed Rule Stage Cargo Preference--U.S. Flag Vessels Regulatory Update 2133-AB97
DOT/MARAD Proposed Rule Stage National Shipping Authority Regulations, Subchapter Update 2133-AB88
DOT/MARAD Proposed Rule Stage Requirements for Establishing United States Citizenship; Proposed 46 CFR Part 355 Updates 2133-AB90
DOT/MARAD Proposed Rule Stage Requirements for Establishing United States Citizenship; Proposed 46 CFR Part 356 Updates 2133-AB91
DOT/MARAD Proposed Rule Stage Cable Security Fleet 2133-AB93
DOT/MARAD Proposed Rule Stage Revision of the State and Regional Maritime Academy Regulations 2133-AB94
DOT/MARAD Proposed Rule Stage Amendment to the United States Merchant Marine Academy Regulations; Maritime Service Obligation 2133-AB96
DOT/MARAD Final Rule Stage Establishing Safe and Secure Merchant Marine Training, Every Mariner Builds A Respectful Culture (EMBARC) 2133-AB99
DOT/MARAD Final Rule Stage Tanker Security Program 2133-AB95
DOT/SLSDC Final Rule Stage Seaway Regulations and Rules: Periodic Update, Various Categories 2135-AA57
DOT/SLSDC Final Rule Stage Tariff of Tolls 2135-AA58
DOT/PHMSA Prerule Stage Hazardous Materials: Modernizing Regulations to Facilitate Transportation of Hazmat Using Autonomous Systems 2137-AF68
DOT/PHMSA Prerule Stage Hazardous Materials: Modernizing Regulations to Facilitate Transportation of Spacecraft and Space Related Hazardous Materials 2137-AF69
DOT/PHMSA Proposed Rule Stage Hazardous Materials: Continued Conversion of Special Permits 2137-AF34
DOT/PHMSA Proposed Rule Stage Pipeline Safety: Oil Spill Response Plans, Accident Notifications, Inspections and Investigations and Other Miscellaneous Pipeline Safety Changes 2137-AF37
DOT/PHMSA Proposed Rule Stage Hazardous Materials: Advancing Safety of Highway, Rail, and Vessel Transportation 2137-AF41
DOT/PHMSA Proposed Rule Stage Pipeline Safety: Repair Criteria for Hazardous Liquid and Gas Transmission Pipelines 2137-AF44
DOT/PHMSA Proposed Rule Stage Pipeline Safety: Amendments to Liquefied Natural Gas Facilities 2137-AF45
DOT/PHMSA Proposed Rule Stage Hazardous Materials: Modernizing Regulations To Improve Safety and Efficiency 2137-AF47
DOT/PHMSA Proposed Rule Stage Pipeline Safety: Pipeline Operational Status 2137-AF52
DOT/PHMSA Proposed Rule Stage Pipeline Safety: Safety of Gas Distribution Pipelines and Other Pipeline Safety Initiatives 2137-AF53
DOT/PHMSA Proposed Rule Stage Hazardous Materials: Improving the Safety of Transporting Liquefied Natural Gas 2137-AF54
DOT/PHMSA Proposed Rule Stage Pipeline Safety: Safety of Carbon Dioxide and Hazardous Liquid Pipelines 2137-AF60
DOT/PHMSA Proposed Rule Stage Pipeline Safety: Cost Recovery for Siting Reviews for LNG Facilities 2137-AF61
DOT/PHMSA Proposed Rule Stage Hazardous Materials: Modernizing Regulatory Requirements and Responding to Stakeholder Petitions 2137-AF62
DOT/PHMSA Proposed Rule Stage Administrative Rulemaking Regulatory Procedures 2137-AF63
DOT/PHMSA Proposed Rule Stage Hazardous Materials: Harmonization With International Standards 2137-AF64
DOT/PHMSA Proposed Rule Stage Hazardous Materials: Enhancing Safety for High-Hazard Trains (HHTs) 2137-AF65
DOT/PHMSA Proposed Rule Stage Hazardous Materials: Improving the Safety of Transporting Damaged, Defective, or Recalled Lithium Cells or Batteries 2137-AF67
DOT/PHMSA Proposed Rule Stage Pipeline Safety: Standards Update III 2137-AF70
DOT/PHMSA Final Rule Stage Hazardous Materials: Incorporation of ASME Code Section XII and the National Board Inspection Code 2137-AE58
DOT/PHMSA Final Rule Stage Pipeline Safety: Class Location Requirements 2137-AF29
DOT/PHMSA Final Rule Stage Pipeline Safety: Coastal Ecological Unusually Sensitive Areas 2137-AF31
DOT/PHMSA Final Rule Stage Hazardous Materials: Compatibility With the Regulations of the International Atomic Energy Agency 2137-AF42
DOT/PHMSA Final Rule Stage Pipeline Safety: Periodic Standards Update II 2137-AF48
DOT/PHMSA Final Rule Stage Hazardous Materials: Streamlining Requirements for the Approval of Certain Energetic Materials 2137-AF50
DOT/PHMSA Final Rule Stage Pipeline Safety: Gas Pipeline Leak Detection and Repair 2137-AF51
DOT/PHMSA Final Rule Stage Hazardous Materials: Adjusting Registration and Fee Assessment Program 2137-AF59
DOT/PHMSA Final Rule Stage Hazardous Materials: Revisions to the List of Hazardous Substances and Reportable Quantities 2137-AF66