Agency Rule List - Fall 2024

Department of Defense

Agency Agenda Stage of Rulemaking Title RIN
DOD/AF Proposed Rule Stage Administrative Claims 0701-AA87
DOD/AF Proposed Rule Stage Wake Island Code 0701-AA93
DOD/AF Proposed Rule Stage National Environmental Policy Act Implementing Procedures; Proposed Department of the Air Force (DAF)'s Environmental Impact Analysis Process (EIAP) 0701-AA97
DOD/AF Final Rule Stage Department of Defense Commercial Air Transportation Quality and Safety Review Program 0701-AA88
DOD/DOA Proposed Rule Stage Environmental Analysis of Army Actions 0702-AB02
DOD/DOA Proposed Rule Stage Loan of Army Materiel 0702-AB13
DOD/DOA Final Rule Stage Army Cemeteries 0702-AB08
DOD/NAVY Proposed Rule Stage Policies and Responsibilities for Implementation of the National Environmental Policy Act Within the Department of the Navy 0703-AB31
DOD/NAVY Final Rule Stage Professional Conduct of Attorneys Practicing Under the Cognizance and Supervision of the Judge Advocate General 0703-AB19
DOD/COE Proposed Rule Stage Procedures for Implementing the National Environmental Policy Act for Regulatory Program 0710-AB20
DOD/COE Proposed Rule Stage Clean Water Act Section 401 Water Quality Certification For Department of the Army Permits 0710-AB21
DOD/COE Proposed Rule Stage Policy and Procedures for Processing Requests to Alter US Army Corps of Engineers Civil Works Projects Pursuant to 33 U.S.C. 408 0710-AB22
DOD/COE Proposed Rule Stage Clean Water Act Section 401: Water Quality Certification for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Projects 0710-AB27
DOD/COE Proposed Rule Stage Procedures for Implementing the National Environmental Policy Act Under the Civil Works Program 0710-AB28
DOD/COE Proposed Rule Stage Floodplain Management Services Program Establishment of Fees for Cost Recovery 0710-AB33
DOD/COE Proposed Rule Stage Cost-Sharing Requirements Under the Ability to Pay Provision 0710-AB34
DOD/COE Proposed Rule Stage Reissuance and Modification of Nationwide Permits 0710-AB56
DOD/COE Proposed Rule Stage Credit Assistance for Water Resources Infrastructure Projects 0710-AB58
DOD/COE Final Rule Stage Natural Disaster Procedures: Preparedness, Response, and Recovery Activities of the Corps of Engineers 0710-AA78
DOD/COE Final Rule Stage USACE Agency Specific Procedures to Implement the Principles, Requirements, and Guidelines for Federal Investments in Water Resources 0710-AB41
DOD/COE Final Rule Stage Appendix C Procedures for the Protection of Historic Properties 0710-AB46
DOD/COE Final Rule Stage Civil Monetary Penalty Inflation Adjustment Rule (2025) 0710-AB57
DOD/DODOASHA Proposed Rule Stage Collection From Third Party Payers of Reasonable Charges for Healthcare Services; Amendment 0720-AB87
DOD/DODOASHA Proposed Rule Stage TRICARE Clarification of Medical Necessity and Other Program Requirements 0720-AB90
DOD/DODOASHA Final Rule Stage Reserve and Guard Family Member Benefits; Early Eligibility TRICARE and Transitional Assistance Management Program for Certain RC Members; Extended TRICARE Program Coverage for Certain NG Members 0720-AB76
DOD/DODOASHA Final Rule Stage TRICARE Coverage of Clinical Trials and Termination of Expanded Access Treatments 0720-AB83
DOD/DODOASHA Final Rule Stage Enrollment Fee and Cost Sharing Under TRICARE Prime and Select for Retirees and Their Dependents 0720-AB84
DOD/DODOASHA Final Rule Stage Expanding TRICARE Access to Care in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic 0720-AB85
DOD/DARC Proposed Rule Stage Contractor Personnel Supporting U.S. Armed Forces Outside the United States (DFARS Case 2016-D021) 0750-AJ14
DOD/DARC Proposed Rule Stage Contractor Business Systems (DFARS Case 2017-D021) 0750-AJ30
DOD/DARC Proposed Rule Stage Disclosure of Information Regarding Foreign Obligations (DFARS Case 2018-D064) 0750-AK23
DOD/DARC Proposed Rule Stage Preference for Commercial Construction Services (DFARS Case 2019-D034) 0750-AK72
DOD/DARC Proposed Rule Stage Uniform Use of Line Items (DFARS Case 2019-D038) 0750-AK78
DOD/DARC Proposed Rule Stage Negotiation of Price for Technical Data and Preference for Specially Negotiated Licenses (DFARS Case 2018-D071) 0750-AK79
DOD/DARC Proposed Rule Stage Rights in Technical Data (DFARS Case 2019-D044) 0750-AK82
DOD/DARC Proposed Rule Stage Limitation on Communications Systems Lacking Certain Resiliency Features (DFARS Case 2020-D023) 0750-AL09
DOD/DARC Proposed Rule Stage Modular Open Systems Approaches (DFARS Case 2021-D005) 0750-AL24
DOD/DARC Proposed Rule Stage Mitigating Risks Related to Foreign Ownership, Control, or Influence (DFARS Case 2021-D011) 0750-AL30
DOD/DARC Proposed Rule Stage Limitations on Awards to Entities Operating Certain Communication Networks (DFARS Case 2021-D024) 0750-AL42
DOD/DARC Proposed Rule Stage Beneficial Ownership Information Requirements (DFARS Case 2021-D026) 0750-AL44
DOD/DARC Proposed Rule Stage Cost and Software Data Reporting for Major Weapon Systems (DFARS Case 2021-D028) 0750-AL47
DOD/DARC Proposed Rule Stage Technology Protection Features Activities (DFARS Case 2022-D005) 0750-AL56
DOD/DARC Proposed Rule Stage Modifications to Printed Circuit Board Acquisition Restrictions (DFARS Case 2022-D011) 0750-AL62
DOD/DARC Proposed Rule Stage Restriction on DoD Procurement of Certain Items Containing Perfluoroalkyl or Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (DFARS Case 2023-D002) 0750-AL75
DOD/DARC Proposed Rule Stage Procurement Requirements for Rare Earth Elements and Strategic Critical Materials (DFARS Case 2023-D003) 0750-AL76
DOD/DARC Proposed Rule Stage Treatment of Certain Clauses Implementing Executive Orders (DFARS Case 2023-D008) 0750-AL81
DOD/DARC Proposed Rule Stage Prohibition on Procurement of Foreign-Made Unmanned Aircraft Systems (DFARS Case 2023-D012) 0750-AL85
DOD/DARC Proposed Rule Stage Acquisitions for Foreign Military Sales and Transportation (DFARS Case 2023-D016) 0750-AL90
DOD/DARC Proposed Rule Stage Information Technology, Cybersecurity, and Cyber-related Contract Training and Certification Requirements (DFARS Case 2023-D021) 0750-AL95
DOD/DARC Proposed Rule Stage Department of Defense Catalog Data Standard (DFARS Case 2023-D019) 0750-AL96
DOD/DARC Proposed Rule Stage Open Market Micro-purchase Representation (DFARS Case 2023-D018) 0750-AL97
DOD/DARC Proposed Rule Stage Inflation Adjustment of Acquisition-Related Thresholds (DFARS Case 2024-D002) 0750-AL99
DOD/DARC Proposed Rule Stage Disclosure of DoD Funding in Technical Publications (DFARS Case 2024-D003) 0750-AM00
DOD/DARC Proposed Rule Stage Commercial Product or Commercial Service Determination Documentation (DFARS Case 2024-D008) 0750-AM05
DOD/DARC Proposed Rule Stage Restrictions on Certain Aerospace-Grade Metals (DFARS Case 2024-D010) 0750-AM07
DOD/DARC Proposed Rule Stage Limitation on Procurement of Certain Batteries (DFARS Case 2024-D011) 0750-AM08
DOD/DARC Proposed Rule Stage Prohibition on Procurement Related to Chinese Military Companies (DFARS Case 2024-D012) 0750-AM09
DOD/DARC Proposed Rule Stage Small Purchase Exception for the Acquisition of U.S. Flags (DFARS Case 2024-D013) 0750-AM10
DOD/DARC Proposed Rule Stage Exception for Restriction on Certain Metal Products (DFARS Case 2024-D014) 0750-AM11
DOD/DARC Proposed Rule Stage Prohibition Regarding Russian Fossil Fuel and Fossil Fuel Business Operations (DFARS Case 2024-D015) 0750-AM12
DOD/DARC Proposed Rule Stage Earned Value Management System (DFARS Case 2024-D017) 0750-AM14
DOD/DARC Proposed Rule Stage Prohibition on the Transfer of Certain Data of Employees of the Department of Defense to Third Parties (DFARS Case 2024- D018) 0750-AM15
DOD/DARC Proposed Rule Stage Certification Requirement for Military Recruitment Advertising (DFARS Case 2024-D022) 0750-AM19
DOD/DARC Proposed Rule Stage 8(a) Program (DFARS Case 2024-D025) 0750-AM22
DOD/DARC Proposed Rule Stage Updates to the Safeguarding Covered Defense Information and Cyber Incident Reporting Clause (DFARS Case 2023-D024) 0750-AM24
DOD/DARC Final Rule Stage Assessing Contractor Implementation of Cybersecurity Requirements (DFARS Case 2019-D041) 0750-AK81
DOD/DARC Final Rule Stage Small Business Innovation Research Program Data Rights (DFARS Case 2019-D043) 0750-AK84
DOD/DARC Final Rule Stage Use of DoD Program Nomenclature (DFARS Case 2021-D002) 0750-AL21
DOD/DARC Final Rule Stage Definition of Material Weakness (DFARS Case 2021-D006) 0750-AL25
DOD/DARC Final Rule Stage Public Access to Results of Federally Funded Research (DFARS Case 2020-D028) 0750-AL43
DOD/DARC Final Rule Stage DoD Cost or Pricing Data Reporting Requirements (DFARS Case 2022-D004) 0750-AL55
DOD/DARC Final Rule Stage Update of Challenge Period for Validation of Asserted Restrictions on Technical Data and Computer Software (DFARS Case 2022-D016) 0750-AL67
DOD/DARC Final Rule Stage NIST SP 800-171 DoD Assessment Requirements (DFARS Case 2022-D017) 0750-AL68
DOD/DARC Final Rule Stage Task Order and Delivery Order Contracting for Architectural and Engineering Services (DFARS Case 2023-D007) 0750-AL80
DOD/DARC Final Rule Stage Notification for Contractor Employee Complainants (DFARS Case 2023-D020) 0750-AL91
DOD/DARC Final Rule Stage Preventing Conflicts of Interest for Certain Consulting Services (DFARS Case 2024-D007) 0750-AM04
DOD/DARC Final Rule Stage Disclosure of Greenhouse Gas Emissions (DFARS Case 2024-D021) 0750-AM18
DOD/DARC Final Rule Stage Limitation on Certain Institutes of Higher Education (DFARS Case 2024-D023) 0750-AM20
DOD/OS Proposed Rule Stage Review of Energy Project Mission Obstructions 0790-AK76
DOD/OS Proposed Rule Stage Privacy Act of 1974; Implementation (Restricted Sexual Assault Serial Offender Database (CATCH), N05580-2) 0790-AL45
DOD/OS Proposed Rule Stage Privacy Act of 1974; Implementation (Recruitment and Accession Records, DoD-00XX) 0790-AL47
DOD/OS Proposed Rule Stage Privacy Act of 1974; Implementation (Defense Corrections System and Parole Board Records, DoD-00XX) 0790-AL55
DOD/OS Proposed Rule Stage Privacy Act of 1974; Implementation (Defense Health Agency Suspension and Department Records, EDHA 27) 0790-AL59
DOD/OS Proposed Rule Stage Privacy Act of 1974; Implementation (Defense Family Advocacy Program Records, DoD-00XX) 0790-AL65
DOD/OS Proposed Rule Stage Privacy Act of 1974; Implementation (Counterintelligence Investigations and Collection, DoD-00XX) 0790-AL67
DOD/OS Proposed Rule Stage Privacy Act of 1974; Implementation (Department of Defense Readiness Reporting (DDRS) Records, DPR 30 DoD) 0790-AL73
DOD/OS Proposed Rule Stage DoD Privacy Program; Amendment 0790-AL76
DOD/OS Proposed Rule Stage Privacy Act of 1974; Implementation (Defense Sexual Assault Incident Database, DHRA-06) 0790-AL80
DOD/OS Proposed Rule Stage Privacy Act of 1974; Implementation (USNA Applicants, Candidates and Midshipmen Records, NM01531-1) 0790-AL81
DOD/OS Final Rule Stage Solicitation Provisions and Contract Clauses 0790-AK52
DOD/OS Final Rule Stage Commissary Credit and Debit Card User Fee 0790-AK92
DOD/OS Final Rule Stage Transactions Other Than Contracts, Grants, or Cooperative Agreements for Prototype Projects 0790-AK98
DOD/OS Final Rule Stage Privacy Act of 1974; Implementation (Military Human Resource Records, DoD-0020) 0790-AL30
DOD/OS Final Rule Stage National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM); Second Amendment 0790-AL52
DOD/OS Final Rule Stage Definitions of Gold Star Family and Gold Star Survivor 0790-AL56
DOD/OS Final Rule Stage DoD Discharge Appeal Review Board (DARB) 0790-AL57
DOD/OS Final Rule Stage Stars and Stripes Media Organization 0790-AL63
DOD/OS Final Rule Stage Privacy Act of 1974; Implementation (Army Safety Management Program Records (ASMPR)) 0790-AL66
DOD/OS Final Rule Stage DoD Assistance to Non-Government, Entertainment-Oriented Media Productions 0790-AL71
DOD/OS Final Rule Stage Privacy Act of 1974; Rule Rescindment 0790-AL79
DOD/OS Final Rule Stage Civil Monetary Penalty Inflation Adjustment 0790-AL82